Mechanics difficulties - acceleration

In summary: and t must change into seconds (something u didnt do when posting ur first equation in ur first post).
  • #1
Hey, I came across this site on one of my many google searchs on my quest to solve this problem, and was hoping someone could help me out.

The following word problem is the one I am trying to solve:

An object is dropped from 100 feet up. Negating wind resistance, calculate the time it took for the object to hit the ground.

What I know is as follows:
x = 100 feet
a = -9.8m/s^2
v_o = 0m/s.

The formula I have tried is 100 = v_o + 0.5(-9.8t). Obviously, it's the wrong formula as I get the wrong answer everytime (the answer I get is 6.1 or 6.2 seconds, can't remember at the moment). I chose that formula because it doesn't require the final velocity at the bottom. I suspect I need to find the final velocity, but I don't know how to go about that.

Any help would be appreciated!

BTW, I registered earlier with the name "Micah," but it never sent me an activation e-mail. Not sure if that's a problem with my e-mail provider (AOL, yay) or the forum. If possible, I'd rather use "Micah" rather than Micah18, so if the admin could resend the activation e-mail (if that is even possible) that would be nice.
Physics news on
  • #2
Originally posted by Micah18
The formula I have tried is 100 = v_o + 0.5(-9.8t). Obviously, it's the wrong formula as I get the wrong answer everytime (the answer I get is 6.1 or 6.2 seconds, can't remember at the moment).
Try this formula: [tex]x=x_0+v_0t+\frac{1}{2}at^2[/tex]

Be sure to use a consistent sign convention.
  • #3
I will try that tomorrow.

Sorry if I am a bit slow, but what do you mean by consistent sign convention?
  • #4
Make sure that either + always means upwards or that + always means downwards.
  • #5
Ah yes, will do.
  • #6

In general, I always find it useful that when g = 9.8m/s^2, and there is no air etc and you just drop something, you can just use.
The derivation is pretty simple, but it is a nifty reference when you are in a time bind.
  • #7
It goes without saying that u must change feet into metres (something u didnt do when posting ure first equation in ure first post)

FAQ: Mechanics difficulties - acceleration

What is acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change of an object's velocity over time. It is a vector quantity, which means it has both magnitude (speed) and direction.

What causes acceleration?

Acceleration is caused by a net force acting on an object. This force can come from sources such as gravity, friction, or applied forces.

How is acceleration calculated?

Acceleration is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the change in time. The formula for acceleration is a = (vf - vi) / t, where vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity, and t is the time interval.

What are some difficulties in understanding acceleration?

One common difficulty in understanding acceleration is the concept of negative acceleration, which is also known as deceleration. This occurs when an object is slowing down, but still has a negative acceleration value. Another difficulty can be understanding the relationship between acceleration and velocity, as they are closely related but not the same.

How can mechanics difficulties with acceleration be overcome?

To overcome difficulties with acceleration, it is important to have a strong understanding of the basic concepts of motion, such as velocity, displacement, and forces. Practice problems and visual aids, such as graphs and diagrams, can also help clarify the relationship between acceleration and other quantities. Seeking help from a teacher or tutor can also be beneficial in understanding the concept of acceleration.
