X-ray Mirror to be used by telescope

You are correct, there is no currently existing material that acts like a mirror under x-rays. Scientists have developed a design called the Wolter telescope, which uses a combination of parabola and hyperbola mirrors to focus x-rays. However, there is still an issue with off-axis rays causing blurring. The solution to this problem is to layer the mirrors, as seen in the XMM Newton telescope. This allows for more x-rays to be collected and also helps to block off-axis rays from hitting the point where the two mirrors join. This method has potential to improve the focusing of x-rays and make them more useful for scientific research.
  • #1
Hey all!,
I'm working on a project in which I have to design the shape of a mirror to focus X-rays. This is basically what I've done so far so far.

I've found that if you use a parabola mirror it will focus parallal rays, but not off-axis ones. If you then add a second mirror in the form of a hyperbola mirror it will also focus paralellel rays but not off-axis rays. This is the problem. From my research I know that in practice scientists use a design develped by Hans Wolter. What he did was stick a parabola onto a hyperbola mirror, but I can't work out how he got rid of the blurring. I've came up with an idea but I'm not sure if its correct, I was wondering if anyone here who knows anything about this subject can help me out.

Heres my method for getting rid of the blur:

I have devived an equation giving the point at which rays cross the focal plane:

y(c) = (Pheta)x(a)[x(b) - L] / x(b)

Where L equals the focus point of the two mirros combined, Pheta is the angle by which the ray if off axis, x(a) is the point the ray hits the parabola mirror, and x(b) is the point the ray hits the hyperbola, y(c) is where the ray crosses the focal plane.

A ray hitting the front of the parabola mirror will focus at the point:

x(a) = x(1) = x(2) + (delta)x(1) = 2L + (delta)x(1)

So, y(c) = (pheta)L[1 + (delta)x(1)/2L - (delta)x(2)/2L] eqn (1)

Where, (delta)x(1) = length of the parabola mirror, (delta)x(2) = length of the hyperbola mirror. We have also set the point at which the two mirrors join equal to 2L.

If the rays are to focus equation(1) must equal zero:

y(c) = (Pheta)L[ 1 + ... - ...] = 0

For this to happen either Pheta must equal zero, in other words, the rays must be parallel, which I've already proven. Or, the sum of everything inside the square brackets must equal zero:

1+ (delta)x(1)/2L - (delta)x(2)/2L = 0

The only way this can happen is if:

(delta)x(1)/2L - (delta)x(2)/2L = -1

When you rearrange this equation you find that:

(delta)x(1) = (delta)x(2) - x(2) and (delta)x(2) = (delta)x(1) + x(2)

So, (delta)x(2) - (delta)x(1) = x(2)

Where (delta)x(1), is the length of the parabola mirror, and (delta)x(2) is the length of the hyperbola mirror and x(2) is the point at which the two mirrors join.

Therefore, if we set the mirrors lengths so that the diffence in the length between the two mirrors is equal to the point at which the two mirrors join the rays should focus. Example - If we set x(2) equal to 2L, then that would mean that the length of the hyperbola mirror must be longer than the parabola mirror by 2L.

This will focus rays hitting the front of the parabola mirror and I asume will work for rays hitting all parts of the mirror, apart form the point at which the two mirrors meet.
For the back of the parabola mirror, the point at which the two mirrors join, x(2):

x(a) = x(b) = x(2) = 2L
Since we have set x(2) = 2L.

So, y(c) = (pheta)L eqn (2) for the back of the parabola mirror.
The only way eqn(2) will equal zero (focus), is if pheta = 0 , in other words only for parallel rays. Off axis rays will cause a blur. To get round this problem you can layer the mirrors like in the XMM Newton, this will collect more X-rays, but can also be used to block rays hitting the point x(2) off axis.

Thanks for your time and reading all of this, hope I made it clear enough.
Thanks James.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There is no currently existing material that acts like a mirror under x-rays.
  • #3
Nickidemic said:
There is no currently existing material that acts like a mirror under x-rays.
Please don't necropost to these old threads. The OP was posted almost ten years ago!

FAQ: X-ray Mirror to be used by telescope

1. How does an X-ray mirror work?

An X-ray mirror works by reflecting and focusing X-ray photons from a source onto a detector. Unlike traditional mirrors that use a smooth surface to reflect visible light, X-ray mirrors have a series of nested shells or layers that are coated with a special material to reflect X-rays at very shallow angles.

2. Why are X-ray mirrors used in telescopes?

X-ray mirrors are used in telescopes because they are necessary for capturing and studying high-energy X-rays from celestial objects. These X-rays cannot be focused or reflected by traditional mirrors, so X-ray mirrors are essential for X-ray telescopes to produce clear images and data.

3. What materials are used to make X-ray mirrors?

The most commonly used material for making X-ray mirrors is a thin layer of metal, such as gold or nickel, which is deposited onto a lightweight substrate material, such as glass or plastic. The metal is then coated with a thin layer of a special material, such as iridium or platinum, to improve its X-ray reflectivity.

4. How are X-ray mirrors produced and tested?

X-ray mirrors are produced using precision polishing and coating techniques. The mirrors are also tested extensively using X-ray sources in a specialized X-ray test facility. This process ensures that the mirrors are perfectly shaped and coated to properly reflect X-rays onto the telescope's detector.

5. What are the advantages of X-ray mirrors in telescopes?

The main advantage of X-ray mirrors in telescopes is their ability to reflect and focus X-rays, which allows for the study of high-energy phenomena in space. X-ray mirrors also have the advantage of being lightweight and compact, making it possible to build large telescopes with multiple nested mirrors. They also have a longer lifespan compared to other telescope components, making them a cost-effective choice for long-term use.
