Who would win in a fight between .

  • Thread starter cmdr_sponge
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I'd say Ghandi. I mean, he'd be all like "I am not the doer, I am not the doer," and Norton would be all like "oh, yeah? *crunch* gonna beat you senseless now, see how you like that?" and Ghandi would still be all like "I am not the doer, I am not the doer," but he'd be winning. Originally posted by Zantra Which one is the cat again? I vote for the cat. Stupid cartoons always get that wrong.Edward Norton Vs Ghandi(I couldn't resist)Originally posted by Monique I was thinking more along the lines of G
  • #1
who would win in a fight between...

just had this idea for a thread (actually i copied it from something that started in another thread).

who would win in a fight between batman and superman?

answer and another question if u wouldn't mind
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Batman wins, hands down. He hits Superman with some kryptonite, and it is ovah.

How about Hulk vs Thor?
  • #3
Thor's a god. (at least from Norse mythology) Hulk is a guy painted green. Go figure.

Zero vs Russ_watters?
(now let's see who can get here the fastest...)
  • #4
That's easy...I win, of course!

(Of course, he'll say I cheated and edited his posts so I win, but I would never do that...would I?!?)
  • #5
Christopher Reeves vs Stephen Hawking
  • #6
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
Christopher Reeves vs Stephen Hawking

In a wheelchair race, Stephen Hawking would win hands down.

  • #7
Jenny McCarthy vs Pamela Anderson in a cat fight... involving mud of course?

  • #8
Originally posted by eNtRopY
Jenny McCarthy vs Pamela Anderson in a cat fight... involving mud of course?


First you'd have to define "winning", as I think the real winners are in the audience .

Who'd win between Spiderman and Magneto (please remember that Magneto needn't be able to move his body, in order to move metal)?
  • #9
Originally posted by Mentat
First you'd have to define "winning", as I think the real winners are in the audience .

Who'd win between Spiderman and Magneto (please remember that Magneto needn't be able to move his body, in order to move metal)?

I'd say Spidey by a hair...he's a scientific genius, and he'd figure out a way to negate Magneto's superior power.
  • #10
Originally posted by Zero
I'd say Spidey by a hair...he's a scientific genius, and he'd figure out a way to negate Magneto's superior power.


So what's your next question?
  • #11
Originally posted by Mentat
So what's your next question?

The Bad News Bears versus the Detroit Tigers?

  • #12

pot noddles vs. baked beans
  • #13
Pot noodle all the way!

Mario or Sonic?
  • #14
I may be biased, but I'd have to vote mario.

How about, Bill Clinton vs Lil Bush?
  • #15
Well, bush jr is pretty fit, so, unless Clinto confuses him with his charm, i'd say that it's bush, as much as I hate to admit it...

Steve Erkel vs Screech (from Saved By The Bell)
  • #16
Erkel. He's not a geek in real life, and Screech is.

Alien or Predator?
  • #17
Alien or Predator?
If It's one on one, the predator will easily kill the alien. The only time predators have problems is when they are swarmed. Atleast this is how it works in the books.

Robin Hood or Zoro?
  • #18
Ooooh, that's a toughie. "The Man in Tights" vs. "The Gay Blade". Hmmm... Well, between the two of them, I go for Robin Hood. Let Zorro try to carve a "Z" in Robin's arrow.

Wladimir or Vitaly?

(Klitschko, that is)
  • #19
Originally posted by Tom
Ooooh, that's a toughie. "The Man in Tights" vs. "The Gay Blade". Hmmm... Well, between the two of them, I go for Robin Hood. Let Zorro try to carve a "Z" in Robin's arrow.

Wladimir or Vitaly?

(Klitschko, that is)

We'll never know, they promised their Momma not to fight each other:wink:

Hillary or Laura?
  • #20
Hillary--she's a politician, come on. She knows how to fight dirty.

The Quake/Doom Guy vs Duke Nukem
  • #22
Koolaid guy busts through walls...he'd murdalize the leprechaun!

Joe Camel of the Marlboro Man?
  • #23
Originally posted by Zero
Joe Camel of the Marlboro Man?

Joe Camel based on stamina. The Marlboro Man died of lung cancer; Joe Camel is still enjoying the smooth taste of fine American tobacco.

The Cure versus DePeche Mode?

  • #24
Originally posted by eNtRopY
Joe Camel based on stamina. The Marlboro Man died of lung cancer; Joe Camel is still enjoying the smooth taste of fine American tobacco.

Actually, it's a "domestic and Turkish blend", according to the box.

The Cure versus DePeche Mode?

It would end in a draw, and they would end up doing each other's hair.

Mr. Clean or Brawny Paper Towel Man?
  • #25
Mr. Clean seems all show and no go, what's up with his ear ring? The Brawny man looks rugged like he's wrestled a few bears in his life. I say Brawny man.

Mary Kate or Ashley Olsen? =]
  • #26
Gee that's a tough one... what if we can't tell them apart? :wink:

Here's an interesting one... Jennifer Granholm or Tom Daschle?
  • #27
Originally posted by eNtRopY
Jenny McCarthy vs Pamela Anderson in a cat fight... involving mud of course?


Either of them could whip up on me with those big boobs and tight buns. HE! HE! HE! maybe I could give them a lil Dxtra to remember whose king of the ring!
Dx :wink:
  • #28
pepsi vs coke
  • #29
Coke wins hands down, if its "original" formula.

The crackpots at Sciforums vs. the Physicsforums crackpots?
  • #30
Originally posted by On Radioactive Waves
Coke wins hands down, if its "original" formula.

The crackpots at Sciforums vs. the Physicsforums crackpots?

Physicsforums crackpots of course. Nobody is more dangerous than a group of physicists. :wink:

An irresistible force and an immovable object?
  • #31
the irresistable force would attract the imovable object but seeing as it can't be moved the force would be attracted to it and the two would coalesce to form an irresistable imovable object, destroying the universe.

no winner

tom vs jerry
  • #32
Which one is the cat again? I vote for the cat. Stupid cartoons always get that wrong.

Edward Norton Vs Ghandi
  • #33
ghandi cus he's due a violent outburst

kurt cobain vs john lennon
  • #34
Originally posted by cmdr_sponge
ghandi cus he's due a violent outburst

kurt cobain vs john lennon

Ah heck, their both dead, but I'll go for Cobain.

Dave Draiman (lead singer of Disturbed) vs. Rob Zombie.
  • #35
Originally posted by Another God
Edward Norton Vs Ghandi

my, my! we do have a lot of Fight Club fans here. good to know it's accepted in such an intellectual community.

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