[PROBABILITY] Conditional probability for random variable

So, I found f_h knowing thatx = ..y = ..and x>yorin terms of u and v (used u for h and v for g)v>sqrt(u)/2So you mean that I can just "plug in" the limits of x and y in f_hg and that's it?But how do I get rid of the sqrt?I don't know if you can do that with the limits I gave you. I am not sure. You probably can but can't see it. I just found f_g and f_h and them multiplied it. So, it's not f_gh. But yeah, I think you can plug in limits for x and y
  • #1

Homework Statement

X and Y two independent random variables with distribution U(0, 1/2). Find the density of (X + Y)2|X - Y > 0

The Attempt at a Solution

I was hoping this would be simpler, but somehow I always end up with nothing.

The only thing I can work out just fine is that P(X - Y > 0) = 1/2.

Then I tried to find the conditional probability with P((X + Y)2|X - Y > 0) = P((X + Y)2, X - Y > 0)/P(X - Y > 0), and then stop dead.

Any guidance here? Because I have to do many of these problems.
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  • #2
X and Y are uniformly distributed between 0 and 0.5

density of x-y>0, x>y is just 1/2*uniform density which is 1/0.5*0.5

for finding density of (x+y)^2 AND x-y>0
define one random variables
h = (x+y)^2
g = (x-y)^2

Using Jocbian find f_hg, and then using appropriate limits (x-y>0 and 0 and 0.5) find f_h

The conditional will be just be f_h/2

I am hoping that should work.
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  • #3
It isn't so easy to find the Jacobian, since the inverse transformation is quite complicated. Unless I can just factor like this:

g = (X+Y)2 ------> g1/2 = X+Y.

But I would lose information, wouldn't I?
  • #4
OK, if I can do what I just did, I find that

fhg = fxy((g1/2+h1/2)/2, (g1/2-h1/2)/2)/|-1/(8(hg)1/2)| = 8 (hg)1/2, if 0<(g1/2+h1/2)/2<1/2 and 0<(g1/2-h1/2)/2<1/2.

Now, I don't understand what you say about taking apropriate limits considering x-y>0 to find f_h.
  • #5
Also, why did you choose those two random variables to do the Jacobian? Why is g that way?
  • #6
Two multiple random variables you need a pseudo variable to take Jacobian (pg 7 and 8):

That's one the methods to solve. G(x,y) can be anything. In the end you will get same f_H.

Also, Note that |J_gh| = 1/|J_xy|

When I said limits, I meant to find f_H you need to integrate f_GH and you need limits for that definite integral. That's what I meant by those limits.

There are other approaches but I only use above for majority of the times.
  • #7
No, I know about the Jacobian method. I meant, how did you come up with h = (X-Y)2 to make the transformation one-to-one?
  • #8
libelec said:
No, I know about the Jacobian method. I meant, how did you come up with h = (X-Y)2 to make the transformation one-to-one?

Randomly picked, h =x+y might have been easier
  • #9
But I can't randomly pick any given variable, I could end up with a 2-to-1 or 3-to-1 function.

Anyway, I'm having troubles setting up the limits of the function f_HG (that is, where it isn't zero).

I have that h is in [0,1] and g is in [0,1/4]. Then, with the inverse transformation and considering that both X and Y are uniform in (0, 1/2):

0< (g1/2 + h1/2)/2 < 1/2
0< (g1/2 - h1/2)/2 < 1/2


0< g1/2 + h1/2 < 1
0< g1/2 - h1/2 < 1

-h1/2< g1/2 < 1 - h1/2
h1/2< g1/2 < 1 + h1/2

I can see that this ultimately tells me that

-h1/2< g1/2 < 1 + h1/2

But how do I get rid of the sqrt?
  • #10
Do you have the answer?
I managed to get
1/4 (1/sqrt(u)-1)
I found it bit simpler to solve without any complicated equations..

I don't understand
But I can't randomly pick any given variable, I could end up with a 2-to-1 or 3-to-1 function.
  • #11
rootX said:
Do you have the answer?
I managed to get
1/4 (1/sqrt(u)-1)
I found it bit simpler to solve without any complicated equations..

How did you do that?

This is what I did: I need the inverse transformation first (the one that turns h and g into x and y).

g = (X+Y)2 ----------> g1/2 = X+Y
h = (X-Y)2 ----------> h1/2 = X-Y

g1/2 + h1/2 = 2X ----------> X = (g1/2 + h1/2)/2
g1/2 - h1/2 = 2Y ----------> Y = (g1/2 - h1/2)/2

Which ends this. The Jacobian is then -1/(8h1/2g1/2) and so:

fHG(h,g) = fXY ((g1/2 + h1/2)/2, (g1/2 - h1/2)/2)*(1/(8h1/2g1/2)).

Since fXY is uniform (4), all I have is 1/(2h1/2g1/2).

And I couldn't work the limits out.

How did you get to that result so fast?
  • #12
libelec said:
How did you do that?

This is what I did: I need the inverse transformation first (the one that turns h and g into x and y).

g = (X+Y)2 ----------> g1/2 = X+Y
h = (X-Y)2 ----------> h1/2 = X-Y

g1/2 + h1/2 = 2X ----------> X = (g1/2 + h1/2)/2
g1/2 - h1/2 = 2Y ----------> Y = (g1/2 - h1/2)/2

Which ends this. The Jacobian is then -1/(8h1/2g1/2) and so:

fHG(h,g) = fXY ((g1/2 + h1/2)/2, (g1/2 - h1/2)/2)*(1/(8h1/2g1/2)).

Since fXY is uniform (4), all I have is 1/(2h1/2g1/2).

And I couldn't work the limits out.

How did you get to that result so fast?

Using the assumption that other random variable can be defined as x.
h = (x+y)^2
g = x

|J_xy| = |-2 (x+y)|
|J_hg| = 1/ (2(x+y))

Joinit distribution:
f_gh = f_xy/[2(x+y)]
f_gh = 2/[2(x+y)] {Using 2 for f_xy, it should be 8 I believe 1/(0.5*0.5*0.5) given x>y distribution doubles}
= 1/(x+y)
= 1/sqrt(h)

Marginal distribution:
x = v
y = sqrt(u)-v

f_h = integrate f_gh from sqrt(u)/2 to 1/2
  • #13
rootX said:
Marginal distribution:
x = v
y = sqrt(u)-v

f_h = integrate f_gh from sqrt(u)/2 to 1/2

That I didn't understand. What did you mean with that?
  • #14
libelec said:
That I didn't understand. What did you mean with that?
You are not interested in f_gh but only in f_h. So, I found f_h knowing that
x = ..
y = ..
and x>y
in terms of u and v (used u for h and v for g)

FAQ: [PROBABILITY] Conditional probability for random variable

What is conditional probability?

Conditional probability is the probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred. It is denoted by P(A|B), where A is the first event and B is the second event.

How is conditional probability calculated?

Conditional probability is calculated by dividing the probability of the joint occurrence of both events (P(A∩B)) by the probability of the first event (P(A)). This can be written as P(A|B) = P(A∩B) / P(A).

What is the relationship between conditional probability and independence?

If two events are independent, then the conditional probability of one event given the other event is equal to the unconditional probability of the first event. However, if two events are not independent, then the conditional probability will be different from the unconditional probability.

How is conditional probability used in real life?

Conditional probability is used in many different fields, including finance, medicine, and marketing. For example, in finance, conditional probability can be used to calculate the likelihood of an investment succeeding given certain market conditions. In medicine, it can be used to calculate the probability of a patient having a certain disease based on their symptoms. In marketing, it can be used to determine the likelihood of a customer buying a product based on their demographics.

What is the difference between conditional probability and joint probability?

Conditional probability calculates the likelihood of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred, while joint probability calculates the likelihood of both events occurring simultaneously. Conditional probability is represented by P(A|B), while joint probability is represented by P(A∩B).
