Prove F isomorphic to the field of rational numbers

In summary, the conversation is about finding an isomorphism between the field of fractions of even integers and the field of rational numbers, and determining the required mapping for this isomorphism. The person is also seeking clarification on the operations and properties that need to be considered in proving the isomorphism.
  • #1
Sorry for so many questions. This is the second-to-last problem in the last homework.

I don't think I even understand the question. I know what a group isomorphism is. How does it relate to the field of quotients of ring E of all even integers. How do I show F is isomorphic to the field of rational numbers? What's the mapping from E to the rationals?
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  • #2
Hi shackleford! :smile:

So, we are dealing with the space F, which is the field of fractions of the even integers. So all elements in F have the form (a,b) with a,b even and with [itex]b\neq 0[/itex].

The first thing we'll have to do is to find the candidate isomorphism, then we have to prove that it is an isomorphism.

Now, we need an isomorphism. So we need to map each element (a,b) in F to a rational number. Do you see an easy way to make (a,b) into a rational number?
  • #3
Is the work I wrote down correct so far?

I wrote down S as the set of all ordered pairs (a,b) with a and b from the set of all even integers.

I then wrote down Q as the quotient field of all equivalence classes of [a,b] with (a,b) from S.

So, I need to create a mapping that is isomorphic. Could I simply do the fraction (a,b) to a/b? What operations do I consider in determining if it's isomorphic?
  • #4
Shackleford said:
Is the work I wrote down correct so far?

I wrote down S as the set of all ordered pairs (a,b) with a and b from the set of all even integers.

I then wrote down Q as the quotient field of all equivalence classes of [a,b] with (a,b) from S.

Yes, so far it's all ok!

So, I need to create a mapping that is isomorphic. Could I simply do the fraction a/b?

Yes, that is the required isomorphism. So, you need to show that the map is
- well-defined (so, for example 2/4 gets sent to the same element as 4/8)
- injective
- surjective
- f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)
- f(xy)=f(x)f(y)

FAQ: Prove F isomorphic to the field of rational numbers

What does it mean for two mathematical structures to be isomorphic?

Two mathematical structures are considered isomorphic if there exists a bijective function between them that preserves the structure and operations of the two structures.

How can F be proven to be isomorphic to the field of rational numbers?

In order to prove that F is isomorphic to the field of rational numbers, we must show that there exists a bijective function between the two structures that preserves the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

What are the implications of F being isomorphic to the field of rational numbers?

If F is isomorphic to the field of rational numbers, this means that the two structures are essentially the same and have the same algebraic properties. This can help us to better understand the structure of F and make connections between F and other mathematical concepts.

What is the significance of proving F isomorphic to the field of rational numbers?

Proving that F is isomorphic to the field of rational numbers allows us to extend our understanding and knowledge of rational numbers to the structure F. It also helps to establish a connection between the two structures, which can be useful in various mathematical applications and proofs.

Are there any challenges or limitations in proving F isomorphic to the field of rational numbers?

One potential challenge in proving F isomorphic to the field of rational numbers is finding the appropriate bijective function and showing that it preserves the operations of both structures. Additionally, there may be certain limitations based on the specific properties and operations of F that may make it difficult to establish isomorphism with the field of rational numbers.

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