Modal logic K4: strong box quantifier

  • Thread starter nomadreid
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    Box Logic
In summary: Smorynski has a nice overview of K4 here:In summary, K4 is a sound system for modal logic. It has the following two axioms: Box A = Box Box A and A3 = P is provable.
  • #1
Gold Member
In an exposition about the modal logic system K4, after introducing the box "necessity" quantifier [itex]\Box[/itex] (where [itex]\Box[/itex]P is essentially that the Gödel number of P is provable), then introduces the "strong box" quantifier (I don't know how to put an s inside a box in LaTex) as:
A = A [itex]\wedge[/itex] [itex]\Box[/itex]A.
But since K4 is sound, shouldn't [itex]\Box[/itex]A imply A? In that case, I do not see the difference between box and strong box.
Thanks in advance for clearing this up. (The exposition that I am following is in Smorynski's "Self-Reference and Modal Logic")
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  • #2
It's been ages since I've looked at this stuff - as I recall, K is very weak and 4 is the principle Box A - > Box Box A. So I don't see why you think Box A should imply A.

Of course, for most natural readings of Box, it's a form of necessity, and so the principle should be true. But in this context, Box A is an abbreviation for the formula P is provable. This won't Give you that Box A implies A, or that Box A - > A is a theorem.

Indeed, if I remember right, possible world models for provability logics, the accessibility relation is not reflexive - so Box A can be true at a world while P is false at that world.

But this all a bit hazy in my brain.
  • #3
Yossell, thanks for the reply. Yes, K4 is the system (which Smorynski calls "Basic Modal Logic"), "K" plus the new axiom you mentioned (which he labels "A3") [itex]\Box[/itex]A[itex]\rightarrow[/itex][itex]\Box[/itex][itex]\Box[/itex]A.

I did not understand your comment
Box A is an abbreviation for the formula P is provable
Shouldn't that be
"Box A is an abbreviation for the formula A is provable"? Where does P come from? The same comment goes for
so Box A can be true at a world while P is false at that world.
Do you mean
"so Box A can be true at a world while A is false at that world"?
I see that you are correct in saying that the axioms of K4 do not allow
So -- and this is what puzzles me--if we interpret [itex]\Box[/itex]A as Pr("A") (the quotes being Gödel#), then we do not have soundness.
Is this correct? Can we then say that K4 is not sound?
Thanks for digging up this material out of the recesses of your past and helping me make it part of my present.
  • #4
Sorry nomadreid- I flipped between A and P a couple of times... Uhhh, I blame autocorrect. :-) It should be A throughout.

I'm not sure exactly what your worry is concerning soundness. If we're assessing K4 as a system of modal logic, then whether it is sound or not depends on the models relative to which we are defining soundness or completeness. Normally, these are possible worlds models, with a particular choice of accessibility relation.

Alternatively, the system you might have in mind is just plain old first order arithmetic, with Pr("A") just another sentence of the language. But then there is nothing new here and we just have the standard soundness and completeness results of first order logic.

Or it might be that you take the sentences Pr("A")-> A to be expressing soundness. In this sense, soundness fails here.

Now, I agree that last can seem quite shocking. Why not move to a system where Pr("A") - >A is always provable? Unfortunately, such systems are too strong - for whenever this is provable, A itself is also provable. Seeöb's_theorem

However, rather than seeing this as a failure of soundness, you can question the degree to which PA (peano arithmetic) can fully encode the concept of provability. For something is provable iff there is a *finite* number of steps, each of which is either an axiom or follows from earlier steps by a rule of inference. While PA is good at encoding and defining axiomhood and following, it is not good at expressing the concept of finitude. Indeed, it cannot express it.

Another way to see things is to remember that PA (peano arithmetic) cannot prove its own consistency (godless second incompleteness theorem) . Accordingly, the statement Pr("P and ¬P")is consistent with PA. So one can add the statement to PA and the result is a consistent theory. So Pr("P and ¬P") had better not imply "P and ¬P".

Anyway, that's my take on things. Bound to be more mistakes here - apologies in advance
  • #5
Yossell, many thanks for that analysis, which helped clear things up a lot. (I also liked your pun on "Gödel's":smile:). In particular, I had not thought about Löb's theorem, and your example of adding a contradiction to PA was a very instructive one. So, I now have more food for thought. Thanks again.
Also, I think that I was being sloppy: as you say, I took [itex]\Box[/itex]A[itex]\rightarrow[/itex]A to be a definition of soundness, and I guess I should have taken |-[itex]\Box[/itex]A[itex]\rightarrow[/itex]|-A. ("|-" is turnstile.)
  • #6
Postscript: I meant, obviously, adding the provability of a contradiction, not adding the contradiction itself.

FAQ: Modal logic K4: strong box quantifier

1. What is Modal logic K4?

Modal logic K4 is a type of modal logic, which is a formal system used to reason about modalities such as possibility, necessity, and belief. K4 is a specific variation of modal logic that includes the strong box quantifier.

2. What is the strong box quantifier in Modal logic K4?

The strong box quantifier is a logical operator that is used to express the idea of "necessary existence" in modal logic K4. It is represented by the symbol "□" and is read as "it is necessary that." This quantifier is stronger than the regular box quantifier, as it requires the proposition to hold in all possible worlds, not just the actual world.

3. How is Modal logic K4 different from other modal logics?

Modal logic K4 is a "normal" modal logic, which means that it follows the axiom schema of transitivity. This means that if a proposition is necessary in one world and that world is accessible to another world, then the proposition is also necessary in the second world. This is not always the case in other modal logics.

4. What are the applications of Modal logic K4?

Modal logic K4 has applications in various fields such as computer science, philosophy, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. It can be used to reason about and model different types of knowledge and belief, as well as to formalize and analyze arguments and reasoning processes.

5. Is Modal logic K4 a complete system?

No, Modal logic K4 is not a complete system. This means that there are valid arguments that cannot be proven using the axioms and rules of K4. However, K4 is a sound system, meaning that if an argument can be proven using its axioms and rules, then it is valid.
