The Physical Meaning of Laplacian(f) = 0 in Vector Analysis Explained - MTarek

  • Thread starter mtarek16
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In summary, the conversation discusses the definition and physical meaning of the Laplacian and its relationship to a potential function of a vector field. The Laplacian of a function at a point measures how much the function deviates from its local average, similar to the second derivative for functions of a single variable. When the Laplacian is zero, the function has no local maxima or minima and can be visualized as a saddle point on a surface. The conversation also mentions the possibility of using a graphical example to further clarify the concept.
  • #1
Hello all,

Could anyone please define the physical meaning of [Laplacian(f) = 0; f is a potential function of a vector field] ..

I don't know whether it's easy or not, but I'm a noob in vector analysis, so I thought I'd better ask :)

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  • #2
What function has 0 as its Laplace transform? Well, f=0 will work, and the inverse transforms are unique, so f=0 is the only solution. Or am I totally wrong?
  • #3
  • #4
Oops, my bad. Ignore everything I said.
  • #5
The laplacian of a function at a point, [tex]\Delta f(p)[/tex] measures how much f(p), deviates from the average of f on a small circle surrounding p. This is similar to how the second derivative measures whether a function of a single variable is concave up or concave down, except extended to functions of many variables. In a sense, it measures how much the function is "curving up" or "curving down" around a point.

If the laplacian is zero, that means that f(p) is equal to the local average of f. Imagine f as a 2D surface, and (px,py,f(p)) is a point on the surface - If the surface is curving up in one direction around p, it must be curving down in another direction. Thus functions where laplacian f is zero everywhere are ones where every point looks like a saddle point.

As a result, when the laplacian is zero, f can have no local maxima or minima - if f had a local maxima at q, then f(q) > average of f around q, which would make the laplacian nonzero.
  • #6
Thank you all ..

maze, I don't quite get it, but I understand a little bit of what you're getting at. That's satisfactory for now .. finals start in two days so I will investigate in this later.

Would appreciate it though if you, or anyone else could provide a graphical example or something to clarify it more.
  • #7
Here is a pdf I've found on the subject. Seems pretty good, and has some pictures.

FAQ: The Physical Meaning of Laplacian(f) = 0 in Vector Analysis Explained - MTarek

What is physical meaning?

Physical meaning refers to the interpretation or significance of a particular physical phenomenon or concept. It helps us understand the underlying principles and laws that govern the behavior of the physical world.

Why is understanding physical meaning important in science?

Understanding physical meaning is crucial in science because it allows us to make accurate predictions and explain observations. It also helps us develop new theories and technologies that can improve our understanding and manipulation of the physical world.

How do scientists determine the physical meaning of a phenomenon?

Scientists use a combination of empirical evidence, mathematical models, and theoretical frameworks to determine the physical meaning of a phenomenon. They conduct experiments, collect data, and analyze results to develop a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon.

Can physical meaning change over time?

Yes, physical meaning can change over time as our understanding of the physical world evolves. As new evidence and technologies emerge, our interpretation of physical phenomena may change, leading to new insights and discoveries.

Is physical meaning subjective?

No, physical meaning is not subjective. It is based on scientific evidence and can be verified through experiments and observations. However, our interpretation and understanding of physical meaning may vary based on our individual perspectives and knowledge.
