How Can Lee's Claim Be Disproved?

  • Thread starter PrudensOptimus
  • Start date
In summary: English is a funny language. In Spanish, the word for "woman" is "mujer". In French, it is "femme". The former is "mother" and the latter is "wife". That should give you a clue as to how things work.
  • #1
For Lee,
Claim: Girls &= Evil\\
Girls &= Money * Time\\
Time &= Money\\
Girls &= Money^2\\
Money &= \sqrt{Evil}\\
Girls &= \sqrt{Evil}^2 = Evil\\
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Physics news on
  • #2

but it isn't exactly systems engineering

[/mod hat]
  • #3
tru dat
  • #4
I don't get it, money isn't evil, it is those who lust for it who give it the bad name.
  • #5
You have surely heard the phrase "Money is the root of all evil" ie money is the root of evil. Of course it does not specify square root of evil it could be the cube root or an even higher power. So it is not exactly clear that total equality holds, but it sure is a good approximation.
  • #6
Yes, I have heard of the phrase, I'm not stupid, I just don't see how A)this is funny or B)how money could really be the root of all evil. Now if we are religious then we'd say that Satan is the root of al evil. But if we are thinking from a purely objective and scientific veiw, people are. It has nothing to do with the objects. For example, it's like saying weapons are the source of all murders, but one doesn't convict a weapon, it is the murderers who murder people and are responsible and should be convicted.
  • #7
Originally posted by Jonathan
Yes, I have heard of the phrase, I'm not stupid, I just don't see how A)this is funny or B)how money could really be the root of all evil. Now if we are religious then we'd say that Satan is the root of al evil. But if we are thinking from a purely objective and scientific veiw, people are. It has nothing to do with the objects. For example, it's like saying weapons are the source of all murders, but one doesn't convict a weapon, it is the murderers who murder people and are responsible and should be convicted.

jonathan, relax a bit, it was a joke :smile:
  • #8
Yes, I know, I have a stick up by butt. I also don't understand the 'For Lee' and 'QED' parts. Really, the joke went over and under my head at the same time.
  • #9
Originally posted by Jonathan
Yes, I know, I have a stick up by butt. I also don't understand the 'For Lee' and 'QED' parts. Really, the joke went over and under my head at the same time.

QED = Quod Erat Demonstandum
aprox translation = and so we have, it is demonstrated

I don't understand "For Lee" either...
  • #10
Over generalizations = evil.

(Girls=money*time)= social parasite with XX chromosome

Replace girls with boys you get...

(boys=money*time) = social parasite with XY chromosome

Assuming money*time is used in a negative connotative manner.

Otherwise, children=money*time which leads to children=evil. Thus, since children do not equal evil, then girls do not equal evil.
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  • #11
Originally posted by adrenaline
Otherwise, children=money*time which leads to children=evil. Thus, since children do not equal evil, then girls do not equal evil.

actually if children do not equal evil, then for girls not to equal evil you have to prove that children equals girls...
that's how math works... :wink:

also to be picky I can say that children = money*time*love thus children doesn't equal girls
  • #12
Originally posted by Guybrush Threepwood
actually if children do not equal evil, then for girls not to equal evil you have to prove that children equals girls...
that's how math works... :wink:

also to be picky I can say that children = money*time*love thus children doesn't equal girls

Did I also mention math is evil?
  • #13
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
For Lee,
Claim: Girls &= Evil\\
Girls &= Money * Time\\
Time &= Money\\
Girls &= Money^2\\
Money &= \sqrt{Evil}\\
Girls &= \sqrt{Evil}^2 = Evil\\

I wouldn't go as far as saying as money is evil, as Jonathan touched upon, but I would say that money can corrupt.
  • #14
Well the quote " money is the root of all evil"

Is in fact a misquote of the bible.

The correct quote if memory serves is :

"The love of money is the root of all evil"

If you going to quote things you really should know the source and get it correct.
  • #15
As Guybrush Threepwood said, "relax a bit, it was a joke" If you want to nit pick this obviously funny mathmatical equation then do it elsewhere. I could dive into how 'money' is metaphorical meaning 'all worldly possesions'. Then this equation makes no sense.

I had to read it three times before I got the punch line at the end.

Very good PrudensOptimus.
  • #16

This is a 2nd attempt to reply, Don't know what happened before.

"Money is the root of all evil" is a misquote of 1 Timothy chapter 6 verse 10.

This is rendered differently in different English translations but I think a good sense of it would be:

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil"

You really should try to get quotes correct you know otherwise you
end up with erronious assertions like the one you posted.
It should have been obvious from the start that girls are of far greater value than the square root of anything.:wink:
  • #17
Oh that's really Odd after posting a 2nd time I can see my 1st post, the original and subsequent ones but nothing in between.


I'm relaxed, of course it's a joke so was my reply in a way.:wink:
  • #18
I like this thread. This is nice.

IMO, two of life's 'truths' have been posted here.

1. Math is evil :wink:
2. Girls are of far greater value than the square root of anything.
(I would like to include men in this statement -- we ARE all
all equal, aren't we )
  • #19
Originally posted by Tsunami
we ARE all
all equal, aren't we )

Yes master.
  • #20
Women are the greatest things in the Earth if approached and handled properly.
  • #21
Originally posted by The_Professional
Women are the greatest things in the Earth if approached and handled properly.
Well said.
  • #22
Originally posted by The_Professional
if...handled properly.

please explain this concept in detail.

EDIT: Tsunami, I am surprised at your response!

Perhaps The_Professional meant "treated" and not "handled".:wink:
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  • #23
Originally posted by Jonathan
Yes, I have heard of the phrase, I'm not stupid, I just don't see how A)this is funny or B)how money could really be the root of all evil. Now if we are religious then we'd say that Satan is the root of al evil. But if we are thinking from a purely objective and scientific veiw, people are. It has nothing to do with the objects. For example, it's like saying weapons are the source of all murders, but one doesn't convict a weapon, it is the murderers who murder people and are responsible and should be convicted.

hahaha, man, this is so lame.
  • #24
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking

please explain this concept in detail.

EDIT: Tsunami, I am surprised at your response!

Perhaps The_Professional meant "treated" and not "handled".:wink:
Treated... Handled... They could mean the same thing or not! Either or both could be VERY pleasant indeed!:wink:
  • #25
Originally posted by Tsunami
Treated... Handled... They could mean the same thing or not! Either or both could be VERY pleasant indeed!:wink:

You've been eating oysters again haven't you?
  • #26
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
You've been eating oysters again haven't you?
As often as possible! (Whattcha doin' later, sailor? ):wink:
  • #27
Originally posted by Guybrush Threepwood
QED = Quod Erat Demonstandum
aprox translation = and so we have, it is demonstrated

I don't understand "For Lee" either...

Lee is a former classmate of mine, but I nolonger keep in touch with her as often as usual because we nolonger have a class together.
  • #28
I believe that handling, treating, whatever a girl 'properly' is 80% improve or intuition, and 20% experience or brains.

First you need to know what you want out of the relationship. Then from there 'scope' and find the girl that will fill this role. So many men want a woman but they have no expectations of what she should be. Then when there with her they relize that she's not what they wanted.

There's no right or wrong way to approch a girl, just the right and wrong girls to approch.
  • #29
Alright alright...this thread is begging to be pooped on.
I mean come on! The Star Trek convention must have let out early, yes? And your equation, Girls = Evil...come on! This comes from a group of men who have probably never even talked to a woman without having to give a credit card number! You seem like the kinds of guys who beg for sex...I should know, we can smell our own. I keeeed I keeeeeeed...

You've been a terrific audience...for me to poop on!
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  • #30
okay... Physicists are the root of all anal retention.

It was a joke, and jokes are meant to be FUNNY, picking things apart is never ever funny. not even if it is a scab.
and when there is a person's name with the word 'for' in front of it. that generally means that that person is the intended recipient of said object.

and yeah good joke by the way... i liked it.
  • #31
Originally posted by Triumph
You've been a terrific audience...for me to poop on!
I am stunned that PF has been graced with the presence of Triumph, "the insult comic dog"! Our first real celebrity!

Wait a minute, though. How do we know you are the real Triumph?
  • #32
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
I am stunned that PF has been graced with the presence of Triumph, "the insult comic dog"! Our first real celebrity!

Wait a minute, though. How do we know you are the real Triumph?
Oh oh... Zooby. It's quite possible that that IS the real Triumph and WE HAVE JUST BEEN POOPED ON BY ONE OF OUR MEMBERS! According to his website, he will visit and poop on any other site with a simple 'request to poop' click. Isn't there enough 'pooping on your neighbor' in the real world without being cyber-pooped on?
  • #33
And, just for the record, it wasn't ME who requested the poop job! I just now learned about Triumph when I googled him after Zooby's post. Besides. I'm house broken. AND! If I wanted a poop job delivered, I'd do it myself!
  • #34
Originally posted by Tsunami
Isn't there enough 'pooping on your neighbor' in the real world without being cyber-pooped on?
Of all the insult comic dogs, he is my favorite. And, like Forest Gump, "That's about all Ah have to say about thaaaaat."
  • #35
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Of all the insult comic dogs, he is my favorite. And, like Forest Gump, "That's about all Ah have to say about thaaaaat."

Ah HA! So it was Zoobyshoe, in General Discussion, with the pooping insult comic dog! You sly sasquatch, you! :wink: