Safety of Americium in Fast Reactors

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In summary: I can't remember the equation) for Am-241 is lower than Pu-240's, so Am-241 would be more likely to cause resonance absorption and hence decrease the reactivity control margin. In summary, the lecturer argues that because Am-241's absorption cross section is higher than Pu-240's, it would be more likely to cause resonance absorption and decrease the reactivity control margin.
  • #1
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Hi all,

I have a question. In fast reactors, it is generally considered unsafe to have too high an amount of americium (mainly am-241) in the core, because it diminishes all the safety parameters of the core:
- it has too high an absorption cross section, so that it "shadows" the U-238 resonances which give the Doppler effect
- it has a much lower retarded neutron fraction, hence diminishing the safety margin to prompt criticality
- it has a rising fission cross section which overshadows that of U-238, hence increasing fission when the spectrum hardens, which is bad for the void factor.

At least, that's what I understand.

But now, my question is: when I look at the Pu-240 cross sections, they seem to have similar problems. So why isn't Pu-240 then such a problem ?

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  • #2
Looking at Pu-241's SF rate and half-life, one notes that the half-life is ~14.29 yrs vs 432.6 yrs for Am-241, so the equilibrium concentration of Pu-241 will be much lower than Am-241.

I need to review the fast fission cross-sections before further comment.
  • #3
Astronuc said:
Looking at Pu-241's SF rate and half-life, one notes that the half-life is ~14.29 yrs vs 432.6 yrs for Am-241, so the equilibrium concentration of Pu-241 will be much lower than Am-241.

I need to review the fast fission cross-sections before further comment.

That wasn't really my question, I was talking about the Pu-240 (not 241) and I'm not talking about radioactive decay, but about their use in a fast reactor. One sometimes says that a fast reactor as a minor actinide incinerator is limited in performance because of the small amount of americium (mainly Am-241) that one can allow in most designs in the core fuel (at most a few percent), and the arguments that are put forward are those that I listed (and a few others). However, the recuperated plutonium from PWR with high burnup has a rather high amount of Pu-240 in it (I think that it is something like 23% for a burnup of ~50 GW-day/ ton or so) from the capture on Pu-239. And apparently that's not a problem (MOX fuel can be used in fast reactors). But when I read the qualitative arguments against the use of Am-241, and I look at the capture and fission cross sections of Pu-240, then I find that the arguments also apply (qualitatively) to Pu-240. Now, I didn't do any detailled calculations, it's just the general aspect of the cross sections I'm talking about.
So how come that 10% of Am-241 is a safety problem, but not 23% of Pu-240 ?

However, in order to illustrate my point, I made a new plot of the 3 capture cross sections of U-238, Am-241 and Pu-240, and when one looks more carefully it is true that Am-241 covers more of the low-lying resonances than Pu-240 does... maybe that's the reason... In the attached figure, the capture cross sections for Am-241 (blue), U-238 (green) and Pu-240 (red)...


  • captureUPuAm.png
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  • #4
I was talking about the Pu-240 (not 241)
Oops, sorry, my mistake.

With MOX (U, Pu)O2, one does not have much choice with regard to isotopic vector. Pu, which originates from neutron transmutation of U-238, will be Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, and trace of Pu-242. Pu-241 decays to Am-241, and Pu-242 decays to Am-242m, if they don't fission or undergo alpha decay.

Low burnup U (U235, U238) contains mostly Pu-239, Pu-240 which is used for nuclear weapons. Higher burnup U contains Pu-241, Pu-242, Am-241, and traces of others. There is a burnup limit on recycled LWR fuel because of the Am-241 build up, which I think is more related to the dose (fuel handling) issue.

I don't see the resonance absorption of Am-241 being necessarily an issue for Doppler - resonance absorption is resonance absorption - unless Am-241 resonances result in fission rather the n,gamma absorption. One concern might be production of Am-242m, but n-capture in Am-241.

The absorption cross-section above the resonance region would mean that resonance absorption has lower weighting, so that would be a problem for reactivity control.

The change (reduction) in delayed neutron fraction would certainly be a concern with respect of reactivity control.

This might be of interest.
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  • #5
Astronuc said:
I don't see the resonance absorption of Am-241 being necessarily an issue for Doppler - resonance absorption is resonance absorption - unless Am-241 resonances result in fission rather the n,gamma absorption. One concern might be production of Am-242m, but n-capture in Am-241.

The absorption cross-section above the resonance region would mean that resonance absorption has lower weighting, so that would be a problem for reactivity control.

I got that from a course which I recently followed on nuclear engineering, and it wasn't clear to me either (hence my question). According to the lecturer (Janne Wallenius), the Doppler constant (Kd in k(0) - Kd ln(T)) drops for a fast reactor of a certain design from 530 pcm to 200 pcm and then to 60 pcm when we have respectively a pure U/Pu fuel, when we have 10% Am-241, and when we have 20% Am-241.
This was qualitatively explained by indeed 1) stronger absorption at higher energies (so that fewer neutrons get down to the resolved resonance domain) 2) suppression by autoprotection of a few important low-lying resonances in U-238 by a higher absorption cross section. Point is, I could understand this during the lecture without a problem... it is when I looked at the Pu-240 cross sections, which have kind of the same features (though less pronounced) that I got puzzled.

Next he showed that due to the rising of the fission cross section towards higher energies, a hardening of the neutron spectrum gave a strong rise of the coolant temperature coefficient with increasing Am-241 fraction together with a strong positive void coefficient increase, also by a detailled calculation result.

I guess that the qualitative arguments were in fact after-the-fact arguments once the numbers were given by a detailled calculation, and that one shouldn't use this backwards.

FAQ: Safety of Americium in Fast Reactors

1. What is Americium?

Americium is a radioactive chemical element with the symbol Am and atomic number 95. It is a man-made element that was first produced in 1944 by a team of scientists led by Glenn T. Seaborg.

2. Why is Americium used in fast reactors?

Americium is used in fast reactors as a source of neutrons for nuclear reactions. It is a byproduct of nuclear power production and can be used to convert non-fissile uranium-238 into fissile plutonium-239, which can then be used as fuel in the reactor.

3. Is Americium dangerous for humans?

Yes, Americium can be dangerous for humans if ingested or inhaled in large amounts. It is a radioactive element that emits alpha particles, which can damage cells and increase the risk of cancer. However, the risk of exposure to Americium in fast reactors is low for the general public as it is contained within the reactor.

4. How is the safety of Americium ensured in fast reactors?

The safety of Americium in fast reactors is ensured through strict regulations and safety measures. The reactors are designed and operated with multiple barriers to prevent any leakage of Americium. In case of any accident, emergency response plans are in place to minimize the risk of exposure to Americium for workers and the surrounding community.

5. What are the potential long-term effects of Americium exposure?

The potential long-term effects of Americium exposure depend on the amount and duration of exposure. In large amounts, it can cause radiation sickness and increase the risk of cancer. However, the risk of exposure to Americium in fast reactors is low and the long-term effects are not expected to be significant as the element decays over time.

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