Can You Solve Who Committed the Most Crimes at the Dinner Table?

  • Thread starter Tigers2B1
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    Logic Test
In summary, The problem involves six individuals, three men and three women, seated around a round table. Each married couple is seated opposite each other. There are four different types of crimes - murder, extortion, swindling, and theft. The clues state that exactly three people are seated next to murderers, exactly four people are seated next to extortionists, exactly five people are seated next to swindlers, and six people are seated next to thieves. Additionally, no two people committed the same type of crime and one person committed more types of crime than each of the other persons. The clues also reveal that Mr. and Ms. Astor each committed exactly one type of crime, though not the same type, Mr. and Ms. Br
  • #1
Here’s a tough logic problem –

Mr. And Ms. Astor, Mr. And Ms. Brice, and Mr. And Ms. Crane were seated around a round table – each of the married couples facing each other on opposite sides of the table.

At the table:

1. Exactly three people sat next to at least one murderer.
2. Exactly four people sat next to at least one extortionist.
3. Exactly five people sat next to at least one swindler.
4. Six people sat next to at least one thief.

Of the types of crimes:

5. No two types of crimes were committed by more than one person.
6. One person committed more types of crime than each of the other persons.

Of the people:

7. Mr. And Ms. Astor each committed exactly one type of crime, though not the same type.
8. Mr. And Ms. Brice were both swindlers.
9. Mr. And Ms. Crane were both thieves.
10. More women than men were swindlers.

QUESTION: Who committed more types of crimes than each of the other persons?
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  • #2
Make a seating arrangement with each of the couples sitting opposite from each other.

Create a diagram first showing all of the possible seating arrangements for murders. Then do the same, creating a separate seating diagram for the seating arrangements for extortionists, swindlers and thieves. Note the least number of murders, thieves, extortionists, and swindlers possible from the independent diagrams for each. Note the least number of crimes that will solve the problem - from looking at the diagrams.
  • #3
Are the couples seated such that they alternate male and female around the table, or are the men on one side and the women on the other?
  • #4
Is it Ms. Crane?
  • #5
First - this problem is hard and you'd better get pencil and paper -

The men all sit on one "side" - directly opposite their wives. For example - if Mr. Brice sits between Mr. Crane and Mr. Astor than Ms. Brice would sit between Ms. Crane and Ms. Astor on the 'other side' of the table.
  • #6
Esran said:
Is it Ms. Crane?

  • #7
Mrs. Brice, if the men are on one side and the women on the other. Mr. Brice if the men and women alternate.
  • #8
Is it Mr. Crane?
  • #9
Ms. Brice, which should be Mrs. right?
  • #10
oh man this thread is from a year ago, anyways how do you find these?
3. Exactly five people sat next to at least one swindler.
4. Six people sat next to at least one thief.

so isn't mr. & mrs brice & mrs. astor possibly the 3 swindlers?

im not sure but if two swindlers sit together doesn't it count as 4 people sitting next to swindlers?
  • #11
Ms. Astor was a swindler.
Ms. Brice committed three crimes, more than any other person: swindling, extortion, and murder.
Ms. Crane was a thief and an extortionist.
Mr. Astor committed theft.
Mr. Brice was a thief and a swindler.
Mr. Crane committed murder and theft.
  • #12
Hmm... I got Ms. Brice as the one committing the most types of crimes. I also wondered if there was enough information here. Did the three males all sit next to each other? Did they alternate between male and female? Can we find many answers?

Did I miss any requirments?

Mr. Astor: Thief, Murderer
Mr. Brice: Swindler, Thief
Mr. Crane: Thief
Ms. Astor: Swindler
Ms. Brice: Swindler, Extortionist, Murderer
Ms. Crane: Thief, Extortionist
  • #13
here's another with Ms. Crane as committing the most types . You can see what went wrong here as well

Mr. Astor: Thief
Mr. Brice: Swindler, Thief
Mr. Crane: Thief
Ms. Astor: Swindler, Murderer
Ms. Brice: Swindler, Extortionist
Ms. Crane: Thief, Extortionist, Murderer
  • #14
PhilosophyofPhysics, both your answers are wrong as they contradict clue 7. In both your answers, you have an Astor committing two crimes, but the clue says that each Astor committed only one crime. However, you may be right that there are different possible answers if the people are arranged on the table differently, I'll think about that.
  • #15
Oh, I see. I just focused on them committing different types of crimes.
  • #16
Ressurrecting this thread for the 2nd time:

PhilosophyofPhysics said:
I also wondered if there was enough information here. Did the three males all sit next to each other? Did they alternate between male and female? Can we find many answers?

Given the problem as initially stated, there are four possible solutions:

Mr. Astor: Thief
Mr. Brice: Thief, Swindler
Mr. Crane: Thief, Murderer
Mrs. Astor: Swindler
Mrs. Brice: Swindler, Extortionist, Murderer
Mrs. Crane: Thief, Extortionist

Mr. Astor: Thief
Mr. Crane: Thief, Extortionist
Mr. Brice: Swindler, Extortionist, Murderer
Mrs. Astor: Swindler
Mrs. Crane: Thief, Murderer
Mrs. Brice: Thief, Swindler

Mr. Brice: Thief, Swindler
Mr. Astor: Thief
Mr. Crane: Thief, Extortionist
Mrs. Brice: Swindler, Extortionist, Murderer
Mrs. Astor: Swindler
Mrs. Crane: Thief, Murderer

Mr. Astor: Thief
Mrs. Brice: Thief, Swindler
Mr. Crane: Thief, Murderer
Mrs. Astor: Swindler
Mr. Brice: Swindler, Extortionist, Murderer
Mrs. Crane: Thief, Extortionist

The arrangement of crimes is always the same (rotated or mirrored). And invariably Mr. Astor is just a thief, and Mrs. Astor is just a Swindler. The remaining four switch around a little. Hence, to get a singular solution from the initial problem (without the hint that men and women are seated together), one must stipulate something else. So, say:

11) the two wives that are thieves do not sit exactly 1 seat apart.


11) Mrs. Astor sits next to 2 men


11) Mr. Brice committed fewer crimes than his wife and sits next to at least 1 of the wives.


  • #17
Here's what I got:

Mrs. Astor: Swindler
Mr. Aster: Thief
Mrs. Crane: Murderer, Thief
Mr. Crane: Thief, Extortionist
Mrs. Brice: Swindler, Thief
Mr. Brice: Swindler, Extortionist, Murderer

Thus Mr. Brice is the answer.
  • #18
Tigers2B1 said:
5. No two types of crimes were committed by more than one person.
6. One person committed more types of crime than each of the other persons.
Do you mean that one and only one person committed more than one type of crime (Ex. Mr A is a thief and a murderer while the others were each 1 type)? If that's the case, then you can't have 3 people sitting next to a murderer (you need two murderers side by side) and either your clue is wrong or two people can commit more than one type. For now, I will suppose that he or she can commit two types.

I don't know if this question has already been asked. I am reluctant to read through the rest of the replies because I have never seen this logic puzzle before and do not want to ruin it.
  • #19
No it only means that one person commited more crimes than the others so you cannot have 2 persons being the answer at a given situation.

And good luck for solving the puzzle, it is a very nice problem, though not as hard as it sounds once you draw the diagram and work one hint at a time. :)
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  • #20
little.holmes said:
No it only means that one person commited more crimes than the others so you cannot have 2 persons being the answer at a given situation.

And good luck for solving the puzzle, it is a very nice problem, though not as hard as it sounds once you draw the diagram and work one hint at a time. :)

I know. I was mostly asking about 5
  • #21
Number means that 2 different person must have different sets of 2 types of crime. For example, Mrs. Brice might be Swindler and Extortionist, while Mr. Crane could be Swindler and Thief, but both could not be Swindler and Extortionist. (examples above might not respect the rules, I made them just to stress my point)
  • #22
I recently saw this problem here and i gave it a try :D. Many of you do not understand the "5. No two types of crimes were committed by more than one person.". In other words, only one person could commit ONLY two crimes, but it does not say anything about more than 2 and it is not referring to "2 people cannot do the same 2 crimes".

So basicaly, what you have to do is:
-Read 1,2,3,4 again and after each of the hints, try enstablishing how many criminals of that type do you need. For example:
"1. Exactly three people sat next to at least one murderer."
The only option for this one is to use 2 criminals, and they can only sit at the table with someone between them.

-After doing that for all the 4 hints, sum up and you will obtain "11". This is the number of crimes that all the 6 people together have commited.

-Try reducing the number. You have 2 (MR. and MS. Crane) that could only have done 1 crime. (11-2)
After some work you will find out that you can`t charge a person with 2 crimes, because the other "laws" of the game are not allowing you.

For those who want to see the answer :

Ms.A : M
Ms.B : E, S, T
Mr.C : T
Mr.A : S
Mr.B : M, E, S, T
Ms.C : T
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FAQ: Can You Solve Who Committed the Most Crimes at the Dinner Table?

1. What is a logic problem?

A logic problem is a type of puzzle or brainteaser that requires critical thinking and deductive reasoning to solve. It usually presents a scenario with a set of clues and asks the solver to use logic to determine the correct solution.

2. How do I solve a logic problem?

The first step in solving a logic problem is to carefully read and understand the given scenario and all the clues provided. Then, use deductive reasoning to eliminate possibilities and make logical deductions. It may also be helpful to create a diagram or chart to organize the information and visually see connections between clues.

3. What skills are necessary to solve a logic problem?

To solve a logic problem, one needs to have strong critical thinking skills, the ability to think logically and analytically, and good deductive reasoning skills. Attention to detail and the ability to make connections between pieces of information are also important.

4. Are there different types of logic problems?

Yes, there are various types of logic problems, such as grid puzzles, riddles, lateral thinking puzzles, and mathematical logic puzzles. Each type may have different rules and require different problem-solving strategies.

5. Can logic problems help improve cognitive skills?

Yes, solving logic problems can help improve cognitive skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and deductive reasoning. It can also improve memory, attention to detail, and the ability to make connections between pieces of information.
