Primes in set of rational numbers

In summary, the conversation discusses the questions a) and b) which involve finding units and showing that R\setminus U(R) is a maximal ideal, with both being successfully answered. The question c) involves finding all primes in R, with only one being found (the rational number 2), and the question d) involves finding all ideals and proving that R is a PID. The conversation also touches on the concept of prime elements in rings, with a discussion about whether or not the usual primes in Z are also primes in this particular ring R. The conversation concludes with a link to more information about prime elements in rings.
  • #1
There was a part c and d from a question I couldn't answer.
Let [tex]R = \{ a/b : a, b \in \mathbb{Z}, b \equiv 1 (\mod 2) \}[/tex].

a) was find the units, b) was show that [tex]R\setminus U(R)[/tex] is a maximal ideal. Both I was successful. But

c) is find all primes, which I believe i only found one...the rational number 2.

d) find all ideals and show that [tex]R[/tex] is a PID.

Any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
c) Write an element,
[tex]p = 2^n \frac{a}{b}[/tex]
where a and b are odd. If n>1, then let, [itex]x = 2^{n-1}[/itex] and [itex]y =2[/itex]. Then [itex]p | xy[/itex], but [itex]p \not | x[/itex] and [itex]p \not| y[/itex]. Thus p is not a prime if n>1.
If n=1, and, p|xy, then either x or y must have a factor 2. Assume WLOG that 2|x, then p|x.
If n=0, then p is a unit.
Thus only associates of 2 are prime.

d) For some ideal X of R let n be the largest non-negative integer such that [itex]2^n[/itex] divides all elements in X. Then [itex]2^n \in X[/itex] since there exists odd integers a,b such that [itex]2^n \frac{a}{b} \in X[/itex], but then [itex]2^n\frac{a}{b}\frac{b}{a}=2^n[/itex]. We have [itex]X=(2^n)[/itex].
  • #3
doesn't 1 = 1 mod 2?
  • #4
ice109 said:
doesn't 1 = 1 mod 2?

Yes this is true, but how does it relate to anything in any of the previous posts?
  • #5
rasmhop said:
Yes this is true, but how does it relate to anything in any of the previous posts?

i didn't read your proof but doesn't my comment imply that for every prime p in Z the element r=p/1 is in R
  • #6
ice109 said:
i didn't read your proof but doesn't my comment imply that for every prime p in Z the element r=p/1 is in R

I misunderstood your comment. math_grl very likely means prime element in the general sense of prime elements in an integral domain. In an integral domain R we say that a non-unit p is a prime element if p|ab imply p|a or p|b. This is equivalent to the ordinary notion of prime numbers in Z, but it need not be the same for other rings.

In the R given by math_grl 3 for instance is not a prime because it's a unit (i.e. 1|3 and 3 |1). To see this note that 3 = 3*1 so 1|3 and 1 = 3*1/3 so 3|1. On the other hand 6 is prime in R.
  • #7
But ice109's point is, I believe, that all of the usual primes still are primes in this domain.
  • #8
HallsofIvy said:
But ice109's point is, I believe, that all of the usual primes still are primes in this domain.

But they aren't. All the usual odd primes in Z are units in this domain and therefore not primes. This is due to the fact that if p is an odd prime in Z, then 1/p is in the domain and since p(1/p)=1 we have p|1. He is of course completely right if prime element is taken to mean prime element in Z, but as we're working in R it would seem natural to consider prime elements in R.
  • #9
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FAQ: Primes in set of rational numbers

1. What are prime numbers?

Prime numbers are positive integers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves. They have exactly two factors, whereas composite numbers have more than two factors.

2. Are prime numbers only found in whole numbers?

No, prime numbers can also be found in fractions or rational numbers. For example, 5/7 is a prime number in the set of rational numbers.

3. How can I determine if a rational number is prime?

A rational number is prime if it cannot be simplified or reduced to any smaller fraction. This means that the numerator and denominator do not have any common factors other than 1.

4. How many prime numbers are there in the set of rational numbers?

There are infinitely many prime numbers in the set of rational numbers, just like in the set of whole numbers. However, they are much more difficult to find and there is no known formula to generate them.

5. Can prime numbers be negative in the set of rational numbers?

Yes, prime numbers can be negative in the set of rational numbers. For example, -3 is a prime number in this set since it is only divisible by 1 and -3.

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