Torque in circular fluid motion

In summary, the conversation is about the understanding of MHD and tensors in curvilinear coordinates. The speaker is discussing the NS equations for circular and axisymmetric flow, and their respective azimuthal components. The author then introduces the use of Newton's law of viscosity to explain the stress tensor components and how it relates to the r,theta component. The speaker is still unsure about the use of squares in the initial formula and asks for clarification.
  • #1
I'm reading a book (intro to, by Davidson) about MHD now, but found I'm a bit rusty on tensors and curvilinear coordinates. It is written that for a circular flow the azimuthal component of the NS equations in the steady state gives (with F some body force)

[tex]\tau _{r \theta} r^2 =-\int _0 ^r r^2 F_{\theta} dr [/tex]

Shouldn't this read, for axisymmetric flow, without the square on both r's? I would argue that the remaining terms in the NS equations

[tex]\sigma _{ij,i}+F_j=0[/tex]

would yield for the azimuthal ([itex] \theta[/itex]) component (any suggestions welcome if the notation is obscure):

[tex] F_{\theta} = -\nabla \cdot \overline{\overline{\sigma}}_{\theta}=-\frac{1}{r} \frac{d}{dr}(r\sigma_{r \theta})[/tex]

Now the author continues,

[tex]\tau_{r \theta}=\mu r \frac{d}{dr}(\frac{u_{\theta}}{r})[/tex]

In which he says he used Newtons law of viscosity, which I think one can write

[tex]\tau_{ij}=\mu u_{i,j}[/tex]

(Is it by the way ok to write this as [tex]\overline{\overline{\tau}}=\mu \nabla \vec{u}[/tex]?)

But how does one come from that to the (r, theta) component?
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  • #2
I managed to get the r,theta component of the stress tensor as it is written in the book now. But I still can't see why there would be squares on the r's in the first formula I posted; anyone?
  • #3

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on torque in circular fluid motion. I would like to provide a response to your questions and comments.

Firstly, regarding the equation \tau _{r \theta} r^2 =-\int _0 ^r r^2 F_{\theta} dr, I agree with your observation that the square on both r's may not be necessary for axisymmetric flow. However, it is possible that the author is considering a more general case of non-axisymmetric flow, which would require the square on both r's. It would be helpful to refer to the context and any assumptions made by the author in this case.

Moving on to your suggested equation for the azimuthal component of the Navier-Stokes equations, F_{\theta} = -\nabla \cdot \overline{\overline{\sigma}}_{\theta}=-\frac{1}{r} \frac{d}{dr}(r\sigma_{r \theta}), I believe it is a valid expression for the force in the azimuthal direction. However, it would be helpful to know the specific definitions of \overline{\overline{\sigma}}_{\theta} and \sigma_{r \theta} used by the author.

Regarding the use of Newton's law of viscosity, \tau_{ij}=\mu u_{i,j}, I agree with your suggestion to write it as \overline{\overline{\tau}}=\mu \nabla \vec{u}. This notation is commonly used in fluid mechanics and is a shorthand for the tensor equation.

Finally, to arrive at the (r, theta) component of the torque, \tau_{r \theta}=\mu r \frac{d}{dr}(\frac{u_{\theta}}{r}), the author may have used the fact that for axisymmetric flow, the velocity component in the radial direction, u_r, is zero. This simplifies the equation to \tau_{r \theta}=\mu r \frac{d}{dr}u_{\theta}, which can then be integrated to get the final expression.

I hope this helps clarify your doubts. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please feel free to share them. As scientists, it is important to constantly question and improve our understanding of concepts. Thank you for your contribution to the discussion.

FAQ: Torque in circular fluid motion

1. What is torque in circular fluid motion?

Torque in circular fluid motion refers to the twisting or rotational force that is applied to a fluid in circular motion. It is a measure of the force that causes the fluid to rotate around an axis.

2. How is torque calculated in circular fluid motion?

Torque in circular fluid motion is calculated by multiplying the force applied to the fluid by the distance from the axis of rotation. This can be expressed mathematically as T = F x r, where T is the torque, F is the force, and r is the distance from the axis of rotation.

3. What factors affect the torque in circular fluid motion?

The torque in circular fluid motion is affected by the magnitude of the force applied, the distance from the axis of rotation, and the properties of the fluid such as its viscosity and density. Additionally, the shape and size of the container or vessel in which the fluid is rotating can also affect the torque.

4. Why is torque important in circular fluid motion?

Torque is important in circular fluid motion because it is what drives the fluid to rotate. Understanding the torque can help in predicting the behavior and movement of the fluid, which is essential in various applications such as designing turbines, pumps, and other fluid systems.

5. How can torque in circular fluid motion be controlled or manipulated?

Torque in circular fluid motion can be controlled or manipulated by adjusting the force applied to the fluid, changing the distance from the axis of rotation, or altering the properties of the fluid. Additionally, changing the shape or size of the container or vessel can also affect the torque in circular fluid motion.

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