Moden Infinite Monkey's standard deviation

In summary: However, in summary, the conversation discusses an imaginary chimpanzee who must type constantly into a text file using a standard US keyboard. The probability of hitting a specific key is 1/256 and it would take an average of 5.6 X 10^36 key presses for the chimpanzee to duplicate a specific sequence of 4,245,026 characters from the King James Bible. The probability distribution for this occurrence is close to a geometric distribution, with a mean and standard deviation equal to 1/p. The relative error for this function is (256p^2)/p.
  • #1
Mr Peanut
Given an imaginary, mechanical chimpanzee that never wears out nor sleeps nor relents. Who is compelled to type constantly through eternity into an endless text file using a US standard keyboard... as fast as he can. That this monkey knows simply that he must hit only character keys and only one at a time. He has the additional random option of holding down dead keys (shift key & Alt key). He has no other faculties. He is purely random in nature. His access to each of the character keys is exactly equal except that striking the windows key, menu key, esc key, and control key are infinitely unlikely.
Given that he is limited by the design specifications of the best keyboard... made to support a typist that is twice as fast as the world record holder for typing (37,500 keys/50 min = 12.5 keys/sec). This design limit is 25 characters per second.
Given that he confines his speed to exactly the design limit and types 25 characters per second.
Given that the Guttenberg Project’s flat text file for the King James Bible (GPKJB) has 4,245, 026 characters in a specific sequence in the file.


1) The keyboard allows anyone of 256 characters to be typed per key press (ASCII 0 – 255). The probability of hitting a given key is 1/256 = ~0.004

2) The average number of keys that must be struck before he duplicates the file is:
(0.004)^4,245,026 = 5.6 X 10^36

What's the standard deviation of this average?
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Mr Peanut said:
(0.004)^4,245,026 = 5.6 X 10^36

Typo? Or does the a^b not mean a to the power of b in this case?
  • #3
To the power of.

Some stuff in the premises will seem superfluous. For example, the typing rate. The reason it's there is; the next part of the idea is to determine expectations about how long it should take, then how long it will take multiple monkeys.

  • #4
(0.004)^4245026 is about [tex] {10}^{-{10}^7} [/tex]

I think the probability distribution for the first occurrance of the king James bible is very close
to a geometric distribution P(X=k) = p (1-p)^(k-1) for k >=1 with

[tex] p = {10}^{-{10}^7} [/tex]

both the mean and the standard deviation are equal to 1/p

This is only approximate because:

P(X<4,245,026) is 0 because you can't have a bible if you do not have at least 4,245,026 characters.
We can ignore this because 4,245,026 * p is so small compared to 1/p

If te last 4,245,026 characters were the King James bible, the next character couldn't be the end of the king james bible (unless the bible is aaaaa... ...aaaaaaa) so if the last 4,245,026 characters weren't the King James bible, the probability of that it's finished with the next character is slightly higher. This is also unimportant because it increases the probability that the last character finishes the KJB from p to 1/((1/p)-256)) about p + 256 p^2
(256 outcomes for the last 4,245,026c characters are no longer possible because the KJB didn't finish 1 character ago)
This can also be ignored because 256p^2 is so small compared to p
  • #5

So, it looks like relative error= (256p^2)/p

Does this error function have this form for any size character string I try to match? That is; does it apply to a short string like " banana "?
  • #6
You'd need a lot more "givens" than just that if you want to provide the entire premise.

FAQ: Moden Infinite Monkey's standard deviation

1. What is the definition of "moden infinite monkey's standard deviation"?

The moden infinite monkey's standard deviation is a statistical measure that quantifies the amount of variability or dispersion of a set of data points. It is calculated by finding the square root of the variance, which is the average squared difference of each data point from the mean.

2. How is the "moden infinite monkey's standard deviation" different from other measures of variability?

The moden infinite monkey's standard deviation is unique because it takes into account the distance of each data point from the mean, rather than just the frequency or number of occurrences of each data point. This allows for a more accurate representation of the spread of the data.

3. What does a high or low "moden infinite monkey's standard deviation" indicate?

A high moden infinite monkey's standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a wider range, while a low deviation indicates that the data points are closer to the mean. In other words, a higher deviation suggests that there is more variability in the data.

4. How is the "moden infinite monkey's standard deviation" calculated?

The moden infinite monkey's standard deviation is calculated by first finding the mean of the data set, then finding the difference of each data point from the mean, squaring each difference, and finding the average of all the squared differences. The square root of this average is then taken to find the standard deviation.

5. Why is "moden infinite monkey's standard deviation" important in scientific research?

The moden infinite monkey's standard deviation is important in scientific research because it allows researchers to understand the variability of their data. This information can help in making conclusions and determining the significance of the results. It also helps in identifying any outliers or unusual data points that may impact the overall analysis.

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