Southern Baptist Family Values - Women Should Submit Graciously to Husbands ?

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In summary: Southern Baptist Family Values - "Women Should Submit Graciously to Husbands"?In summary, the 16-million-member Southern Baptist Convention has passed a resolution declaring that a wife should "submit herself graciously" to her husband's guidance. This policy has resulted in the removal of women from top executive posts within the SBC, and Jimmy Carter has voiced his concern over the erosion of civil liberties and privacy due to church-state separation.
  • #1
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Southern Baptist Family Values - "Women Should Submit Graciously to Husbands"?

A resolution by the 16-million-member Southern Baptist Convention declares that a wife should "submit herself graciously" to her husband's guidance.
SBC has removed women from top executive posts in the SBC., November 4, 2005 ·
Blurring the line between church and state threatens civil liberties and privacy, says former President Jimmy Carter. That's the case he makes in his new book, Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis, which draws on Carter's experiences as a president and a Christian.

Carter was the 39th president of the United States. In addition to his work to help ensure the fairness of elections around the world, he founded the Carter Center, a conflict resolution organization. In 2002, Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end violence and spread human rights.

A Former President Warns of 'Endangered Values'
by Terry Gross and Steve Inskeep
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  • #2

When I read the title of this thread, I didn't know what SBC stood for. I thought that it was probabally the abbreviation for the majority party in Iraq's congress or something...
  • #3
I thought you were talking about the phone company.
  • #4
I know a place where these guys could live happily ever after – Afghanistan.
  • #5
loseyourname said:
I thought you were talking about the phone company.

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: me too. I read the title and thought to myself "... well this is going to be interesting"
  • #6
Astronuc said:
A resolution by the 16-million-member Southern Baptist Convention declares that a wife should "submit herself graciously" to her husband's guidance.
SBC has removed women from top executive posts in the SBC., November 4, 2005 ·
A Former President Warns of 'Endangered Values'
by Terry Gross and Steve Inskeep
Okay - So not everything about religion is bad :biggrin:
  • #7
Art said:
Okay - So not everything about religion is bad :biggrin:

God Art, you're just asking for a ban :P Let's hope evo doesn't see this thread... someoen conceal it.
  • #8
Pengwuino said:
God Art, you're just asking for a ban :P Let's hope evo doesn't see this thread... someoen conceal it.
Ooops I thought I'd only thought that, I didn't know I'd posted it. Doh! :biggrin:
  • #9
I tried to change the title, but only changed it in the OP title, not the main one seen in the forum. Sorry, it is a bit confusing.

In retrospect, I should have deleted it, but wasteofo2 had already responded.

Maybe a supermentor can modify the title using their superpowers. :biggrin:
  • #10
"submit herself graciously" to her husband's guidance...

What universe was that again? I think I took a left instead of a right :biggrin:
  • #11
Is this about some sort of Dominance/Submissive fetish? :biggrin:
  • #12
*scrambles to say somehing before the thread is closed* errr... ah, its not really a bad thing you know, consider how many cold, narcissistic, man-castrating feminists I have seen (from another board) :biggrin:
  • #13
I googled this and found an AP article regarding this resolution from 1998. It seems like old news, unless there has been a new development.
  • #14
Yes, it is old news, but then these are the folks supporting president Bush.

President Carter and his wife left the SBC because they objected to such policies.

The SBC went on to remove women from positions of authority in SBC.
  • #15
Yes, my experience as a Mormon was interesting in this regard. They have very definite beliefs about a womans' role in life, but men as well, and each is valued in their own right. Still, I found it all rather amazing to say the least.

FAQ: Southern Baptist Family Values - Women Should Submit Graciously to Husbands ?

1. What are Southern Baptist family values?

Southern Baptist family values refer to the set of beliefs and principles held by the Southern Baptist Convention, a group of Protestant churches based in the southern United States. These values include a commitment to traditional gender roles and the belief that women should submit graciously to their husbands.

2. What does it mean for women to submit graciously to their husbands?

According to Southern Baptist beliefs, women should submit to their husbands as the spiritual leader of the household. This means that wives are expected to respect and obey their husbands, while husbands are expected to lead their families in a loving and godly way.

3. Are women expected to be subservient in Southern Baptist families?

No, while Southern Baptist teachings emphasize the importance of submission, they also emphasize mutual love and respect in marriage. Women are considered equal to men in value and worth, but have different roles in the family and in the church.

4. Are Southern Baptist women allowed to work outside the home?

Yes, Southern Baptist women are allowed to work outside the home. However, their primary role is seen as being a wife and mother, and their career choices should not interfere with their responsibilities in the home and church.

5. What if a Southern Baptist woman disagrees with her husband's decisions?

According to Southern Baptist teachings, a wife should submit to her husband's decisions unless they go against God's will. In this case, she is encouraged to respectfully express her concerns and seek guidance from her husband and other spiritual leaders.

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