Show Borel Subsets of R2 for Horizontal & Vertical Sections

In summary: Borel subsets of R, then the union of these sets is also a subset of R2 whose horizontal section is a Borel subset of R. This is because the union of these sets can be formed by taking the union of the open sets used to form each Ai.Therefore, in summary, we have shown that the horizontal and vertical sections of any Borel set in R2 are Borel subsets of R. This is because any Borel set in R2 can be formed by taking unions, intersections, and complements of open sets, and the horizontal and vertical sections can be formed in the same way using open sets in R.
  • #1
Let E in R2 be a Borel Set. Show that all horizontal and vertical sections

{ x : (x, y) in E }, { y : (x, y) in E }

of E are Borel subsets of R.


I think I'm missing something out. My argument is that E is Borel, so E is formed of finitely many unions, intersections and complements of open sets in R2, each of which has horizontal and vertical sections which are open in R (I have already shown this). Therefore the horizontal and vertical sections of E are formed of countably many unions, intersections and complements of open subsets of R, thus they are Borel.

Am I wrong?
I have been advised to approach this with a view to showing that the family of subsets of R2 whose horizontal section is a Borel subset of R is a sigma-algebra on R2 containing all the open sets. Which doesn't quite agree with my approach.

Any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2


Your approach is on the right track, but there are a few key points that you are missing. Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. First, we need to define what a Borel set is. A Borel set is any set that can be formed by starting with open sets in R2 and applying a finite number of operations such as union, intersection, and complement. This means that every open set in R2 is a Borel set, since it can be formed by taking the union of infinitely many open sets.

2. Now, let's consider the horizontal section of E, denoted by { x : (x, y) in E }. This set is formed by taking all the x-coordinates of points in E. Since E is a Borel set, it can be formed by taking unions, intersections, and complements of open sets in R2. This means that the horizontal section of E can also be formed by taking unions, intersections, and complements of open sets in R. Therefore, the horizontal section of E is a Borel subset of R.

3. Similarly, the vertical section of E, denoted by { y : (x, y) in E }, is formed by taking all the y-coordinates of points in E. By the same reasoning as above, the vertical section of E is also a Borel subset of R.

4. Finally, we need to show that the family of subsets of R2 whose horizontal section is a Borel subset of R is a sigma-algebra on R2 containing all the open sets. To do this, we need to show that this family satisfies the three properties of a sigma-algebra: it contains the empty set, it is closed under complement, and it is closed under countable unions.

- The empty set is a Borel subset of R since it can be formed by taking the union of zero open sets.
- If A is a subset of R2 whose horizontal section is a Borel subset of R, then the complement of A is also a subset of R2 whose horizontal section is a Borel subset of R. This is because the complement of A can be formed by taking the complement of each open set used to form A, and these complements will still be open sets in R.
- Finally, if A1, A2, ... are subsets of R2 whose horizontal sections

FAQ: Show Borel Subsets of R2 for Horizontal & Vertical Sections

1) What are Borel subsets?

Borel subsets are subsets of a topological space that can be formed by taking unions, intersections, and complements of open sets.

2) How are Borel subsets different for horizontal and vertical sections?

For horizontal sections, Borel subsets are formed by taking unions, intersections, and complements of horizontal open sets. Similarly, for vertical sections, Borel subsets are formed by taking unions, intersections, and complements of vertical open sets.

3) Can Borel subsets have non-rectangular shapes?

Yes, Borel subsets can have non-rectangular shapes as long as they can be formed by taking unions, intersections, and complements of open sets.

4) How are Borel subsets relevant to mathematics?

Borel subsets are important in mathematics because they help in defining and studying measurable functions and measures.

5) What is the significance of studying Borel subsets in R2 for horizontal and vertical sections?

Studying Borel subsets in R2 for horizontal and vertical sections helps in understanding the structure and properties of topological spaces, which have many applications in various branches of mathematics and science.

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