Understanding the Role of Viscosity and Elasticity in Dissipative Thermodynamics

In summary, the conversation discusses the basics of thermodynamics of dissipative systems, specifically equation (2.13) derived using the concept of free-energy and Onsager's relations. The equation involves the free energy (V), dissipation function (D), generalized force (Q), and differentiation with respect to time. When applied to a one-dimensional dissipative system, such as a dashpot, the equation makes sense as it relates to Newtonian viscosity. However, when applied to a system with a spring and dashpot in series, there is confusion around the generalized force (Q_2) for the dashpot. The question asks for clarification on where they may be going wrong.
  • #1
∂Hello there,

I am trying to understand the basics of thermodynamics of dissipative systems.
In the attached paper equation (2.13) is derived using the concpt of free-energy and Onsager's relations

It says that, restricting to only one generalized coordinate

∂V / ∂q + ∂D / ∂q' = Q

V being the free energy, D the dissipation function as defined by Onsager's principle, Q the generalized force associated to the generalized coordinate q, and the apex deoting differentiation wit respect to time.

Trying to make sense, I applied to a one-dimensional dissipative sisyem, a dashpot.

Indeed, for a dashpot V = 0 identically, so the equation suggests (D defined as D = 0.5 b q'^2)

b q' = Q

which makes perfect sense (Newtonian viscosity).

If I try to do the same with a spring and dashpot in series, having q1 and q2 as coordinates representing the extension of the spring and the dashpot, I end up with a system ,

∂V / ∂q_1 + ∂D / ∂q'_1 = Q_1
∂V / ∂q_2 + ∂D / ∂q'_2 = Q_2

The first makes perfect sense, expressing the fact the force in the spring equals the applied force.
The second should say the same for the dashpot, but I struggle to understand what Q_2 is. Should be a force conjugate to the displacement of the dashpot, but the dashpot react to an applied rate, not to an applied displacement.

Where am I going wrong?



  • Biot Viscoelastic Variational Prnciples.pdf
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  • #2
Did you ever figure this out? I'm guessing from the title of the link you gave that there is both viscosity and elasticity involved. Elasticity is the reaction to the applied displacement, viscosity to the applied rate of displacement.

FAQ: Understanding the Role of Viscosity and Elasticity in Dissipative Thermodynamics

1. What is dissipative thermodynamics?

Dissipative thermodynamics is a branch of thermodynamics that studies systems that are not in thermodynamic equilibrium. These systems exchange energy and matter with their surroundings, resulting in a constant flow of energy and an overall increase in entropy.

2. How is dissipative thermodynamics different from classical thermodynamics?

Dissipative thermodynamics takes into account the dynamics of non-equilibrium systems, while classical thermodynamics only deals with systems in thermodynamic equilibrium. Dissipative thermodynamics also considers the role of energy dissipation and the resulting increase in entropy.

3. What are some examples of dissipative systems?

Examples of dissipative systems include chemical reactions, biological processes, and weather systems. These systems are constantly exchanging energy and matter with their surroundings, resulting in a flow of energy and an overall increase in entropy.

4. How does dissipative thermodynamics relate to chaos theory?

Dissipative thermodynamics and chaos theory are closely related, as both fields study systems that are sensitive to initial conditions and exhibit complex, unpredictable behavior. Dissipative thermodynamics provides a theoretical framework for understanding the behavior of chaotic systems.

5. What are some practical applications of dissipative thermodynamics?

Dissipative thermodynamics has many practical applications, including understanding biochemical reactions in living organisms, predicting weather patterns, and designing efficient energy systems. It also has implications for fields such as economics, sociology, and ecology, as these systems can also be viewed as dissipative systems.
