Is Gravity Just Intelligent Falling?

In summary: Microsoft Files Patent for 1's and 0'sREDMOND, WA -- In what CEO Bill Gates called, "an unfortunate but necessary step to protect our intellectual property from theft and exploitation by competitors," the Microsoft Corporation patented the numbers one and zero Monday.With the patent, Microsoft's rivals are prohibited from manufacturing or selling products containing zeroes and ones -- the mathematical building blocks of all computer languages and programs -- unless a royalty fee of 10 cents per digit used is paid to the software giant."Microsoft has been using the binary system of ones and zersoes ever since its inception in 1975," Gates told reporters. "For years, in the interest of the overall health of the computer industry, we
  • #1
The Onion: Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity - "Intelligent Falling" Theory

Hello all! I hope this gives your day the same kick it did mine! Enjoy!
:biggrin: :smile: :biggrin:

KANSAS CITY, KS—As the debate over the teaching of evolution in public schools continues, a new controversy over the science curriculum arose Monday in this embattled Midwestern state. Scientists from the Evangelical Center For Faith-Based Reasoning are now asserting that the long-held "theory of gravity" is flawed, and they have responded to it with a new theory of Intelligent Falling.

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Physics news on
  • #2
OMG! :bugeye: THAT IS HILARIOUS! :smile:
  • #3
I think it is a spoof.
Look at the picture of Sir John Sulston here:
Compare that with Rev. Gabriel Burdett's photo in the onion-link
  • #6
It had no choice but to be a spoof.
  • #7
heretics! you're all going to hell! may the finger of god squish you!
  • #8
I have a couple or real favorites from The Onion. I'll have to dig them up, but if anyone wishes we could make this thread an Onion fest. :-p
  • #9
Jesus used rockets, duh.

And really, if Jesus was who he really was and angels exist to an extent they are suppose to exist in the Bible... do they REALLY need to be obeying any laws in our universe if they don't want to?
  • #10
Pengwuino said:
Jesus used rockets, duh.

And really, if Jesus was who he really was and angels exist to an extent they are suppose to exist in the Bible... do they REALLY need to be obeying any laws in our universe if they don't want to?

Maybe it's easier. Everyone knows that it's hard work to get around the laws of physics.
  • #11
Didn't know it was a spoof when I read it. Actually I'd not be surprised if it weren't. After all, there are discussions about whether evolution should be taught in class. The thought ideas like this are seriously considered to be taught in high school scares the hell out of me.
  • #12
Ivan Seeking said:
I have a couple or real favorites from The Onion. I'll have to dig them up, but if anyone wishes we could make this thread an Onion fest. :-p

I always like the one about man landing on the moon, but I guess it wouldn't be appropriate for all the youngin's. :biggrin:
  • #13
This was a good one but I didn't have a link handy. It comes from the Dec 8th, 2004 edition.

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND—Nearly 700 scientists representing 27 countries convened at the University of Zurich Monday to formally announce that their experimentation on mice has been motivated not by a desire to advance human knowledge, but out of sheer distaste for the furry little rodents.

As a man of science, I deal with facts, and the fact is that mice are gross," said Dr. Douglas White, chair of the Oxford biogenetics department and lifelong mouse-hater. "They're squirmy, scurrying little vermin, and they make my skin crawl. I speak for all of my assembled colleagues when I say that the horrible little things deserve the worst we can dish out." [continued]

Or, from today

WASHINGTON, DC—A Department of Labor report released Monday finds that America's high schools are not sufficiently preparing emerging dropouts for the demands of unemployment.[continued]
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  • #14
  • #15
Microsoft Files Patent for 1's and 0's

REDMOND, WA -- In what CEO Bill Gates called, "an unfortunate but necessary step to protect our intellectual property from theft and exploitation by competitors," the Microsoft Corporation patented the numbers one and zero Monday.
With the patent, Microsoft's rivals are prohibited from manufacturing or selling products containing zeroes and ones -- the mathematical building blocks of all computer languages and programs -- unless a royalty fee of 10 cents per digit used is paid to the software giant.
"Microsoft has been using the binary system of ones and zeroes ever since its inception in 1975," Gates told reporters. "For years, in the interest of the overall health of the computer industry, we permitted the free and unfettered use of our proprietary numeric systems. However, changing marketplace conditions and the increasingly predatory practices of certain competitors now leave us with no choice but to seek compensation for the use of our numerals."
A number of major Silicon Valley players, including Apple Computer, Netscape and Sun Microsystems, said they will challenge the Microsoft patent as monopolistic and anti-competitive, claiming that the 10-cent-per-digit licensing fee would bankrupt them instantly.
"While, technically, Java is a complex system of algorithms used to create a platform-independent programming environment, it is, at its core, just a string of trillions of ones and zeroes," said Sun Microsystems CEO Scott McNealy, whose company created the Java programming environment used in many Internet applications. "The licensing fees we'd have to pay Microsoft every day would be approximately 327,000 times the total net worth of this company."
"If this patent holds up in federal court, Apple will have no choice but to convert to analog," said Apple interim CEO Steve Jobs, "and I have serious doubts whether this company would be able to remain competitive selling pedal-operated computers running software off vinyl LPs."
As a result of the Microsoft patent, many other companies have begun radically revising their product lines: Database manufacturer Oracle has embarked on a crash program to develop "an abacus for the next millennium." Novell, whose communications and networking systems are also subject to Microsoft licensing fees, is working with top animal trainers on a chimpanzee-based message-transmission system. Hewlett-Packard is developing a revolutionary new steam-powered printer.
Despite the swarm of protest, Gates is standing his ground, maintaining that ones and zeroes are the undisputed property of Microsoft.
"We will vigorously enforce our patents of these numbers, as they are legally ours," Gates said. "Among Microsoft's vast historical archives are Sanskrit cuneiform tablets from 1800 B.C. clearly showing ones and a symbol known as 'sunya,' or nothing. We also own: Papyrus scrolls written by Pythagoras himself in which he explains the idea of singular notation, or 'one'; early tracts by Mohammed ibn Musa al Kwarizimi explaining the concept of al-sifr, or 'the cipher'; original mathematical manuscripts by Heisenberg, Einstein and Planck; and a signed first-edition copy of Jean-Paul Sartre's Being And Nothingness. Should the need arise, Microsoft will have no difficulty proving to the Justice Department or anyone else that we own the rights to these numbers."
Added Gates, "My salary also has lots of zeroes. I'm the richest man in the world."
According to experts, the full ramifications of Microsoft's patenting of one and zero have yet to be realized.
"Because all integers and natural numbers derive from one and zero, Microsoft may, by extension, lay claim to ownership of all mathematics and logic systems, including Euclidean geometry, pulleys and levers, gravity, and the basic Newtonian principles of motion, as well as the concepts of existence and nonexistence," Yale University theoretical mathematics professor J. Edmund Lattimore said. "In other words, pretty much everything."
Lattimore said that the only mathematical constructs of which Microsoft may not be able to claim ownership are infinity and transcendental numbers like pi. Microsoft lawyers are expected to file liens on infinity and pi this week.
Microsoft has not yet announced whether it will charge a user fee to individuals who wish to engage in such mathematically rooted motions as walking, stretching and smiling.
In an address beamed live to billions of people around the globe Monday, Gates expressed confidence that his company's latest move will, ultimately, benefit all humankind.
"Think of this as a partnership," Gates said. "Like the ones and zeroes of the binary code itself, we must all work together to make the promise of the computer revolution a reality. As the world's richest, most powerful software company, Microsoft is number one. And you, the millions of consumers who use our products, are the zeroes."
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FAQ: Is Gravity Just Intelligent Falling?

1. What is the "Onion" and why is it being referenced in this theory?

The Onion is a satirical news website known for its humorous and often absurd articles. Its articles are not meant to be taken seriously, but rather to poke fun at current events and societal trends. In this case, the Onion is using the concept of intelligent falling to mock the idea of creationism and the rejection of scientific theories like gravity.

2. What is the Evangelical perspective on the theory of intelligent falling?

Evangelical Christians generally reject the theory of evolution and believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible. As such, they also reject the theory of gravity and instead propose the idea of intelligent falling, which suggests that objects are pulled towards the ground by the will of a higher power rather than the scientific principles of gravity.

3. How do Evangelical scientists refute the theory of gravity?

Evangelical scientists argue that the theory of gravity is just a theory and lacks concrete evidence. They believe that the idea of intelligent falling is a more logical explanation for why objects fall towards the ground. They also point to biblical passages that they interpret as supporting the idea of a divine force guiding the movement of objects.

4. What is the scientific community's response to the theory of intelligent falling?

The scientific community overwhelmingly rejects the theory of intelligent falling. Gravity is a well-established and thoroughly tested scientific theory, supported by mountains of evidence and mathematical equations. There is no scientific basis for the concept of intelligent falling and it is not considered a valid scientific explanation.

5. How does the concept of intelligent falling impact scientific progress?

The rejection of scientific theories like gravity in favor of religious beliefs can hinder scientific progress. By refusing to acknowledge and study established scientific principles, important discoveries and advancements may be missed. It is important to have an open-minded and evidence-based approach to scientific research in order to continue making progress and understanding the world around us.

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