How can such chemical substances give us cancer ?

In summary, radioactive materials, such as UV, X-Rays, and Gamma rays, can cause cancer by breaking the DNA/RNA in our cells. This is known as ionizing radiation. When cells are damaged by radiation, they may continue to live but now have damaged genetic material, which can lead to uncontrollable growth and the development of cancerous cells. Some common ionizing materials include alpha, beta, and gamma particles. Cancer is a result of damaged cells that have lost control of their growth mechanisms due to radiation.
  • #1
can you tell me how can such chemical substances give us cancer ? What do they do in actuality ?

Engineering news on
  • #2
Radioactive materials give you cancer by literally breaking your dna/rna. Radiation strong enough to do this is called "ionizing radiation." UV, X-Rays, and Gamma rays (electromagnetic radiation - like light) are ionizing, as are particle radiation (alpha, beta, gamma particles).
  • #3
Thanks for your reply,
Cells have a lot of functions and spend many phases to 'create' or be created new ones and 'kill' themselves...So, when their DNAs/RNAs get damaged, there is no inheritance anymore but they can still create and this time in an uncontrollable way...
Is my assumption correct ?
If so, can you please tell me why they are uncontrollable ?
Secondly, do you know which ionizing materials are all around us ?

I made such questions to learn more about this, I know some cancer patients, some are old, some are really young, no-way-for-a-rescue disease, right ? This is just a curiosity of mine-way of broadening my mind a little bit...

Thanks a lot,
  • #4
Most cells damaged by radiation simply die. A few are mangled in such a way that they continue to live, but now have damaged genetic material. Sometimes the damaged genetic material permits the cell to get around at least one of the mechanisms that control growth -- that's a cancerous cell.

- Warren
  • #5
chroot said:
Most cells damaged by radiation simply die. A few are mangled in such a way that they continue to live, but now have damaged genetic material. Sometimes the damaged genetic material permits the cell to get around at least one of the mechanisms that control growth -- that's a cancerous cell.

- Warren
Thanks Warren,

  • #6

FAQ: How can such chemical substances give us cancer ?

1. How do chemical substances cause cancer?

Chemical substances can cause cancer by damaging the DNA in our cells. This damage can lead to mutations that disrupt normal cell growth and division, potentially resulting in cancerous cells.

2. Which chemical substances are most likely to cause cancer?

There are many different chemical substances that have been linked to cancer, including tobacco smoke, asbestos, benzene, and certain pesticides. However, the specific substances and their level of risk can vary depending on factors such as exposure level and individual susceptibility.

3. How does the body process and eliminate cancer-causing chemicals?

The body has natural defense mechanisms to process and eliminate harmful chemicals. The liver, for example, helps to break down and remove toxins from the body. However, prolonged exposure to high levels of a cancer-causing substance can overwhelm these defenses and increase the risk of developing cancer.

4. Can we completely avoid exposure to cancer-causing chemicals?

While it is impossible to completely avoid exposure to all chemicals, there are steps we can take to minimize our risk. This includes following safety guidelines when handling harmful substances, avoiding known carcinogens like tobacco smoke, and staying informed about potential risks in our environment.

5. Is there a link between the amount of exposure to a chemical substance and the likelihood of developing cancer?

Yes, there is often a correlation between the level of exposure to a cancer-causing substance and the risk of developing cancer. However, this can vary depending on the specific substance and individual factors such as genetics and overall health.

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