Is there a certain limit of force to a magnetic field?

In summary, the conversation is discussing the concept of magnetic force and how it is limited for permanent magnets. The force between two magnets is not a fixed value and it depends on the objects and environment involved. The force generated by the magnetic field is also limited and can only reach a certain value. The force between magnets is also affected by distance and can vary depending on the orientation of the magnets. The force can be increased with an electromagnet, but the permanent magnet still has a limit to its force. The discussion also touches on the idea of logarithmic functions and how they may apply to magnetic force.
  • #1

Okay, I always assumed when two "magnetic" objects attract/repel there is always a limit to how much force! Each magnetic object applies.

Say you have a ceramic magnet and a electromagnet.
You build a classic old motor. Now there is a force between the two, As you increase the (Power) fed to the electromagnet it increases the force between them.

But the magnet on the other hand is constant. It has a certain value that can not change.

I noticed that all permanent magnets have a "limit" to the amount of force it can apply to push/pull/flip any magnetic object.

Each pole of a permanent magnet, has a certain value (x) I call the limit.
The limit to the amount of FORCE that pole can apply.

Have I comprehended this correctly?
There is always a limit value of force a magnet's pole can apply to attract/repel another magnetic object?
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  • #2
The magnetic field in permanent magnets is limited, and with realistic magnets the force between magnets is limited, too. This is not a fixed value for each magnet, however - it depends on the attracted objects and the environment.
  • #3
mfb said:
The magnetic field in permanent magnets is limited, it depends on the attracted objects and the environment.

Indeed, THUS! The magnetic force generated by that limited field is aslo limited at a constant value.
I tend to know the rate of the magnetic field of most of my magnets. However, The amount of force the poles apply is unknown... But I do know it depends on the "orientation" of the project. Many factors are involved would determine how high/low that force is applied. But I do know, that a magnet has a limited amount of force it's field can apply I am trying to figure out how much... Funky business!

mfb said:
and with realistic magnets the force between magnets is limited, too. This is not a fixed value for each magnet,

I could not figure out this though...
What do you mean by the force between magnets being limited :O?

I ment that each magnet has a fixed limit to the amount of force it can apply.
For example:
A Neodymium disc magnet attracting a iron nail = force is weak, the effort needed to split them apart is low.

Now, let's replace that nail with a HUGE plate x 5 times larger than the magnet's dimensions.
The attraction force (x) is strong! The effort needed increased! (x) can go lower as you decrease the size of the plate but can never be increased as you go x5 + It stay's at that value, and that (x) is the limit of force the field can apply :)

Stunning thing really!
  • #4
What do you mean by the force between magnets being limited :O?
If you have two objects, there is a maximal force you will have between them.

Now, let's replace that nail with a HUGE plate x 5 times larger than the magnet's dimensions.
The attraction force (x) is strong! The effort needed increased!
That is what I meant: The same magnet can lead to different forces, depending on the other object (even if that is not a magnet on its own).
(x) can go lower as you decrease the size of the plate but can never be increased as you go x5 + It stay's at that value, and that (x) is the limit of force the field can apply :)
How do you mean that?
  • #5
mfb said:
How do you mean that?

The thing is, when two magnetic objects attract/repel...
The force is due to both of them, I understand that point. But I assume that each object exerts a certain force on the other and vice versa.

So that amount of force let's say from a magnet. Is limited at a certain value(x)
However, an electromagnet's value is not limited you can add more power and get a higher force easier. The magnet can't increase its value higher than (x).
A magnet will have a limit to how much push/pull it can apply to another object always :)

FOR example:
A motor has a electromagnet + magnet.
The magnet is set at the value(x) and can not change.
However, the electromagnet can increase its value thus the motion is increased! The cause? The electromagnet's force of repulsion/attraction increased and can change and has a limit but HIGHER than the magnet. While the permanent magnet is limited at a value(x) and can not change in the case of the motor.

Hope that helped :)
  • #6
mfb said:
If you have two objects, there is a maximal force you will have between them.

Indeed, just like having a two stick's hitting each other, if you increase the force they break!
  • #7
Wiz700 said:
Indeed, just like having a two stick's hitting each other, if you increase the force they break!

Clever example,however not that correct,beacause when you have a two sticks system, you can hit them with any force size you want and as you mentioned there is a case of breaking.On the other side in a two magnets system there is a maximum force that your system can produce...and not bigger
  • #8
goun said:
Clever example,however not that correct,beacause when you have a two sticks system, you can hit them with any force size you want and as you mentioned there is a case of breaking.On the other side in a two magnets system there is a maximum force that your system can produce...and not bigger

Say whaaaaat?!
  • #9
How come no discussion of the distance between the two magnetic objects? It would seem that would be a vital consideration. Both when 'like' poles are set against each other, and when 'opposite' poles are set against each other? In both cases a logarithmic function needs to be elucidated, or am I wrong in this? In the case of repulsion, in magnets that are perfectly aligned, the repulsive force would increase in a curve that would 'peak,' ever higher, as the distance between the two 'like' poles, where reduced. Or, the repulsion would become stronger as the distance decreased.
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  • #10
Wiz700 said:
Say whaaaaat?!

As you want. What i wanted to say is that the example of the two sticks it is not the appropriate to describe the two magnets case. Because as it was told before there is a maximum force that the system can suffer.And the force depends on the system features.However in the two sticks system the force depents on how strong WE hit them, and there is not any kind of a determination about the force size!Even if the system breaks and this is why the force reason is external.In the two magnets we are not allowed to have bigger force from the one that system can stand.Any different view accepted.
  • #11
jeffrey c mc. said:
How come no discussion of the distance between the two magnetic objects? It would seem that would be a vital consideration. Both when 'like' poles are set against each other, and when 'opposite' poles are set against each other? In both cases a logarithmic function needs to be elucidated, or am I wrong in this? In the case of repulsion, in magnets that are perfectly aligned, the repulsive force would increase in a curve that would 'peak,' ever higher, as the distance between the two 'like' poles, where reduced. Or, the repulsion would become stronger as the distance decreased.

Of cousre the strengh depends on the distance <r> of the two magnetic poles and more specifically F=(1/μ)*((P1*P2)/(r^2))

F is the force size,
where P1 and P2 are the magnitudes of magnetic poles ,r is the distance and μ is the permeability of the intervening medium.No logarithmic function!If we guess stable all those factors except from <r> Force is a hyperbolic function.
  • #12
F= Km1m2/r^2

Will not be appropriate if the distance is for example zero...
The point of this thread is to somewhat bring awareness that if you have a permanent magnet for example
and a electromagnet that has a greater capability to apply a force.
A magnet has a certain limit to as how much force it's pole can apply a force let's put a value for example:
A magnet's pole's(N/S) Has a limit of force = 5N(Newtons, is fit for this example).
While an electromagnet's pole's(N/S) that is interacting with the magnet has a limit too of = 50N

Assuming that the distance between them is 0 so the force is at it's MAX.
  • #13
Couple of comments - the attractive force between two magnets, assuming only the field strengths but not the geometry changes, is proportional to the product of the field strengths. If one is constant (as in a permanent magnet), then the force is linearly dependent on the other's field strength.

I may be misunderstanding this limit thing, but one of the limits for a permanent magnet is associated with its remagnetisation levels and hysteresis - under high enough external fields a permanent magnet will be remagnetised to align with the external fields. This is how they are magnetised in the first place. This can be quite subtle if the alignment reinforces the existing magnetisation, when it can be just a few percent. I am not familiar with any other limit.
  • #14
Knowing that you would have one permeant magnet simply means there is a certain amount of force it's poles can apply. That limit can't be exceeded.
But you're right, exposing the magnet to a strong magnetic field would mean that it could change the magnetization of the magnet.

An electromagnet also has a limit. But by changing the flow of current you can control that amount of "force" the poles can apply.
With a permanent magnet, its more complicated to "control" that force. By changing the distance, or the contact area the force of a magnet's pole could be controlled. But very very very complicated business here!
  • #15
Wiz700 said:
Is there a certain limit of force to a magnetic field?

If you haven't already, take a look around in the...​

  • #16
OCR said:
If you haven't already, take a look around in the...​


I figured out the answer to my question thankfully.
Thanks for sharing though!
  • #17
I think the limit on field strength is a bit arbitrary. As the current through the coils of an electromagnet increases the relative permeability of the core drops. You can either choose that as a limit or keep increasing the current, when the magnet's field strength will continue to increase but more slowly. The only query is how hot the windings get - for pulsed use or with superconductive coils the thermal limits here are as lot higher than for steady state use.

FAQ: Is there a certain limit of force to a magnetic field?

1. What is the limit of force to a magnetic field?

The limit of force to a magnetic field is dependent on a variety of factors such as the strength of the magnetic field, the distance between the magnetic field and the object, and the properties of the object itself. There is no specific limit as it can vary in different situations.

2. Can a magnetic field become too strong?

Yes, a magnetic field can become too strong. When a magnetic field becomes too strong, it can cause damage to electronic devices and even harm living organisms at close proximity. It is important to handle strong magnetic fields with caution.

3. Is there a maximum strength for a magnetic field?

There is no known maximum strength for a magnetic field. Scientists have been able to create extremely strong magnetic fields, but it is believed that there is a theoretical limit to how strong a magnetic field can be created.

4. What happens if a magnetic field is too weak?

If a magnetic field is too weak, it may not have any noticeable effects on objects within its reach. The strength of a magnetic field determines its ability to attract or repel objects, so a weak magnetic field may not have much effect on objects.

5. Can a magnetic field be increased indefinitely?

No, a magnetic field cannot be increased indefinitely. As mentioned before, there is a theoretical limit to how strong a magnetic field can be created. Additionally, the strength of a magnetic field can also be affected by external factors such as temperature and surrounding materials.

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