Relation Between Inertia And Kinetic Energy Question

In summary, the conversation was discussing the difference in the moment of inertia and kinetic energy between a disk and a hoop when they are dropped from the same height. It was explained that while the disk reaches the ground first due to its smaller moment of inertia, both objects actually have the same total kinetic energy. However, they divide it differently between translational and rotational kinetic energy, with the hoop having more rotational kinetic energy and the disk having more translational kinetic energy. This results in the disk reaching the ground first, but with less rotational kinetic energy than the hoop.
  • #1

Please consider that picture in the following link

It says that the DISK will reach the ground more quickly than the HOOP, since it has smaller moment of Inertia.! I GET THAT!

But what I cannot understand is, if that is true, how come when you calculate the kinetic energies of the DISK and the HOOP according to the formula KE=1/2mv^2,
that the kinetic energy of the disk is twice less than the kinetic energy of the HOOP.

put in a more simple words, HOW COME THE OBJECT THAT REACHES THE GROUND FIRST, HAS LESS KINETIC ENERGY than the slower object?


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  • #2
Both objects actually have the same total kinetic energy, but they divide it differently between translational kinetic energy ([itex]\frac{1}{2}mv^2[/itex]) and rotational kinetic energy. Look up rotational kinetic energy in your textbook and see how it is related to moment of inertia.
  • #3
zinedine_88 said:
But what I cannot understand is, if that is true, how come when you calculate the kinetic energies of the DISK and the HOOP according to the formula KE=1/2mv^2,
that the kinetic energy of the disk is twice less than the kinetic energy of the HOOP.
As jtbell stated, 1/2mv^2 is the formula for translational KE. You are probably talking about rotational KE. For a given translational speed, a hoop has twice the rotational KE as does a cylinder (if the mass is the same).

put in a more simple words, HOW COME THE OBJECT THAT REACHES THE GROUND FIRST, HAS LESS KINETIC ENERGY than the slower object?
Whichever object reaches the ground first must have greater speed and thus more translational KE (if the mass is the same). Since the total KE is the same for both (again as jtbell explained), and since the cylinder has less rotational KE it will have more translational KE and thus will reach the ground sooner.
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FAQ: Relation Between Inertia And Kinetic Energy Question

1. What is the relation between inertia and kinetic energy?

The relation between inertia and kinetic energy is that inertia is a property of matter that describes its resistance to change in motion, while kinetic energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its motion. In other words, the inertia of an object affects the amount of kinetic energy it possesses. The greater the inertia of an object, the more energy is required to change its motion, resulting in a higher kinetic energy.

2. How does the mass of an object affect its inertia and kinetic energy?

The mass of an object directly affects its inertia and kinetic energy. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia, meaning it will require more force to change its motion. This also results in a higher amount of kinetic energy, as more energy is needed to overcome the object's inertia.

3. Can an object have inertia without possessing kinetic energy?

Yes, an object can have inertia without possessing kinetic energy. Inertia is a property of matter and exists regardless of an object's motion. For example, an object at rest still has inertia, but it has no kinetic energy because it is not in motion.

4. How do inertia and kinetic energy relate to Newton's First Law of Motion?

Newton's First Law of Motion states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This law relates to inertia and kinetic energy in that an object with a higher inertia will require more force to change its motion, and an object with more kinetic energy will require more force to stop its motion.

5. Can the relation between inertia and kinetic energy be applied to all types of motion?

Yes, the relation between inertia and kinetic energy can be applied to all types of motion, whether it is linear, rotational, or vibrational. Inertia and kinetic energy are fundamental properties of matter and apply to all types of motion.

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