A Third Year Student's Unexpected Fellowship Assignment

In summary, the third year student of Integrated M.Sc. Physics in India has been selected for a summer fellowship in National Brain Research Center, Gurgaon. However, the fellowship is in a completely unrelated area to their research interests, and they want some help understanding how they got assigned to this project.
  • #1
I am a third year student of Integrated M.Sc. Physics in India. My primary research interest is General Relativity, Quantum Gravity and the study of black holes.

I decided to apply for a summer fellowship in IAS ( Indian Academy of Sciences), where I clearly mentioned my research interests as stated above.

I have been selected for the fellowship. However, amazingly, I was given a fellowship in National Brain Research Center, Gurgaon, which has almost everything to do with brain research.

I do not see any connection with my research area, and what I have been allotted.

I want some help.

Is there any such connection that I am unaware of?? I still don't understand how I was given such a research facility to work in.

guide me!...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
No, there's no connection.
  • #3
There may be a couple of issues at play here.

(1) I would guess that research interests of the student are taken into account where possible in such programs, but they likely don't have too many projects for someone at the 3rd year level involving the subject you've listed and have assigned you to a project that was available, assuming that you would prefer something over nothing.

(2) It's possible that the funding comes through the brain research centre for your project. Sometimes funding can come from a creative array of sources.

(3) It's possible someone just messed up and assigned you into the wrong area. Likely the people administrating the fellowship are secretaries and not physicists.

(4) You're lucky enough to be working with Roger Penrose on orchestrated objective reduction and the consciousness problem.

My suggestion is to contact the people you're assigned to work with and find out about the project they have in mind. Just because it may not be your first choice doesn't mean you should close the door on it. It could be an opportunity in disguise.
  • #4
Thanks Choppy...

I have contacted the fellows, and am waiting for a reply (email). I shall return here as soon as I get a reply from them.

I am not exactly closing the door on this here. I'm open to other areas! that's why i haven't said no yet. I am still talking to myassigned guide as to which project she has in mind for me.

And no, my assigned guide is not Roger Penrose. :P :P Though had I got under him, I would not have started this post at all. There is no doubt as to whether I would be doing a summer research under him or not!

FAQ: A Third Year Student's Unexpected Fellowship Assignment

1. What is the premise of "A Third Year Student's Unexpected Fellowship Assignment"?

"A Third Year Student's Unexpected Fellowship Assignment" follows the story of a college student who unexpectedly receives a prestigious fellowship that takes them on a journey of self-discovery and growth."

2. Who is the target audience for this book?

The target audience for "A Third Year Student's Unexpected Fellowship Assignment" is young adults, specifically college students, who are navigating the challenges of finding their identity and purpose.

3. What themes are explored in this book?

Some of the themes explored in "A Third Year Student's Unexpected Fellowship Assignment" include self-discovery, personal growth, perseverance, and the importance of taking risks and stepping out of one's comfort zone.

4. Is this book based on a true story?

No, "A Third Year Student's Unexpected Fellowship Assignment" is a work of fiction. However, it may draw inspiration from real-life experiences and struggles that young adults face.

5. What can readers expect from this book?

Readers can expect to be taken on a journey alongside the main character as they navigate through unexpected challenges and learn valuable life lessons. They can also expect to be inspired and motivated to take risks and pursue their passions after reading this book.

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