Different Probablities Same Situation?

  • Thread starter dkgolfer16
  • Start date
In summary: Sally randomly selects three cards from a regular deck of cards (half black, half red) and places them face down on the table. She yells at Johnny to reenter and tells him that he gets to flip two of the three cards over. If two are of the same color, Johnny wins $2. If they are different colors, Sally wins $1. In summary, Sally offers a deal to Johnny- in the event that two of the three cards are the same color, he will win $2; however, in the event that they are different colors, Sally will win $1.
  • #1
Johnny and Sally sit at a table in their dining room. Sally tells Johnny to leave the room while she prepares a game. Sally randomly selects three cards from a regular deck of cards (half black, half red) and places them face down on the table. She yells at Johnny to reenter and tells him that he gets to flip two of the three cards over. If two are of the same color, Johnny wins $2. If they are different colors, Sally wins $1.

Johnny's viewpoint: It's a great deal because I have a 50% chance of winning $2 and 50% chance of losing $1. Why does he think this? The first card color he flips over is of no difference. The second card he flips has a 50% chance of being either red or black, thus 50% chance of matching the first color.

Sally's viewpoint: It's a great deal because Johnny only has 33% chance of winning so theoretically I should pay him $3 if he wins. Why does she think this? Since three cards exist, the odds of flipping over two of the same color are 1 out of 3.

Question: Who is right? Who will win? Are they somehow both right?

Thanks for the help.
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  • #2
If you reduced this to dealing two cards and asking the odds, how does that differ from chosing two cards at random from a deck of 52?
  • #3
Johnny's right. By his logic. His expected value is 50 cents. Her logic is incomplete. If you focus on three cards, there are twelve combinations, 6 of which are of same color, therefore 50%. Even if he had a 1/3 chance of winning, it still wouldn't be a great deal, because her expected return is 0 with his $2 winning potential. Paying him $3 would be to her disadvantage, her expected return would be negative 33 cents
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  • #4
That's what I thought. Johnny's right. But this link was posted to explain bell's inequality. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the example but it says the odds are on Sally's side. See "Is this game fair to you?" heading at the following address:

http://ilja-schmelzer.de/realism/game.php .

Correct me if I'm missing something.
  • #5
Johnny's essentially right -- though his expected winnings is more like 47 cents (8/17) because the deck isn't infinite.
dkgolfer16 said:
Correct me if I'm missing something.

In the link there are three preselected cards, two of the same color. In your example the three cards may be all the same color. Text comparisons:
"Sally randomly selects three cards from a regular deck of cards"
"I put three cards of my choice on the table"
  • #6
dkgolfer16: Sally randomly selects three cards from a regular deck of cards

That's not what the example says, it says: "I put three cards of my choice on the table so that you cannot see their color."
  • #7
Got it thanks

FAQ: Different Probablities Same Situation?

1. What is the concept of "Different Probabilities Same Situation?"

The concept of "Different Probabilities Same Situation" refers to a situation where multiple possible outcomes exist, but each outcome has a different probability of occurring. This can occur in various fields, such as statistics, probability, and game theory.

2. How is this concept applied in real-life scenarios?

This concept is commonly applied in decision-making processes, risk analysis, and predicting the likelihood of an event occurring. For example, in the medical field, doctors may use this concept to determine the probability of a patient developing a certain disease based on their medical history and lifestyle choices.

3. What factors can influence the probability of different outcomes in the same situation?

Several factors can influence the probability of different outcomes in the same situation, such as random chance, external factors, and individual characteristics. For instance, in a game of chance, the probability of winning may be influenced by the player's skill, the number of players, and the rules of the game.

4. Can different probabilities in the same situation be calculated?

Yes, different probabilities in the same situation can be calculated using various mathematical models and statistical methods. These calculations may involve analyzing past data, considering external factors, and using probability distributions to estimate the likelihood of each outcome.

5. How can understanding "Different Probabilities Same Situation" be beneficial?

Understanding this concept can be beneficial in making informed decisions, minimizing risks, and predicting the likelihood of certain events. It can also help in analyzing data and identifying patterns, which can be useful in various fields, including finance, healthcare, and sports.
