Prove that a function is concave

In summary: Suppose f is concave. Then for any two points x and y, with x < y, we havef(y) <= f(x) + (y-x)f'(x) (this is the definition of concavity)Now take x = x* and y = x. What does this tell you about f(x*) + (x-x*)f'(x*)?For the other direction, assume f(x*) + (x-x*)f'(x*) >= f(x). Now suppose f is not concave. Then there exist x < x* < y such thatf(y) > f(x) + (y-x)f'(x)What can you say about f(x*) + (x-x*)f
  • #1

Homework Statement

f:R->R, c'
prove that f is concave iff f(x*)+(x-x*)f'(x*)>=f(x)

Homework Equations

assume the function is only once differentiable

The Attempt at a Solution

i have no idea how to approach this question...:confused:
Physics news on
  • #2
blaah said:

Homework Statement

f:R->R, c'
prove that f is concave iff f(x*)+(x-x*)f'(x*)>=f(x)

Homework Equations

assume the function is only once differentiable

The Attempt at a Solution

i have no idea how to approach this question...:confused:
Are x* and x any two values of x? Are there any restrictions on the values of x?

To prove your statement you need to prove two things:
  1. f is concave ==> f(x*) + (x - x*) f'(x*) >= f(x)
  2. f(x*) + (x - x*) f'(x*) >= f(x) ==> f is concave
For the first, what does it mean for a function to be concave?
For the second, one approach would be a proof by contradiction. Suppose that f(x*) + (x - x*) f'(x*) >= f(x) is true and that f is not concave. If you arrive at a contradiction, it means that your original assumption was incorrect, and therefore f must be concave.

  • #3
for all x, x*

i know that for the function to be concave all the points on the tangent need to be on or below the function...but i doesn't help...i've been staring at the problems for days now, with no result...
  • #4
Looks to me like the mean value theorem would be useful here.

FAQ: Prove that a function is concave

What does it mean for a function to be concave?

A function is concave if it has a graph that curves downward, resembling a bowl. This means that as the input increases, the rate of change of the function decreases. In other words, the function is "curving inward" and has a decreasing slope.

How can I prove that a function is concave?

To prove that a function is concave, you can use the second derivative test. This involves taking the derivative of the function twice and examining the sign of the second derivative at different points. If the second derivative is negative at all points, then the function is concave.

Can a function be both convex and concave?

No, a function cannot be both convex and concave at the same time. This is because a convex function has a graph that curves upward, while a concave function has a graph that curves downward. These two types of functions are considered opposites and cannot coexist.

Are all concave functions continuous?

Not necessarily. A function can be concave on a certain interval and discontinuous at certain points within that interval. However, if a function is concave on a closed interval, it must be continuous at all points within that interval.

How can knowing a function is concave be useful?

Knowing that a function is concave can be useful in various applications, such as optimizing functions in economics or engineering. It can also help in understanding the behavior of a function and predicting its future values. Additionally, concave functions have many properties that make them easier to work with in mathematical calculations.

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