Senator Hatch on Extraterrestrial Life: Assures No Concealed Info

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In Summary, Senator Hatch states that there is no evidence that extraterrestrial life exists, and that the Federal government has no information to conceal.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
"The Federal government does not have any information about extraterrestrial life to conceal, and there are no secret projects for me to investigate."

...Finally, on July 7, the Senator mailed a reply in which he said: "As you, I find the possibility of intelligent life on other planets intriguing; however, there is not sufficient evidence to determine whether such life exists. I have reviewed the information you recommended to me, and I can assure you that your concerns are unnecessary. The Federal government does not have any information about extraterrestrial life to conceal, and there are no secret projects for me to investigate." [continued]
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  • #2
The only conclusion that we can garner from Senator Hatch's testimony is that he must be an alien.
  • #3
Of course the story from the late Senator Goldwater is quite different.
  • #4
I remember reading that Phil Gram admitted he and 5 other senators were aliens. It was in the National Star, and they wouldn't print it if it wasn't true. He did have that whole ET extendo-neck thing going for him.

  • #5
my guess is that senators only know as much as we do on the subject of aliens and ufos if not less.
  • #6
Njorl said:
I remember reading that Phil Gram admitted he and 5 other senators were aliens. It was in the National Star, and they wouldn't print it if it wasn't true. He did have that whole ET extendo-neck thing going for him.


I wasn't sure if this was in response to my post or not, but just in case it was, I have seen interviews with Goldwater in which he talks about all of this.
  • #7
One more observation: If the programs are secret then how can Senator Hatch know that they don't exist?
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  • #8
Are you saying that Senator Hatch has revealed his knowledge of a secret program by his assertion that he has no knowledge of one? Or is it that you think he is simply not privy to what would be the most important occurence in human history?

This subject is so persistent it does make you wonder, if only for a second.
  • #9
The US government has no good reason to keep this all secret. And the US government can't keep a secret anyway.

The combination of those two leads me to believe that this is all a bunch of hooey.
  • #10
Although we probably agree more than not,

JohnDubYa said:
The US government has no good reason to keep this all secret.

I can imagine many reasons to keep something like this secret. I can think of few reasons not to given any potential threat or benefit to national security.

And the US government can't keep a secret anyway.

Do you mean the alleged secret that we are all talking about?
  • #11
I think the X-Files style of the government within the government is much more likely. I really cannot picture some of these goofy politicians being in on a secret as huge as this and not letting the secret out (although you did mention that one senator, I'll have to look at that).

At the end of the day though, I've been convinced of the improbability of govt/alien conspiracies ever since I read Carl Sagan's, "Demon Haunted World." I won't get into the details of his theories but I highly recommend that book to any skeptic.
  • #12
I can imagine many reasons to keep something like this secret. I can think of few reasons not to given any potential threat or benefit to national security.

Are you kidding? Every administration since Teddy Roosevelt has loved to play up a threat to national security.

Keeping such threats secret is not how our government has ever operated. We heard on, and on, and on about how the Soviets had this, and the Chinese had that.

So let me ask, what exactly is the government afraid of if the "secret" is let out of the bag?
  • #13
JohnDubYa said:
The US government has no good reason to keep this all secret. And the US government can't keep a secret anyway.

The combination of those two leads me to believe that this is all a bunch of hooey.

I think your wrong on both counts, you don't think 3/4 of the worlds population would freak out if they knew that aliens were visiting us? imagine the impact on relgion, imagine what it could do to the stock market, people's mental health, the list gos on...
2nd of all the US government actually can keep secrets very well when they want to, in most cases until secret documents are released in relation to black projects, espionage etc all that's really known about these matter is just a lot of hearsay.
Remember, before the US admited the existence of the stealth bomber, all we had was a few crazys who claimed to have seen black triangles in the sky.
  • #14
I think your wrong on both counts, you don't think 3/4 of the worlds population would freak out if they knew that aliens were visiting us? imagine the impact on relgion, imagine what it could do to the stock market, people's mental health, the list gos on...

Well, the people who are keeping the secret don't seem to be panicking. And those that firmly believe that such secrets are being kept don't seem to be panicking. And those that think the government MIGHT be keeping a secret don't seem to be worried at all.

In fact, if such chaos is really a given, then why are people demanding that the "truth" be told? Would they not be an agent for world collapse?

The whole idea is whacked. You have people wanting the government to spill the beans. When asked why the government doesn't spill the beans, they suggest that world chaos would ensue.
  • #15
What Hatch has to see in the mirror, every morning, is all the scary he can do in any day.

Our shape shifting lizard masters, like a warmer planet, it is all a part of the plan. (Google David Icke, on ET's)
  • #16
JohnDubYa said:
So let me ask, what exactly is the government afraid of if the "secret" is let out of the bag?

Here is the problem as I see it; again with the understanding that I am not arguing that there is a massive conspiracy, I am only considering the possibilities if ET were in fact here and the US knows it: Given the assumption of an advanced race of beings that can make folly of our defenses, that may play a biblical role in history, that may not be acting in our best interests, I can certainly see why there would be reason for concern. The basic argument is that people need to believe that someone is in control. There is a famous study makes this point but I'm drawing a blank right now. I will post it a little later.

One other interesting point here: The woman who authored the "definitive" book on the Rendlesham Forest episode quotes a conversation that she allegedly had with Margaret Thatcher. When she allegedly confronted Thatcher on the subject of UFOs, Thatcher responded: [approx] "You have to have the facts. You can't tell the people". To my knowledge Thatcher has never refuted this highly publicized claim. Episodes like this one don't help to quell the allegations of a cover up.

Of course, none of this addresses the possiblities for technology given that we have some kind of special relationship with ET, as many people belive. Imagine if we did. We absolutely would keep this a secret; were such a thing to happen.
  • #17
One more thought on all of this. Many people believe we are seeing a controlled release of information. There are reasons why this makes sense.

I don't think this notion of conspiracies can be dismissed logically for lacking motive. Maybe for other reasons but not that.
  • #18
Here is a typical quote from Goldwater:

CALLER: Hello Senator Goldwater, I've heard in the past that you have an interest in UFOs. I just finished a book called, "Above Top Secret," by Timothy Goode, where three or four of your letters are quoted concerning your attempts to enter Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.


CALLER: Do you believe that the government is withholding information on UFOs?

SENATOR GOLDWATER: Yes I do. But I don't know enough about the subject involving Wright-Pat. to form any opinion. I remember when I first tried to get into that room out at Wright-Pat. and I went to General Curtis LeMay, an old friend of mine, and asked him. He used some pretty plain language and in effect, told me to "go to hell" and...

LARRY KING: That's the room where they are rumored to have aliens?

SENATOR GOLDWATER: Well, its a storage room where they are supposed to have some of the evidence they've collected relative to Unidentified Flying Objects. I have never...I wouldn't argue against them. I wouldn't argue for them. My only thinking on it is this planet of ours is one of several billion planets in this universe. I can't believe that God or whomever is in charge would put thinking bodies on only one planet. So I'm a firm believer that something can fly around here that the Wright Brothers didn't have anything to do with.

Please see:

I don't know for a fact that this particular quote is accurate but I have heard him say similar things myself. I am still trying to find a video of one particular interview that I saw some years ago.

High ranking officials, like Senators, speaking in such wonder we have conspiracy theories. Why wouldn't we?
  • #19
Well, crud. I will try to look more later for the video. For now, this again is typical of the story around Goldwater. Normally I don't consider Rense the best source but this appears to be well documented.

...The subject of UFOs is one that has interested me for some time. About ten or twelve years ago I made an effort to find out what was in the building at Wright Patterson Air Force Base where the information is stored that has been collected by the Air Force, and I was understandably denied this request.

It is still classified above Top Secret. I have, however, heard that there is a plan under way to release some, if not all, of this material in the near future. I'm just as anxious to see this material as you are, and I hope we will not have to wait too much longer.


Barry Goldwater [continued]

Near the end of his life he was quite active on Ham Radio and talked openly about all of this.
  • #20
kcballer21 said:
Are you saying that Senator Hatch has revealed his knowledge of a secret program by his assertion that he has no knowledge of one? Or is it that you think he is simply not privy to what would be the most important occurence in human history?

This subject is so persistent it does make you wonder, if only for a second.

I missed this. I was only suggesting that if we consider the conspiracy claims, only a select few people really know about all of this. According to the "experts", most politicians would not know about the cover up; including most presidents.

Edit: In fact, I was just thinking about something Ed Mitchell once said. He is concerned that "this information is not in the best hands".

Others argue that this issue has literally spawned an illegal government group that controls the information. This is one of the so called legal arguments of the disclosure project group. Ex-Air Force, Army etc, and intelligence officers are claiming immunity to violations of their secrecy oaths on the basis that the oaths were illegal; this since the president and recognized government agencies do not control the information being protected.
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  • #21
To all of our skeptics who really don't know the scale of this story, the so called conspiracy nuts include many ex-military and intelligence officers. In fact these officers, and a good number of them, constitute the core of the conspiracy theory promoters. Is it any wonder that people believe this stuff? The guy who claims to have seen the alien bodies at Roswell was a retired [now deceased] intelligence officer who is seen standing next to Truman in at least one photo. He was the highest ranking intelligence officer for the worlds only nuclear strike force, at Roswell.
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  • #22
"He was the highest ranking intelligence officer for the worlds only nuclear strike force, at Roswell"

I forget his name, but until I heard about him I really gave no thought to any of this stuff. Seriously, you don't give one of the most important jobs in the country to just anyone.
  • #23
Sorry I thought I gave his name. It was Col Corso.
  • #24
If you go here and see the 8th video from the top, center column, you may be able to watch an interview with Corso. This link has always worked in the past but just now I can't open the videos. I may just need to update Real Player, or there was temporary site problem.

Also see Ed Mitchell, 4th from the top, center.
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  • #25
"There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself." - Senator Daniel K. Inouye

I have not personally verified this quote but I believe it to be accurate.

FAQ: Senator Hatch on Extraterrestrial Life: Assures No Concealed Info

1. What did Senator Hatch say about extraterrestrial life?

Senator Hatch stated that there is no concealed information about extraterrestrial life and that the government does not have any evidence to suggest its existence.

2. Why did Senator Hatch make this statement?

Senator Hatch made this statement in response to a question from a constituent who asked if the government was hiding information about extraterrestrial life. He wanted to assure the public that there is no evidence to support this claim.

3. Has Senator Hatch ever had any personal experiences with extraterrestrial life?

No, Senator Hatch has never had any personal experiences with extraterrestrial life. He believes that there is no evidence to suggest its existence and that the government is not hiding any information about it.

4. What is the current scientific consensus on the existence of extraterrestrial life?

The scientific consensus is that while the universe is vast and there may be other forms of life out there, there is currently no concrete evidence to support the existence of extraterrestrial life. However, scientists continue to search for and study potential signs of life beyond Earth.

5. How does Senator Hatch's statement impact the search for extraterrestrial life?

Senator Hatch's statement does not have a direct impact on the search for extraterrestrial life as it is based on the current lack of evidence. Scientists will continue to conduct research and search for signs of extraterrestrial life regardless of political statements.

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