Help explaining why this will or will not work

  • Thread starter mick10
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In summary, the video is a demonstration of an elaborate and complex scheme that purportedly uses the principles of motion and energy to overcome the limitations of physics. The alleged device appears to be a centrifugal propulsion system, which violates the third law of motion and the conservation of momentum. The creator of the video is apparently not qualified or educated in physics, and is attempting to explain the device to a friend who does not seem to understand the basics of physics.
  • #1
hi all, first time poster. i have been a physics hobbiest since my first physics course as part of my ME degree and spend many happy hours . . . . well . . . . thinking about things lol. actually it goes back further then that to a science fair day in first grade, i remember picking up some rocks on a table and realizing gravity, kinda been thinkn about it ever since lol. properties of mass and motion. anyway i have a friend that is trying to argue the validity of this thing

we've all seen these things come and go, hutshison affect, h20 powered cars etc. and this to me appears to be a very complexstiction or reactionless drive. i have a pretty good understanding of the laws of motion and my contention is this could never work. it looks very clever and compex but in its simplest definition you cannot throw a mass then take advantage of its innertia within a closeed system

i am having trouble explaining clearly to my friend why this will not work and could use some help in sorting out the details (unless of course I am wrong and you guys think this could work lol . . . hey i am always willing to be wrong and learn something ) my thoughts are that he does not realize the center of gravity is not on the axis of the machine but somewhere within that mobius path that the mass disk takes. in its deffinition it seems to me like a very complex reverse version of a villard, leupold or davinci wheel and it is that shifted center of gravity that precludes those from working, the conservation of energy. no freelunch in physics as it were . . . .

thanks all and looking forward to your thoughts.(mods if this is in the wrong section feel free to move, thanks)
Physics news on
  • #2
That is one of the most beautiful and elaborate displays of absolutely nothing that I've ever seen. Total BS.

Stay tuned to this channel for a more scientific answer from someone else.
  • #3
looks like one of those projects where "clever" guys make a nice looking video and some plans and fake organizations then ask for serious funding from people who don't know much about physics promising a "new technology" that will save the world and aliens too and then they get away with their money just to buy another one of those cool looking mercedes cars to enjoy the last times of the "age of oil"

The video is similar to those "free energy" videos or in other words refer to what Danger already said it is BS.
  • #4
Another awesome video of what useless things some people do in their spare time.
I think I'll make one anyways when I finally get lots of spare time, but not just right now, because it looks neat, with lots of mechanical things going round and round to dazzle everyone.

What is it, by the way. Looks like a new type of outdoor free air clothes dryer, except the guy put it all in a bell housing to cover up his embarrassment of such a contraption.

Anyways, your friend should be explaining precisely why he thinks it should do what he thinks it supposed to do, without skipping any parts about friction and violating any laws of physics. When the explanation from him comes to the part about "...and here's the beauty and magic about it...", he pretty much has stated that he doesn't know what he is talking about.

Since it is supposedly purported to be a PM machine your thread will most likely be zapped, terminated, eliminated, or just plain closed for discussion. sorry.
  • #5
It's not a PM machine because most of these devices require an energy source to operate. It's a centrifugal propulsion system. Or in other words, inertial propulsion, reactionless thruster, Dean drive, ect... (a replacement for the rocket engine). Of course none of them will work because they all violate the third law of motion and the conservation of momentum.
  • #6
thanks all, yes it is a wonderous piece of animation and one of the most complex attempts to get around physics that I have ever seen lol. I have been arguing my point to my friend for the last couple days with no success but he also has no classical training technical education. truth be told I did not either till I went through the core courses in my degree. I have been trying to tell my friend in the simplest terms you cannot throw a mass and then take advantage of its inertia within the same closed system. you also cannot hide the laws of motion within its complexity.

very much looking forward to more of your thoughts on this. thanks for the input
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  • #7
Incedentally my friend is actually involved with the inventor somehow. He did the animation and something to do with the transmition I guess, I didnt know a thing about it til he posted a link on Facebook. Been arguing my point ever since lol. He keeps claiming some fifth dimensional properties that i don't understand lol. Also keeps telling that i don't understand simple physics lol (sorry so many lols but I can't help it)

As we all know from one of the greatest physics quotes ever "its easy to be creative and its easy to be credible but its very difficult to be both"
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  • #8
mick10 said:
Incedentally my friend is actually involved with the inventor somehow. He did the animation

He should harness his talents and go to work for Disney. Their concepts make a lot more sense than this crap.
And tell him from me that there's no such thing as a "fifth dimensional property". That exists only at Hogwarts.
  • #9
Been trying to but you know how people try to hide their lack of knowledge behind "this is to complex for you to understand". Its funny but very frustrating at the same time
  • #10
mick10 said:
Been trying to but you know how people try to hide their lack of knowledge behind "this is to complex for you to understand".

Just counter that the same way that I do. Tell him, "No, you're just too f'ing stupid to understand why it won't work."
  • #11
The reason it won't work is because it would violate the law of preservation of momentum. That is sufficient proof.

However, to elaborate the main axis of rotation around which the 40 disks rotate is neutral. all 40 disk assemblies weigh the same and no net positive force vector exists (regardless of the imbalance of each disk assembly).
  • #12
a1call said:
The reason it won't work is because it would violate the law of preservation of momentum. That is sufficient proof.

He tried that. The twit diverted it by invoking the 5th Dimension (who, by the way, will probably want royalty payments for this).
  • #13
The animation reminds me of tht old PM machine with the balls running in and out of curved spokes on a wheel. The outer balls are supposed to provide more 'leverage' than the inner balls. The fallacy is that there are more inner balls at anyone time than outer balls.

Actually, the animation / simulation thing is introduced far too readily in many posts on PF - by people who really want to know about Science. The subject of this thread is only an extreme version.
It's so easy to draw a sky hook but so difficult to make one! I regularly fly in dreams - and I'm convinced about it at the time.
  • #14
Danger said:
He tried that. The twit diverted it by invoking the 5th Dimension (who, by the way, will probably want royalty payments for this).

Ya know come to think of it they did right that song "up up and away" maybe the answer lies within the harmonics of tune lol
  • #15
mick10 said:
Ya know come to think of it they did right that song "up up and away" maybe the answer lies within the harmonics of tune lol


Do me a huge favour here, please. Force him to read this thread so I can tell him to his face what a moron he is.
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  • #16
You could try some mental judo.

Tell him he's doing it wrong, and it will generate a sideways force not a force along the axis. When he wants to know why, just say "it's obvious from looking at your video" :devil:

(Of course it won't actually generate any force at all.)
  • #17
Thread closed.

FAQ: Help explaining why this will or will not work

1. Why is it important to explain why something will or will not work?

It is important to explain the reasons behind why something will or will not work because it helps others understand the logic and reasoning behind the decision. This can also help to identify any potential flaws or areas for improvement.

2. How do you determine if something will or will not work?

Determining if something will or will not work involves conducting research, gathering data, analyzing results, and considering potential factors that may impact the outcome. It is important to approach the question objectively and use scientific methods to reach a conclusion.

3. What factors should be considered when explaining why something will or will not work?

When explaining why something will or will not work, it is important to consider relevant scientific principles, data, and evidence. Additionally, external factors such as resources, time constraints, and potential limitations should also be taken into account.

4. How can you effectively communicate your explanation for why something will or will not work?

To effectively communicate the reasoning behind why something will or will not work, it is important to use clear and concise language, provide relevant evidence and data to support your explanation, and be open to feedback and questions from others.

5. What should you do if others do not agree with your explanation for why something will or will not work?

If others do not agree with your explanation, it is important to listen to their perspective and consider any valid points they may bring up. It may also be helpful to provide additional evidence or data to support your explanation and engage in respectful dialogue to come to a mutual understanding.

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