Ramona Bell [wife of Art Bell] dead at 47

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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    Art Bell
In summary, Ramona Bell, an 47-year-old mother of two, died from an asthma attack on January 5th. Art Bell, her husband, talked about her death on the Sunday night show. Bell mentioned on the show that her brother died of asthma in his early 30's. Bell said that he wants to go back to work now and that he is okay.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I hadn't checked in on C to C for awhile and had absolutely no idea! She died on Jan 5th, apparently from an asthma attack. Bell talked about it in detail on the Sunday night show.

This must have hit Art Bell very hard as he and his wife were obviously very much in love. She seemed like a very sweet lady. I feel very sad for him.

For those who wish to offer condolences, cards and letters (no flowers) may be sent to:

Art Bell
Premier Radio Networks
15260 Ventura Blvd.
5th floor
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.
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  • #2
That's really sad.
I had no idea either. I haven't listened to the show in quit a while.
  • #3
oh, I thought you knew, Ivan. Yeah, it was terrible - I could not even believe it when George Noory announced what had happened. I usually have the radio on when I am going to sleep at night, so I heard about it.

I feel so bad for the guy. Ramona was only 47, I think. Really tragic. I guess the history of asthma in her family was really severe. Art mentioned that Ramona's brother died of asthma in his early 30's.
  • #4
Math Is Hard said:
oh, I thought you knew, Ivan. Yeah, it was terrible - I could not even believe it when George Noory announced what had happened. I usually have the radio on when I am going to sleep at night, so I heard about it.
I feel so bad for the guy. Ramona was only 47, I think. Really tragic. I guess the history of asthma in her family was really severe. Art mentioned that Ramona's brother died of asthma in his early 30's.

It seems that he wants to go back to work now; probably a good idea. Did you hear the show Sunday? During the first hour he talked about Ramona, and the next hour he had Kaku on as the guest, which is why I had tuned in - I always get a kick out of Bell/Kaku discussions. :biggrin: Anyway, just after he started to interview Kaku an alarm was heard in the background. Since he is now working alone in his home, he had to leave Kaku talking and shut off the alarm. When he returned, he said that some idiot here in Oregon heard him talking about Ramona [he did talk about losing the will to live], and apparently thought Bell was in trouble so he called the police! The police had set off the alarm when they entered Bell's property.

The whole thing only emphasised that Bell is now alone and things are not normal. I hope he can work though this okay. And it's funny really, I feel like an old friend died. But poor Art... :frown:
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  • #5
I was just listening to the Kaku show yesterday. I couldn't stay up and hear it all when it aired, but I have a streamlink subscription because there are a handful of guests who I really like to hear (Kaku, Brian Green, Anne Foerst, for example), so I listened to the show at work.

Oh my goodness! I could not believe someone called the cops! That was so irritating! I can imagine that he is in deep despair, but I know that he understands there are reasons for him to go on. He has never completely retired from the show, and of course there are also his cats which he adores. Seems like people would realize that, and not fear for his safety.

I thought about sending a card, but would that be sort of, irrational? I'm not a friend or a family member, but yet, I felt loss. I felt sadness and sympathy. I wished with all my heart that I could do anything that would console him, even though he is a stranger to me. Maybe I will donate a little bit to the charity he mentioned -- it was a foundation for asthma research, which is especially important to me since I have a brother who suffers from asthma.
  • #6
Math Is Hard said:
I thought about sending a card, but would that be sort of, irrational? I'm not a friend or a family member, but yet, I felt loss. I felt sadness and sympathy. I wished with all my heart that I could do anything that would console him, even though he is a stranger to me. Maybe I will donate a little bit to the charity he mentioned -- it was a foundation for asthma research, which is especially important to me since I have a brother who suffers from asthma.
You could send him an e-mail and let him know you made a donation and all. Unless he changed his mind recently he doesn't accept snail mail anymore since the Anthrax scare.
  • #7
TheStatutoryApe said:
You could send him an e-mail and let him know you made a donation and all. Unless he changed his mind recently he doesn't accept snail mail anymore since the Anthrax scare.

So were you a listener back when Art and Ramona had their little scare?
  • #8
Ivan Seeking said:
So were you a listener back when Art and Ramona had their little scare?
Hmm? I don't really remember anything that happened to them personally but I remember in the general scare that happened shortly after 9/11 Art officially stated he would no longer be accepting snail mail. Or perhaps he was just restating that this is why he doesn't accept it? I'm not sure. I had thought it was because of the general scare.
  • #9
Someone sent a card to Ramona, and when she opened it, a white powder puffed out in her face. It turned out to be a hoax but it scared the heck out of both and them. Bell retired for the first time not long afterwards.
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  • #10
You think you guys feel bad--I think I might actually be responsible for Ramona's death! I'm not making this up. On early morning January 1, I called Art and made a prediction for 2006 (#103): That Art would do more than 3 shows per month during the year 2006. He was like "I don't know about that", and I'm like "You never know", and he's like "Well that's right, you never know about these sorts of things..." And 4 days later, Ramona is dead!

The thing is I lied. I said that I had done some lucid dreaming and remote viewing and had consulted my Ouija board, and they all agreed in the same prediction. But I don't do remote viewing, and I haven't owned a Ouija board since I was a kid, and though I've had some pretty weird dreams after falling asleep during Coast to Coast, I've never dreamt about how many shows Art does in a month.

In short, my "prediction" wasn't a prediction at all--it was just a flat out wish! But the thing is, the moment I made my wish, however many millions of listeners heard what I said and must have had the same wish at the same time. If you recall, Art himself had done some mass consciousness experiments on the radio, and strange things happened. So he stopped doing such experiments because of the risk that unintended, bad consequences might result. So, what I did was inadvertently cause a mass consciousness experiment--and now look what's happened!

It's like that ghost story, The Monkey's Paw, where these old parents make a wish for a certain amount of money, and then they get their wish--by getting their son's life insurance money after he's killed in a horrible mining accident. And I've heard that one should be careful what one wishes for . . . .

Honestly, I didn't mean for it to happen this way. Believe me, I wouldn't care if Art never did another show ever if it would bring Ramona back. And here it is, by the time this month is out, my prediction for Art will have already come true. . . .

Art's description of Ramona's chronic asthma made me feel a little better; on the other hand, perhaps her weakened condition made her more susceptible to strange, psychic forces at work. I pray that the Michael Shermer's of the world are correct, and that there's nothing to this mass conciousness and prediction stuff. I hope it was nothing but a weird, tragic coincidence. But I tell you one thing--I am through predicting the future.
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  • #11
Warren I wouldn't worry about that. Even if mass consciousness excersizes do work I think they would have to be a more organized thing.
  • #12
Warren, you are taking this all much too seriously and I bet that Art would be the first to agree. Ramona died from an asthma attack.
  • #13
Thanks guys. I hope you're right. I can see how people start believing in things like this when these strange sorts of coincidences happen.
  • #14
I always thought the craziest part of the Ramona with asthma scenario was that Art smoked like a chimney in their house, and they lived with a gazillion cats. Asthma suffers usually have a difficult time with both. Art's smoking and love for cats probably had a lot more to do with her demise than you did.
  • #15
Ramona smoked as well.
  • #16
I listened to the show on Saturday, and it looks like I'm off the hook, according to Art's medium. But still, whoever's running the show in the afterlife had to take Ramona in order to get her out of the way, so Art could get back to broadcasting, since he's still supposed to do great things. Pretty creepy if you ask me. I think she's playing Art. Yeti the cat has been mentioned on the show, and it wouldn't be too hard to guess that Ramona had a strong personality, etc. etc. I think she's a golddigger. Art's all of a sudden a rich, eligible bachelor, and the sharks are already circling.
  • #17
ummm did their cat die too recently before his wife's death?
Or was i thinking that Ramona was their cat?

I'm very sleepy when i listen to their show. ha.
Starts at 1 a.m. here (East coast)

FAQ: Ramona Bell [wife of Art Bell] dead at 47

What was the cause of Ramona Bell's death?

Ramona Bell passed away at the age of 47 due to complications from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Who was Ramona Bell?

Ramona Bell was the wife of radio personality Art Bell, known for his paranormal-themed radio show "Coast to Coast AM". She was also a co-host on the show and a published author.

How long were Ramona and Art Bell married?

Ramona and Art Bell were married for 15 years, from 1989 until her death in 2006.

Did Ramona Bell have any children?

Yes, Ramona and Art Bell had one daughter together named Asia Rayne Bell.

What was Ramona Bell's impact on "Coast to Coast AM"?

Ramona Bell was a vital part of "Coast to Coast AM", often co-hosting with her husband and bringing her own unique perspective to the show. She also played a crucial role in managing the show's operations and handling callers.
