Romantic Moment on the Brougham Bridge - William Rowan Hamilton

  • Thread starter BobG
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In summary: And it was even more special because I had made a snowman for her and she loved it. :)In summary, Hamilton's wife was deeply moved by his flash of genius and he carved an equation into one of the stones on the Brougham Bridge. The couple had a romantic conversation that led up to the moment, but the conversation has never been recorded. The most memorable romantic moment for the author is the moment he took his wife to a special place and gave her a special gift.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
One moonlit night (the night of October 16, 1843 to be precise), as William Rowan Hamilton took a romantic stroll with his wife over the Brougham Bridge in Dublin, Ireland, the fundamental relationship of quaternion multiplication came to him in a flash of genius
([tex]i^2=j^2=k^2=ijk=-1[/tex]). Hamilton was so moved by the emotion of the moment, he carved the equation into one of the stones on the Brougham Bridge.

Unfortunately, the romantic conversation that led up to Hamilton's flash of genius has never been recorded, but I'm sure watching Hamilton carve a mathematical equation into a stone had to leave his wife deeply moved.

What's your most memorable romantic moment?
Physics news on
  • #2
I'm too young. :frown:

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #3
BobG said:
One moonlit night (the night of October 16, 1843 to be precise), as William Rowan Hamilton took a romantic stroll with his wife over the Brougham Bridge in Dublin, Ireland, the fundamental relationship of quaternion multiplication came to him in a flash of genius
([tex]i^2=j^2=k^2=ijk=-1[/tex]). Hamilton was so moved by the emotion of the moment, he carved the equation into one of the stones on the Brougham Bridge.

Unfortunately, the romantic conversation that led up to Hamilton's flash of genius has never been recorded, but I'm sure watching Hamilton carve a mathematical equation into a stone had to leave his wife deeply moved.

What's your most memorable romantic moment?

I'll take romantic as in 'emotional' and 'comforting'..

I remember once standing in a bus stop in the middle of febuary, just finishing studies and pretty late (about 8:00 but very dark because of winter)

Its london. It doesn't snow here that often, and as such, it didn't during December and January. However, that night, standing next to a lamp post, with a bright orange light, a snowstorm came, and i had nothing but a relatively thick coat. Not to windy either, so the snow came settling down softly.

Thank heavens for no windchill. However, i did turn a bit white literally, with my hair and my whole coat turning me into a snowman. The feeling was truly heavenly, especially being alone in a dark road (with lampost)

I'll never forget that. Better than any girl-boy love confession romance.
  • #4
haha, its that one i left it in the rubbish outside since a year, not sure if i should get it back or no...

P.S: Neat equation! first time i came across by it in my ok-length life. its romantic to see ijk together after they split by = = = at the beginnings :P
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  • #5
Hmm... unfortunately for me I have no romantic moments to speak of in my short and insignificant existence so far...

But I have a feeling that when they do occur, it is going to be like Hamilton's moments, though less dramatic.

Instead it will most probably be scribbled on a napkin at a restaurant. :rolleyes:
  • #6
BobG said:
What's your most memorable romantic moment?
I'm still waiting for one. For some reason I've never dated very romantic men. Perhaps why I've never had an epiphany? :frown:
  • #7
It was her birthday and I wanted to do something memorable. She had told me about some cliffs with a light house over looking the ocean she had found once by accident and hadn't been able to find since. Utilizing the wonderful internet I was able to figure out where this place was. After dinner I took her there without her knowing where we were going. I loved the look on her face when she realized where she was. After walking around and watching the waves crashing on the rocks below for a while I gave her a present. It was a claddagh ring. I told her that loved her and wanted to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her.

She left me a few months later though.
  • #8
Bladibla said:
I'll take romantic as in 'emotional' and 'comforting'..

I remember once standing in a bus stop in the middle of febuary, just finishing studies and pretty late (about 8:00 but very dark because of winter)

Its london. It doesn't snow here that often, and as such, it didn't during December and January. However, that night, standing next to a lamp post, with a bright orange light, a snowstorm came, and i had nothing but a relatively thick coat. Not to windy either, so the snow came settling down softly.

Thank heavens for no windchill. However, i did turn a bit white literally, with my hair and my whole coat turning me into a snowman. The feeling was truly heavenly, especially being alone in a dark road (with lampost)

I'll never forget that. Better than any girl-boy love confession romance.
I've done something similar to that, out in the forest in the late afternoon. It was snowing very thickly so that everything appeared white.
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  • #9
BicycleTree said:
I've done that, only beneath the power lines, out in the forest, in the late afternoon. It was snowing a lot, but with little wind. I have actually described it on these forums before.
I grew up in Houston, TX, no snow. When I moved to Washington, DC, it snowed heavily
late one night shortly after I moved there and I went out for a walk. No one else was around. It was so quiet that I could hear the snow when it hit the ground. It was incredible.
  • #10
You know what's nice to watch, if you ever have the chance, is big-flaked snow falling slowly onto the ground beneath a streetlight at night. I'm not going to tell you how it looks. Just take the opportunity when you get it.
  • #11
In that situation it's necessary to watch it hit the ground up close. Standing from afar you cannot get the effect.
  • #12
TheStatutoryApe said:
It was her birthday and I wanted to do something memorable. She had told me about some cliffs with a light house over looking the ocean she had found once by accident and hadn't been able to find since. Utilizing the wonderful internet I was able to figure out where this place was. After dinner I took her there without her knowing where we were going. I loved the look on her face when she realized where she was. After walking around and watching the waves crashing on the rocks below for a while I gave her a present. It was a claddagh ring. I told her that loved her and wanted to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her.

She left me a few months later though.

Was it the lighthouse on the peninsula in Palos Verdes?
  • #13
There was this one girl that I really liked in high school. I was kind of a nerd. Everyone knew who I was, but I wasn't exactly popular. She was beautiful and intelligent and a cheerleader. She was very popular. I didn't have the courage to ask her out.

She called me up once and asked for help with some homework. She didn't need any help with her homework. I had never given her my number. She must have found the number in the phone book. It wouldn't have been very difficult. My last name is rare and my first name is the same as my father's.

In my senior year we had a math class together. I would go to class early and sit there by myself waiting for class to begin, looking over my homework. Every morning I went to class she was in the hall talking with her friends. Eventually I would come into the class and she would come in a minute or two later and her friends were still out in the hallway. We sat there at separate tables hardly ever speaking for the five minutes before class.

I always said stupid things when I spoke with her. She always dressed very nicely and one time she had on this nice spring hat. I said "I like your hat." Later from her friends I heard that she thought I didn't like her hat. Another time she said something about cold showers making her sleepy. I said "That would make you cold-blooded." I don't think she took that very well either. I just never knew what to say around her and was always nervous. Another time we were having our picture taken in the local paper with about half a dozen other classmates. I couldn't smile because my lips wouldn't stay still. I had to bite my lip to stop it from shaking. The picture came out all goofy looking and one of my teachers pointed it out in class while she was there.

Another time I happened to be walking by and she was talking with a friend. She was dating a guy on the football team and her friend was trying to convince her to have sex with him. Talk about bad timing. I could have gone without hearing that.

All this happened over about 3 of the 4 years I was in high school. About a year after high school I found that I couldn't stop thinking about her and what would have happened if I had approached her. How different would my life have been? So I found her address from the school yearbook and wrote her a long letter. I waited about 2 weeks and didn't hear anything. (I had moved from MA to AZ) I got her phone number and called up. She asked how I was doing and I asked if she got my letter. She hung up the phone. I called back about a dozen times but she wouldn't speak with me. A few weeks later I got a short, direct letter from her. She was engaged to the the football player that she was dating in high school.

I took it pretty hard. He was a decent guy. I don't blame him. But I hated myself for not saying anything when I had the chance. The last time I saw her was 13 years ago, but I still think of her occasionally. It feels like a dull ache or maybe a thin veil over everything that makes the world look a little less real.
  • #14
Evo said:
I'm still waiting for one. For some reason I've never dated very romantic men. Perhaps why I've never had an epiphany? :frown:
You're too practical. :confused: -- Helouise SOS.
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  • #15
TheStatutoryApe said:
It was her birthday and I wanted to do something memorable. She had told me about some cliffs with a light house over looking the ocean she had found once by accident and hadn't been able to find since. Utilizing the wonderful internet I was able to figure out where this place was. After dinner I took her there without her knowing where we were going. I loved the look on her face when she realized where she was. After walking around and watching the waves crashing on the rocks below for a while I gave her a present. It was a claddagh ring. I told her that loved her and wanted to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her.

She left me a few months later though.
Your birthday efforts were sweet and thoughtful just the same. -- Helouise SOS.
  • #16
Huckleberry said:
...The last time I saw her was 13 years ago, but I still think of her occasionally. It feels like a dull ache or maybe a thin veil over everything that makes the world look a little less real.
The past is but a reference for the future, in which to seek your true soul mate who makes you feel comfortable and understands the things you say. :smile: -- Helouise SOS
  • #17
I can't think of a romantic moment, so I'll make one up...

One spring day, as Mr. Right took a stroll with SOS in the park of Main Street, USA the fear of commitment suddenly overtook him. Mr. Right was so overwhelmed by the emotion he had a movement, which ultimately left his pants permanently stained.

Unfortunately, the conversation that led up to Mr. Right's flash of realization has been recorded, which is available for a small fee to help pay for the years of SOS's therapy, who was deeply scarred.
  • #18
SOS2008 said:
I can't think of a romantic moment, so I'll make one up...

One spring day, as Mr. Right took a stroll with SOS in the park of Main Street, USA the fear of commitment suddenly overtook him. Mr. Right was so overwhelmed by the emotion he had a movement, which ultimately left his pants permanently stained.

Unfortunately, the conversation that led up to Mr. Right's flash of realization has been recorded, which is available for a small fee to help pay for the years of SOS's therapy, who was deeply scarred.
Can I take you to dinner instead?

Your birthday efforts were sweet and thoughtful just the same.
Thank you.
  • #19
loseyourname said:
Was it the lighthouse on the peninsula in Palos Verdes?
It's in San Pedro next to the Korean Friendship Bell.
  • #20
TheStatutoryApe said:
Can I take you to dinner instead?

Thank you.
Ah... Some girls just don't know a diamond (or claddagh?) when they hold it in their hand. :biggrin:
  • #21
SOS2008 said:
Ah... Some girls just don't know a diamond (or claddagh?) when they hold it in their hand. :biggrin:
She had her reasons. Better to find out that she wasn't in love with me then instead of getting married and then finding out I'm sure.
And this should explain what a claddagh is.
  • #22
I can honestly say that the most romantic day of my life was a day that Tsu and I went on a picnic together; alone. We had been dating for a short time, but that afternoon we found a cozy spot in the mountains north of LA, it was a beautiful day, and to put it simply, we fell in love; and we did what people do when they fall in love. When I got home, my room-mate - a girl with whom I'd grown up -took one look at me and knew immediately that I was in love. She knew before I even completely realized what had happened.
  • #23
Ivan Seeking said:
I can honestly say that the most romantic day of my life was a day that Tsu and I went on a picnic together; alone. We had been dating for a short time, but that afternoon we found a cozy spot in the mountains north of LA, it was a beautiful day, and to put it simply, we fell in love; and we did what people do when they fall in love. When I got home, my room-mate - a girl with whom I'd grown up -took one look at me and knew immediately that I was in love. She knew before I even completely realized what had happened.
It's good to know that happy endings happen. Thank you for sharing Ivan.
  • #24
According to Leon Lederman of Fermi Lab: Much to the dismay of his wife I'm sure, Erwin Schrödinger was inspired to write his famous proposal by way of a salacious weekend with his mistress. I wonder what made him think of wave equations...? :confused:
  • #25
Do we have to go here again?

I'd rather not drag it all up again...


Spent a day visiting her at UCLA. Before i left, she kissed me. Then she avoided talking to me for 3 weeks before deciding it was best if i didn't talk to her anymore, on account of a lack of theistic compatibility. I'd be upset if it wasn't all so perfectly fitting and expected. Almost makes me think there might be a God who really does enjoy screwing with me. or not. Meh. Whatever.
  • #26
Going to the beach at night to take a strole and watch (falling) stars is wonderful, or sit at the lake side on one of the big boulders and keep each other warm. Or one night I was called at 2 am and had to sneak out of the house in my pj, where someone was waiting to give me a present :smile:
  • #27
Huckleberry said:
I always said stupid things when I spoke with her. She always dressed very nicely and one time she had on this nice spring hat. I said "I like your hat." Later from her friends I heard that she thought I didn't like her hat. Another time she said something about cold showers making her sleepy. I said "That would make you cold-blooded." I don't think she took that very well either. I just never knew what to say around her and was always nervous. Another time we were having our picture taken in the local paper with about half a dozen other classmates. I couldn't smile because my lips wouldn't stay still. I had to bite my lip to stop it from shaking. The picture came out all goofy looking and one of my teachers pointed it out in class while she was there.
In junior high, I remember stumbling into the lucky opportunity of getting to walk home (2 miles) with a girl I had a crush on. I talked about bowling. Bowling!? BOWLING!? [URL][PLAIN]

I'm probably cynical about romance, but I think John Prine did a pretty good job capturing 'the romantic moment':

Donald and Lydia said:
Small town, bright lights, Saturday night,
Pinballs and pool halls flashing their lights.
Making change behind the counter in a penny arcade
Sat the fat girl daughter of Virginia and Ray

Lydia hid her thoughts like a cat
Behind her small eyes sunk deep in her fat.
She read romance magazines up in her room
And felt just like Sunday on Saturday afternoon.

Bunk beds, shaved heads, Saturday night,
A warehouse of strangers with sixty watt lights.
Staring through the ceiling, just wanting to be
Lay one of too many, a young PFC.

There were spaces between Donald and whatever he said.
Strangers had forced him to live in his head.
He envisioned the details of romantic scenes
After midnight in the stillness of the barracks latrine.

Hot love, cold love, no love at all.
A portrait of guilt is hung on the wall.
Nothing is wrong, nothing is right.
Donald and Lydia made love that night.

The made love in the mountains, they made love in the streams,
They made love in the valleys, they made love in their dreams.
But when they were finished there was nothing to say,
'Cause mostly they made love from ten miles away.

But dreaming just comes natural
Like the first breath from a baby,
Like sunshine feeding daisies,
Like the love hidden deep in your heart.

It turns out I'm not the only person that was moved by the song. Elana White turned the song into a story called

I've never met her (Elana, that is). Uh, ... :rolleyes:
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  • #28
BicycleTree said:
You know what's nice to watch, if you ever have the chance, is big-flaked snow falling slowly onto the ground beneath a streetlight at night. I'm not going to tell you how it looks. Just take the opportunity when you get it.

That is the exact 'romantic' moment i had, next to a lampost of course.

Feels like paradise.
  • #29
How about anti-romantic moments!

I actually had many "moments" during my lifetime (mostly anti-romantic), and some of which I've probably blocked out. One of those, however I've come to regard with amusement, though at the time, my feeling was a bit different.

When I was coming up, during my school days, a person could stand next to me and see around me on both sides. In fact, I was pretty much all head. Needless to say, I didn't possesses the most esteemed image of how I might appear to others. (I've since come to realize that almost all adolescents have similar self opinions - - - though maybe not to the same extent.) I didn't dislike myself; I just didn't hold too much hope for what members of that other group might think. In any account, though I couldn't think of anything I wanted more, the thought of pursuing members of that opposite sex invoked a feel of near-panic - - - and the more I wanted to, the greater the sense of panic.

There was a particular one in high school whom I particularly found desirable, but needless to say, was totally unable to approach. ( She was quite quiet and reserved.) When graduation came, absolutely nothing had come of my feelings, and we parted ways. I went to college and then into the Air Force, where I became more normal sized. Then, when I came out I met her again.

It was, of all places, at the church which I had attended for years, and seeing here there was, to say the least, a surprise. If anything, I found her far more beautiful than I ever had before; enough so that it completely overcame my natural reticence, and I immediately went over, sat next to her and reintroduced myself. Even though it was in church, where surely tongues would wag if anything even hinting of a romantic overture should occur, I didn't care. It was at that point, before I could say anything else, that she said those magic words to me:

"You're fat!"

I got the point clearly from her tone. The effect was immediate and lasting. When I had sufficiently recovered enough equilibrium, I got up, and "staggered" away, thus ending our last encounter.

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  • #30
Kenneth Mann said:
I actually had many "moments" during my lifetime (mostly anti-romantic), and some of which I've probably blocked out. One of those, however I've come to regard with amusement, though at the time, my feeling was a bit different.
What a biotch.
  • #31
Ivan Seeking said:
I can honestly say that the most romantic day of my life was a day that Tsu and I went on a picnic together; alone. We had been dating for a short time, but that afternoon we found a cozy spot in the mountains north of LA, it was a beautiful day, and to put it simply, we fell in love; and we did what people do when they fall in love. When I got home, my room-mate - a girl with whom I'd grown up -took one look at me and knew immediately that I was in love. She knew before I even completely realized what had happened.
<sniff> wow <sob> That was beautiful!

Well, I've given up on ever finding love.
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  • #32
SOS2008 said:
the conversation that led up to Mr. Right's flash of realization has been recorded, which is available for a small fee to help pay for the years of SOS's therapy, who was deeply scarred.
Maybe I should buy a copy of that so I'll know what not to say to you. :wink:

SOS2008 said:
Ah... Some girls just don't know a diamond (or claddagh?) when they hold it in their hand. :biggrin:
Should have just offered her a turtle instead. :rolleyes:

Ivan Seeking said:
I can honestly say that the most romantic day of my life was a day that Tsu and I went on a picnic together; alone.
That's the way things should happen; you're among the 1% or so of the poplulace for whom it actually did. (Where's the smilie for envy?)

Ivan Seeking said:
I wonder what made him think of wave equations...? :confused:
They must have been in a boat. Waterbeds hadn't been invented yet.

BobG said:
I talked about bowling. Bowling!? BOWLING!? [PLAIN][/img[/QUOTE]
Stick to what you know. If she showed interest, then it was the right thing to do. Anyhow... SOS said that you're married, so something must have worked out right. (You realize that you have to agree with that in case your wife reads these things.) :-p
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  • #33
Mine is the first time I ever kissed a girl. JFYI, it was a kiss with tongue :-p :-p
  • #34
Evo said:
Well, I've given up on ever finding love.


Hey don't get me wrong, after 20 years of marriage I sleep with one eye open and I've learned to keep Tsu away from the weapons. But we do still love each other. :biggrin:
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  • #35
A cute joke to lighten up this thread. :biggrin:

A boy is about to go on his first date, and is nervous about what to talk about. He asks his father for advice. The father replies: My son, there are three subjects that always work. These are food, family, and philosophy.

The boy picks up his date and they go to a soda fountain. Ice cream sodas in front of them, they stare at each other for a long time, as the boy's nervousness builds.

He remembers his father's advice, and chooses the first topic. He asks the girl: "Do you like spinach?" She says "No," and the silence returns.

After a few more uncomfortable minutes, the boy thinks of his father's suggestion and turns to the second item on the list. He asks, "Do you have a brother?" Again, the girl says "No," and there is silence once again.

The boy then plays his last card. He thinks of his father's advice and asks the girl the question: "If you had a brother, would he like spinach?"


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