Separating Sets in a Completely Regular Space

In summary, the problem is that f_i is not continuous at a_i. However, by invoking compactness, one can get a continuous function f_a that is less than 1/2 on U_a. However, this still does not give a function that is continuous on the whole set A.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Let X by a completely regular space and let A and B be closed, disjoint subsets of X. Prove that if A is compact, then there is a continuous function f : X --> [0,1] such that f(A) = {0} and f(B) = {1}.

The attempt at a solution
Let {U} be an open covering of A, U_1, ..., U_n be the corresponding finite open covering afforded by compactness of A. Let a_i in U_i and let f_i : X --> [0,1] be the continuous function separating a_i and B afforded by the complete regularity of X. Define f by f_1 * ... * f_n. This is all I have at the moment. Unfortunately, my f is only 0 at a_i and I don't know how to extend it to be 0 on all of A without breaking continuity.

I believe that the open covering I choose for A must somehow play a role. For example, if the open covering is just {A}, then, proceeding as I did above, compactness plays no role. Any tips?
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  • #2
Have you used the fact that X is completely regular? What is the definition of "completely regular"?
  • #3
Yes I did: The f_i's in my attempt are from complete regularity.

The definition is: For any a in X and any closed subset B of X, there exists a continuous function f : X --> [0,1] such that f(a) = 0 and f(B) = {1}.
  • #4
Don't start with the open covering.

Obtain f_a for each a in A. Now pick any number between 0 and 1, say 1/2. Let U_a be the open set (containing a) where f_a is less than 1/2. Then invoke compactness.

Note: If you subtract 1/2 from f_a, you'll get a continuous function that is less than 0 on U_a. So, consider the max of 0 and f_a, which is also a continuous function.

Now use scaling and/or addition of these functions to get your desired function.
  • #5
That is ingenious. What led you to devise the U_a's the way you did?
  • #6
"Cheating." (ashamed...)
  • #7
In hindsight, it seems to me that there are two viable approaches to this problem:

1. Invoke compactness first and then complete regularity.
2. Invoke complete regularity first and then compactness.

The first approach was my approach, and that clearly lead nowhere. The second I did not try, but I was already heading in that direction with last comment I made in my original post. In any case, thanks for the help.
  • #8
Before "cheating," I was considering a third approach, using a theorem instead of first principles. I prefer first principles. But how about saying since X is completely regular, then by a theorem, X is (homeomorphic to) a subspace of a normal space X'. Now A is cpt in X, so cpt in X', so closed in X'. Can we get B' closed in X', disjoint from A, such that B= B' intersect X. Then apply Urysohn's lemma to A and B'.
  • #9
I like that approach. However, I'm not aware of any embedding theorems for completely regular spaces. Is there such a theorem?
  • #10
There are several.

If X is completely regular, then X can be imbedded in a parallelotope (i.e. cartesian product of unit intevals [0,1]).

X is c.r. iff X is (homeomorphic to) a subspace of a cpt Hausdorff space iff X is (homeomorphic to) a subspace of a normal space.

Also, there is the Stone-Čech compactification of a c.r. space.
  • #11
Neat. Looks like my forays in topology have just begun.

FAQ: Separating Sets in a Completely Regular Space

1. What is a completely regular space?

A completely regular space is a topological space in which for every point and closed set not containing the point, there exists a continuous function that maps the point to 0 and the closed set to 1.

2. How is a completely regular space different from a regular space?

A regular space is a topological space in which for every point and closed set not containing the point, there exists disjoint open sets containing the point and the closed set, respectively. A completely regular space is a stronger condition, as it requires the existence of a continuous function instead of just disjoint open sets.

3. What is the significance of completely regular spaces?

Completely regular spaces are important in mathematics because they provide a setting for studying properties such as continuity, convergence, and separation. They also have applications in areas such as functional analysis, topology, and measure theory.

4. Can all spaces be completely regular?

No, not all spaces can be completely regular. In order for a space to be completely regular, it must satisfy the Tychonoff separation axiom, which states that every pair of disjoint sets can be separated by continuous functions. Many common spaces, such as the real line, are completely regular, but there are also examples of spaces that are not completely regular, such as the long line.

5. What are some examples of completely regular spaces?

Some examples of completely regular spaces include metric spaces, topological vector spaces, and product spaces. The real line, Euclidean spaces, and compact Hausdorff spaces are also completely regular. In general, any space that satisfies the Tychonoff separation axiom is completely regular.

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