Hypothetical Air Circulation on Earth: Balancing Radiation and Its Impact

In summary, the conversation discusses the hypothetical scenario of incoming and outgoing radiation being balanced at every point on Earth and its potential impact on air circulation. The consensus is that although this balance does not currently exist, it is still possible for air circulation to occur due to other factors such as continental and oceanic heating rates. Additionally, it is noted that the major atmospheric currents are primarily driven by the temperature inversion caused by solar radiation being absorbed at ground level rather than in the atmosphere.
  • #1
hypothetically, if incoming and outgoing radiation balanced at every point on earth, would there still be air circulation? What do you think?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Since the incoming and outgoing radiation balance, and since we have air currents the only possible answer is, yes.
  • #3
Integral said:
Since the incoming and outgoing radiation balance, and since we have air currents the only possible answer is, yes.

But incoming and outgoing radiation isn't in balance at individual points on the earth. The equator receives more than it emits, and the poles lose more than they recieve. This is what drives the major atmospheric currents. Were this difference not present, the major 3-cell circulation we have would shut down, but I think circulation in some form would still persist due to differences between continental & oceanic heating rates, as well as smaller scale differences, and coriolis force.
  • #4
matthyaouw said:
(snip) This is what drives the major atmospheric currents. (snip)

Nope. What drives the circulation cells is the temperature inversion created by absorbtion of solar radiation at ground level rather than in the atmosphere.

FAQ: Hypothetical Air Circulation on Earth: Balancing Radiation and Its Impact

1. What causes air circulation on Earth?

The primary cause of air circulation on Earth is the uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the sun. This creates differences in air temperature and pressure, which in turn leads to the movement of air from high pressure areas to low pressure areas.

2. How does air circulation affect weather patterns?

Air circulation plays a crucial role in weather patterns. The movement of air masses, such as warm and cold fronts, can cause changes in temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns. It also helps distribute moisture and heat around the globe, influencing climate patterns.

3. What are the major global wind patterns?

The three major global wind patterns are the trade winds, the westerlies, and the polar easterlies. The trade winds blow from east to west near the equator, the westerlies blow from west to east in the middle latitudes, and the polar easterlies blow from east to west near the poles.

4. How does air circulation affect air pollution and air quality?

Air circulation can impact air pollution and air quality in a few ways. It can help disperse pollutants and bring in cleaner air from other regions. However, it can also trap pollutants in certain areas, causing poor air quality. Additionally, certain wind patterns can transport pollutants long distances.

5. How does human activity impact air circulation on Earth?

Human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, can contribute to changes in air circulation patterns. These activities can release pollutants into the air, which can affect air pressure and wind patterns. Climate change caused by human activity can also lead to shifts in air circulation patterns, potentially affecting weather patterns and air quality.

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