Differences between Electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux, and how it relates to a permanent magnet machine. The speaker also asks for suggestions for materials that can withstand high magnetic fields and shield against magnetic flux.
  • #1
May I know that are there any different between the electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux?

Are there any electromagnetic flux in a permanent magnet machine?

What kind of flux will go through the permanent magnet machine's stator cores with copper wires on it?

I am really sorry to ask so many questions in one go. However, I really need help to make myself clear on this concept.

Thank you in advance for the helping!
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  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi vunteng! welcome to pf! :smile:

i've never heard of electromagnetic flux :confused:

the flux from an electromagnet (or any other magnet) is ordinary magnetic flux

where did you see "electromagnetic flux"?​
  • #3
Actually I am looking for a material which is magnetic flux shielding. It is to hold the large size of stator core which around 1m long and 0.2m wide, so it must me very strong and magnetic flux shielded.

Can you please suggest me few materials in the above properties?
  • #4
For high magnetic fields (above a few Gauss), boxes made of soft iron are good. Remember that H-parallel (tangential component of H) is continuous across an air-iron boundary. See picture of clock in

  • #5

I am happy to provide some clarification on the differences between electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux. Electromagnetic flux refers to the flow of electric and magnetic fields through a surface. It is a combination of both electric and magnetic flux. On the other hand, magnetic flux refers to the flow of magnetic fields through a surface. It is a component of electromagnetic flux, as it is only the magnetic part of the electromagnetic field.

To answer your first question, there are electromagnetic fluxes present in permanent magnet machines. In fact, these machines rely on the interaction between magnetic and electric fields to generate electricity. The permanent magnets in these machines create a constant magnetic flux, while the rotation of the machine's rotor creates an electromagnetic flux due to the changing magnetic field.

In terms of the type of flux that goes through the stator cores with copper wires, it would be both electromagnetic and magnetic flux. The stator cores serve as the stationary part of the machine that contains the copper wires, which act as conductors for the electromagnetic flux. The magnetic flux from the permanent magnets also passes through the stator cores, creating a complete circuit for the generation of electricity.

I hope this helps clarify the concept for you. Please feel free to ask any further questions if you need more clarification. It is always better to ask for help and gain a better understanding than to remain confused. Keep exploring and learning!

FAQ: Differences between Electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux

1. What is the difference between electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux?

Electromagnetic flux refers to the amount of electromagnetic radiation that passes through a given surface, while magnetic flux is the measurement of the strength of a magnetic field passing through a specific area.

2. Are electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux the same thing?

No, they are not the same thing. Electromagnetic flux refers to the flow of electromagnetic radiation, which includes both electric and magnetic components. Magnetic flux, on the other hand, only measures the strength of the magnetic field.

3. How are electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux related?

Electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux are related in that they both involve the flow or measurement of energy. Electromagnetic flux is a combination of both electric and magnetic fields, while magnetic flux is solely a measure of the magnetic field.

4. Can electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux be converted into one another?

No, electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux cannot be directly converted into one another. They are two separate measurements that represent different aspects of energy flow.

5. What are some real-life applications of electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux?

Electromagnetic flux and magnetic flux are used in a variety of applications, such as in electrical generators, transformers, and MRI machines. They also play a crucial role in understanding and predicting weather patterns and the behavior of celestial bodies.

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