Interesting thing about archers hitting the target

  • Thread starter Дьявол
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In summary: In this case, the events I listed are exhaustive, but they are not disjoint.In summary, the probability of at least one archer hitting the target is P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A \cap B), where P(A \cap B) is not necessarily zero, and depends on the probability of both archers hitting the target.
  • #1
Hello, again!

I got one very interesting question.

We got three archers, and the probability of the ones to hit the target is:
A1, A2, A3.

What if the task is to find the probability that the target will be hit at least from one archer.

So at least one archer to hit the target.

Is it P(A1 U A2 U A3) = A1 + A2 +A3 ?

Or [tex](1- P(\bar{A_{1}} \cap \bar{A_{2}} \cap \bar{A_{3}})) = 1 - \bar{A_{1}}* \bar{A_{2}} * \bar{A_{3}}[/tex], where [tex]\bar{A}[/tex] is opposite of A?

Or maybe, both are valid?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Дьявол said:
Hello, again!

I got one very interesting question.

We got three archers, and the probability of the ones to hit the target is:
A1, A2, A3.

What if the task is to find the probability that the target will be hit at least from one archer.

So at least one archer to hit the target.

Is it P(A1 U A2 U A3) = A1 + A2 +A3 ?
No. This is wrong. [itex]P(A_1\cup A_2)= P(A_1)+ P(A_2)- P(A_1\cap A_2)[/itex] and that extends to 3 events: [itex]P(A_1\cup A_2\cup A_3)= P(A_1)+ P(A_2)+ P(A_3)- P(A_1\cap A_2)- P(A_1\cap A_3)[/itex][itex]- P(A_2\cap A_3)+ P(A_1\cap A_2\cap A_3)[/itex].

Or [tex](1- P(\bar{A_{1}} \cap \bar{A_{2}} \cap \bar{A_{3}})) = 1 - \bar{A_{1}}* \bar{A_{2}} * \bar{A_{3}}[/tex], where [tex]\bar{A}[/tex] is opposite of A?
Yes, this is correct.

Or maybe, both are valid?

Thanks in advance.
  • #3
Thanks for the post, HallsofIvy.

In this case, the shootings of the archers are independent cases. So that's why we do not need [itex]P(A_1\cup A_2\cup A_3)= P(A_1)+ P(A_2)+ P(A_3)- P(A_1\cap A_2)- P(A_1\cap A_3)- P(A_2\cap A_3)+ P(A_1\cap A_2\cap A_3)[/itex]
since [itex]P(A_1\cap A_2)- P(A_1\cap A_3)- P(A_2\cap A_3)+ P(A_1\cap A_2\cap A_3)=0-0-0-0=0[/itex]. That's why I said independent cases.

But what if P(A1)=0.8, P(A2)=0.9, P(A3)=0.75

In that case the sum [itex]P(A_1\cup A_2\cup A_3)= P(A_1)+ P(A_2)+ P(A_3)=0.8+0.9+0.75=2.45[/itex]

This is strange.
  • #4
The fact that two cases A and B are independent doesn't mean P(A n B) = 0. It means that P(A n B) = P(A)P(B).
  • #5
If two cases are independent, that means that they do not have something in common, right? So A n B = 0, right?
  • #6
Дьявол said:
If two cases are independent, that means that they do not have something in common, right? So A n B = 0, right?


A \cap B = \emptyset

if the two sets are disjoint , which is not the same as independent.
  • #7
If two cases are independent, that means that they do not have something in common, right? So A n B = 0, right?
Actually, that would mean that they're not independent. Two events are independent if the occurrence of one does not influence the occurrence of the other, i.e. P(A|B) = P(A). If [tex]A \cap B = \emptyset[/tex], then P(A|B) = 0, so the events are not independent.

With regards to the original question, it would be easiest to take the probability that every archer misses and subtract it from one.
  • #8
Thanks for the replies.
@Tibarn, in this case the occurrence of one does not influence the occurrence of the other.
[tex]P(A/B)=\frac{m_{A\cap B} }{ m_{B}}[/tex]
out of there
[tex]P(A/B)=\frac{\frac{m_{A\cap B}}{n}}{\frac{m_{B}}{n}}[/tex]
[tex]P(A/B)=\frac{P(A\cap B)}{ P(B)}[/tex]

The cases are independent if the occurrence of one does not influence the occurrence of the other. So, if two cases are independent, then P(A/B)=P(A). Out of there P(A n B)=P(A)*P(B)

Now, let's get back to the task. I think I mean, disjoint. So cases A,B are disjoint.

P(A U B)=P(A) + P(B) - P(A n B)

In this case [itex]m_{A\cap B}=0[/itex] because the cases:
I - the 1st archer will hit the target
II - the 2nd archer will hit the target

DO NOT have something in common.

[tex] P(A U B) = \frac{m_A+m_B-m_{A\cap B}}{n}[/tex]

[tex] P(A U B) = \frac{m_A+m_B-0}{n}=P(A)+P(B)[/tex]

Is this true?

Are those cases disjoint??
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  • #9
Дьявол said:
Now, let's get back to the task. I think I mean, disjoint. So cases A,B are disjoint.

P(A U B)=P(A) + P(B) - P(A n B)

In this case [itex]m_{A\cap B}=0[/itex] because the cases:
I - the 1st archer will hit the target
II - the 2nd archer will hit the target

DO NOT have something in common.

[tex] P(A U B) = \frac{m_A+m_B-m_{A\cap B}}{n}[/tex]

[tex] P(A U B) = \frac{m_A+m_B-0}{n}=P(A)+P(B)[/tex]

Is this true?

Are those cases disjoint??

You're saying that if one archer hits the target the other one always misses?
  • #10
Are those cases disjoint?
  • #11
In this case [tex]m_{A \cap B}=0[/tex] because the cases:
I - the 1st archer will hit the target
II - the 2nd archer will hit the target

DO NOT have something in common.
Think about this intuitively. If A and B are disjoint, then event A and event B cannot occur simultaneously. So, if A is the first archer hitting the target and B is the second archer hitting the target, [tex]P(A \cap B) = 0[/tex] means that both archers cannot simultaneously hit the target. If we know that A hit the target, then it would follow that B missed the target, so the events are not independent (unless A or B always misses).

If both archers take one shot, then we have four possible events:
1. Both miss
2. Archer A hits, B misses
3. Archer A misses, B hits
4. Both hit.

In this case, [tex]A \cap B[/tex] is case 4, where both archers hit. If you're going to do probability by cases, it's important that you get all of them.
  • #12
Now, I understood. Thank you very much for the help.

  • #13
You may be confusing "mutually exclusive" with "independent". "Independent" means what happens in one case does not affect what happens in the other- [itex]P(A\cap B)= P(A)P(B)[/itex] or, equivalently, P(A|B)= P(A). "Mutually exclusive" means [itex]P(A\cap B)= 0[/itex] so that P(A|B)= 0. Not at all the same thing!
  • #14
Yes, you're right. I did a little research, and find out that the events in this case aren't exclusive, but they are independent. Because if they are exclusive P(A) or P(B) will be equal 0 so that P(A n B)=0.

FAQ: Interesting thing about archers hitting the target

1. How do archers consistently hit the target?

Archers use a combination of technique, muscle memory, and precise aiming to consistently hit the target. They also take into account factors such as wind, distance, and the weight and trajectory of their arrows.

2. What is the average accuracy rate for archers hitting the target?

The average accuracy rate for archers hitting the target varies depending on the level of competition and skill level of the archer. However, in professional competitions, top archers can achieve accuracy rates of over 90%.

3. Is there a specific spot on the target that archers aim for?

Yes, there are specific spots on the target that archers aim for. These spots are usually marked with different colors and correspond to different point values. In competitive archery, archers aim for these spots to maximize their score.

4. What factors can affect an archer's ability to hit the target?

Some factors that can affect an archer's ability to hit the target include wind, distance, fatigue, and the quality of their equipment. Mental focus and concentration also play a crucial role in accuracy.

5. Are there any interesting facts about archers hitting the target?

One interesting fact is that archery has been a part of human history for thousands of years, with evidence of its use dating back to ancient civilizations. Another interesting fact is that modern archers use advanced technology such as laser sights and carbon fiber arrows to improve their accuracy.

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