Cansomeone please explain Godel's incompleteness theorem?

In summary, The incompleteness theorem states that in any formal system that is powerful enough to define addition and multiplication of integers, there will always be true statements that are not provable within the system. This means that no matter how much we expand the system, there will always be some statements that cannot be proven to be true or false. This has been used to keep mathematicians humble and has led to a better understanding of what it means for a theory to be complete.
  • #1
Gold Member
I see so many references to it. Can someone please explain what it exactly is and what it's useful for?
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  • #2
i only know what i read in the funny papers, but as i recall, it makes a distinction between statements that are "true", and statements that are "provable" in a given system, i.e. logically derivable in a finite number of steps via allowable rules of reasoning from given axioms and prior proved results.

then it throws a spear through our hopes that "true" and "provable" are the same thing, except in rather small systems. i.e. as i recall, any system sophisticated enough to allow a definition of the real numbers, will have some true statements that are not provable. hence such a system is "incomplete".

so it seems you can perhaps do some arithmetic in a complete system, but not calculus.

but there are many more knowledgeable people than me here, and they will surely improve or correct these naive comments.

in my professional life it has not been useful for anything except to keep mathematicians humble. i.e. no mathematically interesting statements have ever been found to my knowledge that actually were unprovable.
  • #3
any system sophisticated enough to allow a definition of the real numbers, will have some true statements that are not provable

Actually, it's integers. More specifically, it has to be able to describe addition and multiplication of integers.

One use of the incompleteness theorem is *drumroll* to prove a theory incomplete; or to give a greater understanding of what it means for a theory to be complete.

For example, one might want to consider the first-order theory of real closed fields. (The first-order version of the theory of real numbers) One might ask "what additional tools may I use to study this theory, but allow it to remain complete?" Godel's incompleteness theorem proves that mathematical induction is not one such tool; we can use mathematical induction to define the word "integer", thus getting number theory, then use Godel to prove the resulting theory incomplete.

FAQ: Cansomeone please explain Godel's incompleteness theorem?

What is Godel's incompleteness theorem?

Godel's incompleteness theorem is a mathematical theorem that states that in any formal system of axioms and rules, there will always be statements that are true but cannot be proven within that system.

Who was Kurt Godel?

Kurt Godel was an Austrian mathematician and logician who is best known for his contributions to mathematical logic, including the development of Godel's incompleteness theorem.

Why is Godel's incompleteness theorem important?

Godel's incompleteness theorem is important because it showed that there are inherent limitations in any formal system of mathematics. It also had a significant impact on the philosophy of mathematics and the understanding of the foundations of mathematics.

What are the two main parts of Godel's incompleteness theorem?

The two main parts of Godel's incompleteness theorem are the first incompleteness theorem, which states that there are true statements that cannot be proven within a formal system, and the second incompleteness theorem, which states that a consistent formal system cannot prove its own consistency.

What are some real-world applications of Godel's incompleteness theorem?

Godel's incompleteness theorem has been applied in various fields, including computer science, philosophy, and linguistics. It has also had implications for the development of artificial intelligence and computational complexity theory.
