Why Do Ordinary Sounds Sometimes Seem Haunting?

  • Thread starter zoobyshoe
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In summary: I freaked out and screamed, and he started lumbering towards me. Luckily my boyfriend was home and came running when he heard me screaming. We got the hell out of there and never looked back.In summary, the coffee maker makes deep sputtery noises and can be mistaken for a demon voice. This has happened to the author before and gave her goosebumps. The author has one chatty appliance: her hairdryer.
  • #1
Few minutes ago I started a pot of coffee. The coffee maker makes deep sputtery noises. I walked into the other room for a second and suddenly heard what sounded like a kind of demon voice grumbling my first name. Got chills for a second till I realized it was a trick of the accoustics here: just an extra loud splutter from the coffee maker resonating in the room behind me.

Last year a similar thing gave me wicked goose bumps. It was a hot summer night and I had a box fan sitting in front of a door open to the outside. The fan was on high. Suddenly a new noise started on top of the fan noise and crescendoed. It sounded exactly like a male voice groaning and seemed to come from just outside the door. I was pinned to the spot with fright and stared out the door but there wasn't anyone there. When I calmed down I examined my first suspect: the fan. It turned out to be sitting off balance on a pebble, and must have been sent rocking back and forth on top of the pebble till it changed position and the noise stopped.
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  • #2
I'm jealous. My appliances never talk to me. I'm a little offended, actually.

However, I hear something like strange prattling conversation if I have the water faucet on full blast. It's usually in French, so I assume I am just studying too hard.
  • #3
Math Is Hard said:
I'm jealous. My appliances never talk to me. I'm a little offended, actually.
You can't just buy any old appliance and expect it to talk to you. Look for the Vocalization Probability Rating sticker. 10's are the most chatty. 0's are pretty much mute.
  • #4
I just remembered that I do have one chatty appliance: my hairdryer. It also speaks mainly en Francais. I think that is the only appliance I filled out the warranty card for. Do you suppose that helped?
  • #5
Math Is Hard said:
I just remembered that I do have one chatty appliance: my hairdryer. It also speaks mainly en Francais. I think that is the only appliance I filled out the warranty card for. Do you suppose that helped?
No, but it was a good idea anyway because it will be repaired or replace if it ever stops speaking French.
  • #6
Have you tried running the coffee pot backwards? It gives the spanish translation [hiss - sie]
  • #7
Chronos said:
Have you tried running the coffee pot backwards? It gives the spanish translation [hiss - sie]
No, I never thought of it! Great idea, though. I'll have to dig into the workings tomorrow and reroute the hose. Muchas gracias, senor!
  • #8
zoobyshoe said:
Few minutes ago I started a pot of coffee.

I did the exact same thing just a few minutes ago...

  • #9
zoobyshoe said:
No, I never thought of it! Great idea, though. I'll have to dig into the workings tomorrow and reroute the hose. Muchas gracias, senor!
Don't forget to flip the coffee filter! :wink:
  • #10
rachmaninoff said:
I did the exact same thing just a few minutes ago...

Depends. Did yours say: "Rrrrrrrraaaaachmmmmmaaaaannnninooooooblackf!"
  • #11
Math Is Hard said:
Don't forget to flip the coffee filter! :wink:
Sheesh, I would have, too! Thanks for the heads up!
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  • #12
zoobyshoe said:
Few minutes ago I started a pot of coffee. The coffee maker makes deep sputtery noises. I walked into the other room for a second and suddenly heard what sounded like a kind of demon voice grumbling my first name. Got chills for a second till I realized it was a trick of the accoustics here: just an extra loud splutter from the coffee maker resonating in the room behind me.

Last year a similar thing gave me wicked goose bumps. It was hot summer night and I had a box fan sitting in front of a door open to the outside. The fan was on high. Suddenly a new noise started on top of the fan noise and crescendoed. It sounded exactly like a male voice groaning and seemed to come from just outside the door. I was pinned to the spot with fright and stared out the door but there wasn't anyone there. When I calmed down I examined my first suspect: the fan. It turned out to be sitting off balance on a pebble, and must have been sent rocking back and forth on top of the pebble till it changed position and the noise stopped.
Oohh I like how you said "it was a hot summer night," very... good. I don't know, some word.

I hate it when things like this happen. I don't like being scared. (well duh). Maybe I should just decide nothing has "been there," and nothing ever will.
  • #13
Well, this looks like a good thread to hijack with my little story that doesn't deserve an entire thread of its own. I just saw a big spot on the wall across the room...I figured it was a spider, so walked over to confirm it, and as I got closer, it was clear it wasn't a spider...not enough legs, but I wasn't close enough yet to make out just what it was. Just as I got close enough to start to focus and try to figure out what sort of bug it was, it flew at me...it was just a little moth, but scared the bejeezus out of me! :smile:

But it still isn't talking to me.

And just to un-hijack the thread again...
The coffee maker talks, but only in whispers. I can never quite make out what it's saying. I think it's talking about me to the tea kettle. I hear all this whispering, then I walk into the room, and the tea kettle takes up whistling very suspiciously.
  • #14
My TV talks to me.

I did know a guy who thought that the TV was passing along secret coded messages from the government, but I listened very closely, and I don't think it was the government.
  • #15
I read a book by a couple who had gone long distance sailing in a yacht.

Once you're out there hundreds of miles from land, constantly in motion on many axis, the weather foul, cold, and overcast, waves getting unruly, sometimes breaking over the deck, always tired because one or the other of you always has to be at the tiller, the sound of the sea water sloshing out through the scuppers starts to sound like a complex phrase being repeated over and over, but not quite intelligible. They both noticed it and talked about how they listened to it, trying to make out what it said. Each had their own notion of what it might be and they actually argued a bit about it.
  • #16
When we moved into this house, my older daughter spawn would swear that she kept hearing a sound like a pig squealing coming from my master bathroom. She wouldn't go near it for years.

Of course when the sump pump in the basement would kick in, it sounded like a dinosaur in the throes of death.
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  • #17
Okay, this does creep me out sometimes. Since I need to do my thing when everyone else leaves, I often am given the keys to a factory, a remote data collection site, or a small business so that I can do programming or testing. But most of all I really hate being alone in large factories at night. The buildings are always popping and creeking, and it is usually fairly dark except in my area. Just being alone in such a large place is weird.
  • #18
Evo said:
When we moved into this house, my older daughter spawn would swear that she kept hearing a sound like a pig squealing coming from my master bathroom. She wouldn't go near it for years.
How old was she before she realized what you'd been up to in there?
  • #19
Ivan Seeking said:
Okay, this does creep me out sometimes. Since I need to do my thing when everyone else leaves, I often am given the keys to a factory, a remote data collection site, or a small business so that I can do programming or testing. But most of all I really hate being alone in large factories at night. The buildings are always popping and creeking, and it is usually fairly dark except in my area. Just being alone in such a large place is weird.
It's like that at our farm too. The ventillation system makes all sorts of weird noises, and it often sounds like someone else is walking around the building when you're there alone at night. Apparently I'm the only one who is even willing to spend the night alone there (I have several times already)...everyone else brings along a friend to keep them company. They thought I was crazy when I was there all night on Halloween and brought along my laptop to watch horror movies on DVDs. But I couldn't think of a better setting to watch a horror movie. :biggrin: It's not nearly as bad here, though, as the last farm I worked on where I had to walk outside to get from the lab to the barns where my sheep were...it always seemed to be a cloudy, moonless night whenever I had to do that, and it really had the feeling of a horror movie scene where turning a corner around a building just might find you face-to-face with some axe murderer or zombie or some such thing. There were ALWAYS lots of noises there.
  • #20
zoobyshoe said:
How old was she before she realized what you'd been up to in there?
:eek: :smile: :blushing: :-p
  • #21
i HATE being home alone when i know no one's going to be around for a while. i had to housesit for my family a few weekends ago, and i got so freaked out at every noise. i can distinguish the sound of all my cats and dogs walking around (they have varrying weights that squeak differently on the floor boards.) but sometimes i'd hear a floor board squeak that sounded heavier than any of them and i'd freak so bad. i called whozum and he stayed on the phone with me while i explored the house. i told him that if i suddenly hung up, to call the new hampshire police, cause it means i was dying... or disconnected...

two nights ago i dragged a friend of mine out exploring in the woods near school. we went to this lake and found a path and walked around. he wanted to chill, so he went off the path a ways, and layed down on the ground. i was like, "no freaking way I'm laying down when i can't see what I'm laying on." so i sat on his knees. we're chillin just talking, and its completely silent except for the sound of running water off in the distance. suddenly i hear the leaves rustling and branches breaking behind me. i bolt off his legs and run. turns out that he had just moved his feet a little...
  • #22
When we moved into this house, my older daughter spawn would swear that she kept hearing a sound like a pig squealing coming from my master bathroom. She wouldn't go near it for years.

Of course when the sump pump in the basement would kick in, it sounded like a dinosaur in the throes of death.

So that's who Spawn is. Is she named after the comic book character? I have never met a Spawn in my life, that's probably because I am locked in moonbears basement folding shirts... :biggrin:
  • #23
:smile: I don't believe any appliances have ever spoken to me but my microwave tried to set itself... No, really...:-p I was making a grilled cheese sandwich at about 3AM (I'm up all night) when I heard something beep behind me. I looked at the microwave and it said "0" which meant someone had hit the "Time" button...but I was the only one in the room. I cleared the screen and went back to making my sandwich when, about 20 minutes later, something pulled my hair.

I should probably name my new friend...:biggrin:
  • #24
Evo said:
When we moved into this house, my older daughter spawn would swear that she kept hearing a sound like a pig squealing coming from my master bathroom. She wouldn't go near it for years.
:bugeye: At least fear helped protect your privacy. I'll have to remember this for the future, it's actually a good idea. :wink:
  • #25
I used to work security at apartment complexs in the middle of the night. When I first started it would scare the bejesus out of me to be walking around in the middle of night with no one else around and all the weird sounds. At least I had a nice big maglite to make me feel safe.

Cyrus said:
So that's who Spawn is. Is she named after the comic book character? I have never met a Spawn in my life, that's probably because I am locked in moonbears basement folding shirts...
It's short for Spawn of Evo.
  • #26
It seems to be the consensus that being alone in any building is very spooky.
  • #27
AngelShare said:
:smile: I don't believe any appliances have ever spoken to me but my microwave tried to set itself... No, really...:-p I was making a grilled cheese sandwich at about 3AM (I'm up all night) when I heard something beep behind me. I looked at the microwave and it said "0" which meant someone had hit the "Time" button...but I was the only one in the room. I cleared the screen and went back to making my sandwich when, about 20 minutes later, something pulled my hair.

I should probably name my new friend...:biggrin:
ew! I just got chills! :bugeye: I've had strange experiences like that. Especially at an office building I used to work at that was next to a cemetary (kind of a famous one, too. Marilyn Monroe and Natalie Wood were laid to rest there). The building was a really creepy place, and everyone had bizarre experiences there. I hated when I had to work alone on the weekends. :frown:
  • #28
zoobyshoe said:
It seems to be the consensus that being alone in any building is very spooky.
I think it depends somewhat on the atmosphere. At least for me. Where I work now I walk around the buildings at night without much of anyone around and it doesn't bother me at all. In the apartment complexs where there was little light and plenty of shadowy corners and places where someone might be hiding it made me a bit nervous. The parking garages also got to me even though they were well lit. The sort of lighting was a bit eerie, shadows behind and underneath cars, sounds of the electrical equipment and plumbing for the building above, and to top it all off there were trash chutes that would occasionally rumble from someone upstairs throwing out the garbage.
I remember reading an article in the Fortian Times about reputedly haunted places and their similarities in atmosphere likely giving rise to the phenomena attributed to them.
  • #29
being alone sucks cause you're the only one there. its a fact.
  • #30
Math Is Hard said:
ew! I just got chills! :bugeye: I've had strange experiences like that. Especially at an office building I used to work at that was next to a cemetary (kind of a famous one, too. Marilyn Monroe and Natalie Wood were laid to rest there). The building was a really creepy place, and everyone had bizarre experiences there. I hated when I had to work alone on the weekends. :frown:
I had one experience like this I was never able to explain to my own satisfaction, though it's outside the topic of Spooky Noises. One night I became aware of a very loud whirring noise that seemed to be coming from very close by outside the back door. Something like a vacuum cleaner. I flicked the light on and stepped onto the patio where I keep stuff like my table saw and other bigger machines. I was amazed and frightened to realize that a disc sander was on and running.

The back yard is all fenced off from the street and the neighbors. Someone would have to have climbed over the fence to do it, which seems kind of extravagant, though not impossible. I never found out the perpetrator.
  • #31
same thing happened with us and a vacuum cleaner. we were eating dinner upstairs, and the vacuum started up. we were all freaked out and dad went down stairs to check it out. on an unrelated note, my little brother saw a vampire in his closet that same night.
  • #32
zoobyshoe said:
The back yard is all fenced off from the street and the neighbors. Someone would have to have climbed over the fence to do it, which seems kind of extravagant, though not impossible. I never found out the perpetrator.
hmmm...raccoons? Do they have enough dexterity to accidentally start up a sander?
  • #33
Gale said:
same thing happened with us and a vacuum cleaner. we were eating dinner upstairs, and the vacuum started up. we were all freaked out and dad went down stairs to check it out. on an unrelated note, my little brother saw a vampire in his closet that same night.
Well, yeah, I saw a vampire out there , too, but I thought "Where's the connection? "

Math Is Hard said:
hmmm...raccoons? Do they have enough dexterity to accidentally start up a sander?
Yes. I'm sure one could have both reached and flipped the switch, but why wouldn't they have turned it off when they were done using it?
  • #34
TheStatutoryApe said:
I think it depends somewhat on the atmosphere. At least for me. Where I work now I walk around the buildings at night without much of anyone around and it doesn't bother me at all.
You're talking about outdoors. It seems that being inside any building all alone is what's spooky. Appartement buildings are a fair balance of privacy and safety in numbers. There's a comfort to hearing the occasional noise from the people next door, or hearing people coming and going from the parking lot. It's no wonder Jack Torrence went mad at the Overlook Hotel: all those empty rooms and empty floors.
  • #35
Math Is Hard said:
ew! I just got chills! :bugeye: I've had strange experiences like that. Especially at an office building I used to work at that was next to a cemetary (kind of a famous one, too. Marilyn Monroe and Natalie Wood were laid to rest there). The building was a really creepy place, and everyone had bizarre experiences there. I hated when I had to work alone on the weekends. :frown:

I volunteered at a library from 5PM to 8PM (closing time) and one of the women who worked there told me she thought it was creepy at night. My Mom and Gram said the same thing (My Pappy used to work there.). I found it comforting though.:smile:

However, one night, the same woman had to go upstairs to get something and asked me to come because she was too afraid to go on her own. We were about ready to go up the stairs when she said, "Oh wait...look at that." and turned towards the front door no one uses (The library used to be someone's home. Things were added on and, because of the positioning of the front desk and the original front door, another entrance was added and that one was locked since, when someone uses it, no one can seem them coming and going.). She pulled on the handle and found that the door was unlocked so, when we went upstairs, we had to search the rooms to see if anyone was hiding out.

That managed to freak me out a bit but, overall, I still don't find that place creepy.:biggrin:

FAQ: Why Do Ordinary Sounds Sometimes Seem Haunting?

1. What could be causing the mysterious sounds coming from my coffee maker?

There are a few possible explanations for the strange noises your coffee maker is making. It could be due to a malfunctioning motor or heating element, loose parts, or mineral buildup in the machine. It's best to have a professional examine the appliance to determine the exact cause.

2. Is it safe to continue using my coffee maker if it's making unusual sounds?

If your coffee maker is making loud or unusual sounds, it's best to stop using it until it can be inspected and repaired. Continuing to use a malfunctioning appliance can be dangerous and may cause further damage.

3. Can I fix the mysterious sounds in my coffee maker myself?

While some minor issues with coffee makers can be fixed at home, it's generally not recommended to attempt repairs on your own. Coffee makers are complex appliances and attempting to fix them without proper knowledge and tools can be dangerous. It's best to seek professional help.

4. How can I prevent my coffee maker from making strange noises in the future?

To prevent mysterious sounds from occurring in your coffee maker, it's important to regularly clean and maintain the machine. This includes descaling regularly, cleaning the filter and basket, and ensuring all parts are properly tightened. Following the manufacturer's instructions for use and maintenance can also help prevent issues.

5. Are mysterious sounds a sign that I need to replace my coffee maker?

In some cases, strange noises from a coffee maker may indicate that the appliance needs to be replaced. However, it's best to have a professional inspect the machine before making any decisions. They can determine if the issue is fixable or if a new coffee maker is needed.

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