How Do You Solve These Thermodynamics Problems?

  • Thread starter ChronicQuantumAddict
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You are correct in your steps for obtaining this equation. However, it is important to note that in the book, the equation is given in terms of the specific volume, whereas you have it in terms of the molar volume. This may account for the difference in the equation. But your steps are correct.
  • #1
1. Show that for an ideal gas
a).[tex]f = c_v(T-T_0)-c_vT\ln(T/T_0)-RT\ln(v/v_0)-s_0T[/tex]
b).[tex]g = c_p(T-T_0)-c_pT\ln(T/T_0)+RT\ln(P/P_0)-S_0T[/tex]​
totally lost here, where do i begin?
2. The Helmholtz function of a certain gas is:
[tex]F = -\frac{n^2a}{V} - nRT \ln(V-nb) + J(T)[/tex],​
where J is a function of T only. Derive an expression for the pressure.
For this one i need the answer verified, i think i have it right. We know that [tex]-P = (\frac{(\delta(F))}{(\delta(V))})_T[/tex], and thus all i have to do is differentiate the negative of the above function for F with respect to V, and the [tex]J(T)[/tex] function disappears.
3. The Gibbs function of a certain gas is:
[tex]G = nRT\ln(P) + A + BP + \frac{CP^2}{2} + \frac{DP^3}{3}[/tex](​
where A,B,C, and D are constants. Find the equation of state of the gas.
Now, the answer in the book is:
[tex]nRT + BP + CP^2 + DP^3[/tex]​
the only way i see to get this is to differentiate the expression for with respect to P, giving:
[tex]\frac{nRT}{P} + B + CP + DP^2[/tex]​
and then multiplying this result through by P, or in other words, the equation of state is given by:
[tex]P(\frac{\delta(G)}{\delta(P)})=eq of state[/tex]​
but how or why, or is this even correct, please help with these 3 problems, thanks.
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Physics news on
  • #2
any takers? anyone?
  • #3
For the first question, what's f and g?EDIT:
Sorry, I am unable to help in this one. I would like to know how you obtain this result as well.
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  • #4
f is the specific helmholtz function, and g is the specific gibbs free energy function
  • #5
am i correct for part 2? and so far all i have seen is what i showed there for part 3, i can't seem to understand if that is even correct, let alone how that is arrived at. thanks
  • #6
anyone someone?
  • #7
For question one, write out the full Helmholtz free energy for the ideal gas and then divide by the total mass of the gas to obtain the specific Helmholtz free energy (I assume this is the definition). Rewrite the terms that appear in terms of the specific heat at constant volume. [tex] v [/tex] is the molar volume and [tex] s_0 [/tex] will be related to the specific entropy at [tex] T = T_0 [/tex] and [tex] v = v_0 [/tex]. Once you've done the Helmholtz free energy, I think you should be able to adapt your method to do the Gibbs function as well.

For question 2, you are right on track. The pressure in the Helmholtz representation is given by [tex] P = -\left(\frac{\partial F}{\partial V} \right)_T [/tex]. The equation of state you get is called the van der Waals equation of state so you can check yourself online.

For question 3, in the Gibbs representation, the volume is given as [tex] V = \left( \frac{\partial G}{\partial P} \right)_T [/tex]. The resulting equation for V is your equation of state.
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FAQ: How Do You Solve These Thermodynamics Problems?

1. What is the first law of thermodynamics?

The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant.

2. How is the second law of thermodynamics related to entropy?

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy (or disorder) of a closed system will always increase over time. This means that energy will always flow from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration, resulting in an increase in disorder.

3. What is the difference between heat and temperature in thermodynamics?

Heat is the transfer of energy from one object to another due to a difference in temperature. Temperature, on the other hand, is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. In other words, heat is energy in transit, while temperature is a measure of the intensity of the energy in a substance.

4. What is an example of a thermodynamic process?

An example of a thermodynamic process is the expansion of a gas in a piston. As the gas expands, it does work on the piston, transferring energy from the gas to the piston. This process can also be reversed, with the gas being compressed and the piston doing work on the gas, resulting in an increase in temperature.

5. What is the Carnot cycle and why is it important in thermodynamics?

The Carnot cycle is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that describes the most efficient way to convert heat energy into mechanical work. It is important in thermodynamics because it sets the upper limit for the efficiency of any heat engine, and helps us understand the limitations of converting heat energy into work.
