Preparing Clay Core for Building a Dam

In summary, the conversation is about preparing the clay core of a dam to ensure optimal moisture and geomechanical characteristics. The two methods mentioned for preparing the core are the cone method and the method of Rice Fields, but the latter is not explained in the book and the individual is having trouble finding information about it. They are hoping someone can provide the English translation for the method so that they can search for more information.
  • #1
I have one question about dams
When building a dam with clay core you must prepare that core ( so the moisture would be optimal , geomechanical characteristics would be satisfied and that sort of things,don't have time to elaborate all)
I have heard on lectures that there are two ways to prepare the core , to reach the required moisture
1. First way is cone method ( knobby cone method or you say truncated cone method..English is not my mother tongue so i have bit problems translating these)
2. The other way is , as our prof. translated -> method of Rice Fields
Now, my problem is , that i can't find anywhere about this rice fields method and i don't have it explained in book.
does anyone recall something like this, maybe you call it different way on English (you probably do!) so i can then search the net to see what exactly that is

Thank you all in advance
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  • #2
Have you tried translating the name your proffessor given from your mother tounge to english using google translate? That may give you a better idea.
  • #3
unfortunately there is no option there for my language (Bosnian) :(
i am hoping someone will know what i am talking about and give me the right word in English , usually when translating technical words they use word closest to the language and rarely the exact translation
  • #4
so any of you guys know this?
i would really appreciate all help!

FAQ: Preparing Clay Core for Building a Dam

What is a clay core and why is it important for building a dam?

A clay core is a layer of compacted clay used in the construction of a dam. It is important because it acts as a barrier to prevent water from seeping through the dam and causing potential failure.

How is a clay core prepared for building a dam?

The preparation of a clay core involves several steps. First, the area where the dam will be built must be excavated and leveled. Then, the clay is brought in and spread in layers, each one compacted with heavy machinery. The final step is to seal the clay core with an impermeable material, such as plastic or concrete, to prevent water from seeping through.

What factors are considered when selecting the type of clay for a dam core?

The type of clay used for a dam core is selected based on several factors, including its plasticity, permeability, and compressibility. The clay must be able to hold its shape when molded, have a low permeability to prevent water from seeping through, and be able to withstand the weight of the dam without settling or shifting.

How thick should a clay core be for a dam?

The thickness of a clay core for a dam varies depending on the size and design of the dam. Generally, it can range from 10-30 feet. The thicker the core, the better it can withstand the pressure of the water and prevent seepage. The thickness may also vary at different points along the dam, depending on the slope and other factors.

How is the integrity of a clay core for a dam tested?

The integrity of a clay core for a dam is tested through various methods, such as density testing and permeability testing. These tests involve taking samples of the clay and measuring its properties to ensure it meets the required standards for a dam core. Additionally, regular inspections and monitoring are conducted during and after construction to ensure the clay core is functioning properly.

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