Easy to understand, hard to solve

  • Thread starter moham_87
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In summary, the function is continuous on the interval, but takes on only certain values between f(a) and f(b).
  • #1
that is my first time, and i have questions for my exam.

* Show that if a function "f" is continuous and has no zeros on an interval, then either f(x)>0 or f(x)<0 for every "x" in the interval
(Intermediate Value Theorem)

I solved it in that way:
since no zeros in the interval then the interval will be
so f(x) will not be 0... but that can be possible, and didn't know how to do it?

please i need the answer in maximum 2 days :frown:
any efforts will be appreciated
thank you
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  • #2
I always had trouble with these. I always would just think, "that's true by definition. How can I prove it?"

First, assume that it is not true. Then, for some value of x on the interval, f(x) and f(x+dx) will have opposite signs, so that:

f(x)f(x+dx)<0 (positive * negative is always <0)

using the basic definition of a derivitive, f'(x)=[f(x+dx)-f(x)]/dx you can solve for f(x+dx)=dx*f'(x)+f(x)

substituting, you get:


Take the limit as dx->0 and:


The left side of the equation is a square, it can not be <0

So assuming the thing you are trying to prove is false yields an impossibility.

I think this is good.

PS- I know I used sloppy notation, dx instead of delta x. I forgot how to make deltas.
  • #3
Nice approach, but just because the function is continuous, doesn't mean that it's differentiable.

Lets say we have f(x) > 0 and f(y) < 0 with x,y on the interval.
let a = min (x,y) and b=max(x,y)
Clearly (a,b) is contained in the interval. Therefore f is continuous on [a,b].
It's also clear that 0 is between f(a) and f(a)

Then by applying the intermediate value theorem we get hat there must be some point x on the interval [a,b] such that f(x)=0, but this contradicts the hypothesis that [tex]f(x) \neq 0[/tex] on the interval.
  • #4
How you would do this depends upon what prior theorems you have to work with. Have you had the "intermediate value theorem"? That says that if f(x) is continuous on [a,b] then, on [a,b], f takes on all values between f(a) and f(b).

FAQ: Easy to understand, hard to solve

What does "easy to understand, hard to solve" mean?

"Easy to understand, hard to solve" refers to a problem or concept that is simple to comprehend or explain, but difficult to find a solution for. It is often used to describe complex or abstract ideas that are challenging to solve or fully understand.

Why is "easy to understand, hard to solve" important in science?

"Easy to understand, hard to solve" is important in science because it is often the nature of scientific problems to be complex and difficult to solve. Scientists must be able to break down and understand complex concepts in order to find solutions or make meaningful discoveries. Additionally, the phrase highlights the importance of perseverance and critical thinking in scientific research.

How can scientists approach problems that are "easy to understand, hard to solve"?

Scientists can approach problems that are "easy to understand, hard to solve" by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts. This allows for a more systematic and thorough analysis of the problem. Additionally, collaborating with other scientists and utilizing different perspectives can also aid in finding a solution.

Can "easy to understand, hard to solve" problems ever be fully solved?

While some "easy to understand, hard to solve" problems may have a definitive solution, many scientific problems are constantly evolving and may never be fully solved. As new information and technologies emerge, scientists may continue to find new and more effective solutions to these problems.

What skills are necessary for scientists to tackle "easy to understand, hard to solve" problems?

To tackle "easy to understand, hard to solve" problems, scientists must possess critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. They must also be persistent and open-minded in their approach to finding a solution. Additionally, effective communication and collaboration with other scientists are important in tackling these types of problems.
