Warantless Surveillance Program to Become Legal

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In summary, the White House is nearing an agreement with Congress on legislation that would write President Bush's warrantless surveillance program into law. The agreement is bipartisan, and it may not be as bad as some people think. There is more, however, and this time a Republican is complaining. The potential for abuse using these secretive methods is very problematic.
  • #1
WASHINGTON -- The White House is nearing an agreement with Congress on legislation that would write President Bush's warrantless surveillance program into law, the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman said Sunday.
I thought bush already said it was legel?

It looks bipartisan. So it might not be as bad.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Link, scotty.
  • #3
Here is the link to th OP

But there is more, and this time a Republican is complaining.

WASHINGTON — In a sharply worded letter to President Bush in May, an important congressional ally charged that the administration might have violated the law by failing to inform Congress of some secret intelligence programs and risked losing Republican support on national-security matters.
The letter from Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, did not specify the intelligence activities that he believed had been hidden from Congress.
But Hoekstra, who was briefed on and supported the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program and the Treasury Department's tracking of international banking transactions, clearly was referring to programs that have not been publicly revealed.

I don't know how long the congress will allow this type of activity to go on. The spying on Americans just seems to drift deeper and deeper into a huge secretive black hole. According to the link there are even more methods of data collection being used that the Congressional intelligence committees have not been briefed on.

With so many agencies involved ie CIA, NSA, FBI, Military plus Bush's cabal of inexperienced political appointees and henchmen like Rove, the potential for abuse using these secretive methods is very problematic.

This information in the wrong hands could result in rigging of elections, rigging the stock market, Industrial spying, the possibilities to do wrong with this personal and financial information are almost unlimited.

Yea, I know that there are terrorists out there somewhere, but gathering information using the current tactics still isn't going to guarantee that they won't strike us. I hope to God that the Bush administration is not going to gather so much information that they trip over it.

Bear in mind we had all the basic information that we needed to stop 911, it just never was passed on to those who could act on it. Two FBI agents had vital information that was ignored. If the many agencies currently involved have a problem with the interagency rivalries and incompetence that led to the 911 information being sidetracked, this info jamboree is all a waste of time.
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FAQ: Warantless Surveillance Program to Become Legal

What is the "Warantless Surveillance Program to Become Legal"?

The "Warantless Surveillance Program to Become Legal" refers to a program implemented by the government which allows them to conduct surveillance and gather information without obtaining a warrant.

Why is the "Warantless Surveillance Program to Become Legal" controversial?

The program has been a topic of controversy because it raises concerns about invasion of privacy and potential abuse of power by the government. Many people believe that it violates their constitutional rights and undermines the principles of democracy.

What is the purpose of the "Warantless Surveillance Program to Become Legal"?

The government claims that this program is necessary for national security and to prevent terrorist attacks. They argue that it allows them to gather crucial intelligence and prevent potential threats.

How does the "Warantless Surveillance Program to Become Legal" work?

The program involves the collection of data and communication from various sources such as phone calls, emails, and internet activity. This information is then analyzed and used to identify potential threats.

What are the potential implications of the "Warantless Surveillance Program to Become Legal"?

Some concerns about the program include the violation of civil liberties, potential misuse of gathered information, and the lack of transparency and oversight. It also raises questions about the balance between national security and individual privacy.

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