Weird logic-design exam questions

  • Thread starter FocusedWolf
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    Exam Weird
In summary, the conversation discusses three problems from an exam that involve Boolean expressions and minterms. The correct answers for each problem are marked and the individual provides their attempt at solving the problems. They also mention that their teacher did not respond to their email and they will continue to study for the exam. The individual also shares a pattern they discovered for solving these types of problems.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Here are three problems from an exam and I'm not sure i understand the wording... almost like we're supposed to get these wrong.

4. The Boolean expression of the OR between minterm 6 and minterm 7 using variables ABC (A being the MSB and C being the LSB) is
{(A)} AB
(B) AC
(C) BC
(D) A+B
(E) A+C

6. The Boolean expression of the AND between minterm 6 and minterm 7 using variables ABC (A being the MSB and C being the LSB) is
{(A)} 0
(B) 1
(C) A
(D) A'
(E) B

15. The Boolean expression of the OR between maxterm 6 and maxterm 7 using variables ABC (A being the MSB and C being the LSB) is
(A) 0
{(B)} 1
(C) A
(D) A'
(E) B

Correct answers are marked.

The Attempt at a Solution

I did a k map and got AB as the sop for minterm 6 and minterm 7, and (A' + B') for the pos between maxterm 6 and 7, and AB looks like the answer for 4.

My problem is i have no idea what the questions are asking for,...well that and the TA didn't respond to my email :-p
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  • #2
Well i checked with some software and my results for pos and sop are correct...

Owell, got my energy drinks so I'm going to go study lol
  • #3
Ok i think i found a pattern that works atleast with these problems... correct me if I'm wrong :smile:

For the Boolean expression of the OR between minterm 6 and minterm 7
They asked for the OR at minterms, do standard sop with k map = answer = AB

For the Boolean expression of the AND between maxterms 6 and maxterm 7
They asked for the AND at minterms, do standard pos with k map = answer = A'+B'

For the Boolean expression of the AND between minterm 6 and minterm 7
They asked for the AND at minterms, convert the problem to equilivant maxterm form... which is 0's everywhere except at 6 and 7. I got a pos of (A+B)...and you see the "+"... that means, no their is not AND between them... so 0

For the Boolean expression of the OR between maxterm 6 and maxterm 7
They asked for the OR between maxterms...convert the problem to equilivant minterm form... which is 1's everywhere except 6 and 7. i got a sop of A'+B'...and you see the "+"...that means yes their is a OR between them, so 1

So yea that's the best guess i can ever do and it should work atleast some of the time :P

p.s. i had my exam and those questions weren't in the second exam... my teacher gave me a trashy homework grade 2/21 despite the DAYS! i spent to make sure the homework was very correct, maybe he just checks the last one lol where i was a little iffy :P... DON"T CARE... i'll pass the exams and say good bye (nah i'd say something i probably can't say in these forums) to the evil teacher :P

FAQ: Weird logic-design exam questions

What is the purpose of "Weird logic-design exam questions"?

The purpose of "Weird logic-design exam questions" is to test a student's understanding and application of complex logic-design concepts and problem-solving skills.

What kind of questions can be expected in a "Weird logic-design exam"?

"Weird logic-design exam questions" can range from abstract and unconventional scenarios to challenging logic puzzles that require creative thinking and logical reasoning.

How should I approach solving "Weird logic-design exam questions"?

It is important to first understand the given problem and the underlying logic concepts involved. Then, break down the problem into smaller, manageable parts and use logical thinking and problem-solving strategies to come up with a solution.

Are there any tips for preparing for "Weird logic-design exams"?

Practice and familiarize yourself with different types of logic problems and concepts. Develop a strong foundation in logic-design principles and techniques. Also, make sure to manage your time effectively during the exam.

What are some common mistakes students make when solving "Weird logic-design exam questions"?

Some common mistakes include misinterpreting the problem, overlooking important details, and not fully understanding the logic concepts involved. It is also important to avoid jumping to conclusions or making assumptions without proper justification.

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