Why sound wave travels faster in humid air than in dry air?

In summary, sound travels faster in humid air because water molecules have less mass than air molecules, causing a decrease in density. However, this only applies if the pressure remains unchanged. When air is saturated with water vapor, the pressure increases. This means that in a closed container with water, the density of the air will increase as the water molecules escape and the air becomes saturated. The speed of sound also changes with temperature, and to a small extent, humidity. This is because the mean molecular mass of air decreases slightly with moisture. Overall, the pressure of the atmosphere does not change with temperature, but it does change with altitude.
  • #1
Ahmed Abdullah
A:The answer is humid air is less dense.
Q:But why humid air is less dense?
A:Because water molecules have less mass than the average air molecules do.
But It will happen if and only if the pressure is unchanged. Given that dry and humid air are both under the same pressure then we have smaller density for humid air. But when a place is saturate with water vapour the pressure increases (i.e for the vapour pressure of the water).
I am thinking of a closed container half filled up with water. At first the air over the water surface is dry but as time passes water molecules from the surface escapes and eventually the air becomes saturated. So the density of the air should increase when air is saturated by water vapour (for the volume is unchanged and there is more molecules).
This is the part which I can't understand.
Please help me.
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  • #2
I know that humid air is less dense than dry air.
So it turns out that the atmospheric pressure always remains constant. Volume change in such a way to keep the pressure constant.

Does it not also implies that the atmospheric pressure does not change with temperature?
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  • #3
Can someone knowledgeable enlighten me?
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  • #4
"Why sound wave travels faster in humid air than in dry air?"

Is this really true? Isnt the speed of sound in relation only with temperature?

You can calculate the speed of sound: acoustic velocity(a)=sqrt(ratio of specific heat(gamma)*gas constant(R)*temperature(T))

If we have a day with humid air and a temperature of 288K and we have another day with dry air but with a temperature on 300K. The speed of sound will be higher the day with dry air and higher temperature? Or am I wrong here?
  • #5
The speed of sound changes with the temperature and a little bit with the humidity, but not with the air pressure.

Humidity has a small, but measurable effect on sound speed. Sound travels slightly (0.1%-0.6%) faster in humid air.

Sound Speed in Gases

The mean molecular mass of air drops slightly with a little moisture since H2O, M=18, is lighter than N2, M=28, O2, M=32, but the amount of moisture is relatively low.


For properties of air, see this page about 2/3's of the way down -
Illustration of Variation of Air Properties with Temperature (1 Atmosphere Pressure)
  • #6
Astro, you never cease to amaze me with the things that you can pull out of your beard on a moment's notice. :biggrin:
  • #7
Ahmed Abdullah said:
I know that humid air is less dense than dry air.
So it turns out that the atmospheric pressure always remains constant. Volume change in such a way to keep the pressure constant.

Does it not also implies that the atmospheric pressure does not change with temperature?

How pressure of our atmosphere changes with varying temperature?
  • #8
Ahmed Abdullah said:
How pressure of our atmosphere changes with varying temperature?
The density of an unconfined (unconstrained) gas decreases with temperature, and the pressure is simply the integral of [itex]\rho(T(z))\,g\,dz[/itex] from the point of interest to the top of the atmosphere.

FAQ: Why sound wave travels faster in humid air than in dry air?

1. Why does sound travel faster in humid air than in dry air?

Sound travels faster in humid air because water molecules in the air are closer together and can transmit sound waves more efficiently than in dry air where the molecules are further apart.

2. How does humidity affect the speed of sound?

Humidity affects the speed of sound by changing the density and temperature of the air. As humidity increases, the air becomes denser and warmer, which allows sound waves to travel faster.

3. Does temperature also play a role in the speed of sound?

Yes, temperature also affects the speed of sound. As temperature increases, the molecules in the air move faster, which allows sound waves to travel faster. This is why sound travels faster in warmer, humid air compared to colder, dry air.

4. Is there a specific humidity level that is ideal for sound to travel at its fastest speed?

The ideal humidity level for sound to travel at its fastest speed is around 50%. At this humidity level, the air is not too dry or too humid, allowing for optimal transmission of sound waves.

5. Can humidity affect the loudness of sound?

Yes, humidity can affect the loudness of sound as it can absorb sound waves and reduce their intensity. This is why sound may seem louder on a dry day compared to a humid day, even if the sound source is at the same distance.
