Is it too late to go back to school and pursue a different career?

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In summary: I went to a few meetings. Seems that the major topic of conservation was just how smart everyone was, and whether you qualified for an even smarter, more exclusive subgroup. A... rather elitist group of people.In summary, most people seem to think that Mensa is an elitist organization with little point. The people you met said that most members are not exceptionally bright, but are obnoxious. They also said that these people do not do anything constructive.
  • #1
Just wondering... if
Anyone here in MENSA?
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  • #2
No, I was warned against the politics many, many years ago by a couple of friends that worked at NASA that quit MENSA, besides seeing no point to the organization, they both said most members were not exceptionally bright but were exceedingly obnoxious. I guess how bad or good the people you meet vary, but I've heard almost all negatives about the attitudes. Do these people actually do anything constructive?
  • #3
Evo said:
No, I was warned against the politics many, many years ago by a couple of friends that worked at NASA that quit MENSA, besides seeing no point to the organization, they both said most members were not exceptionally bright but were exceedingly obnoxious. I guess how bad or good the people you meet vary, but I've heard almost all negatives about the attitudes. Do these people actually do anything constructive?

You were warned against it, but do you qualify?

I'm not a member of Mensa and nor do I know if I quality. I would my IQ is higher than average but probably not quite that high.
  • #4
I was a member back in high school, but didn't get much out of it and didn't keep up my membership.
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  • #5
JasonRox said:
You were warned against it, but do you qualify?
Yes, I do qualify, I was professionally tested at the request of a school teacher, so I have valid test scores, which Mensa will accept.
  • #6
My mother was a member but didn't keep it up because she didn't get much out of it.
  • #7
I was a member several years ago. They had decent forum, but you had to be a member of compuserve to get to it (early 90s, before net browsers became the norm). Their magazine was dreadful, and their mailserve discussions were dominated by the most obnoxious more-mensa-than-you jerks I can imagine.

Evidently, it's a good organization if you like regular Scrabble competitions. I was not impressed.
  • #8
I am a MENSA drop out. I just couldn't stand being around people, who were so full of their own egos. Everyone talking over each other, trying to tell you how smart they are.
  • #9
I kept getting invited to join, but decided not too for the reasons stated by Evo, berkeman, Chi Meson and hypatia.

And believe me, Evo is certainly overqualified to be in Mensa, but I am pleased she didn't/wouldn't lower her standards. :approve:

I wish that I had had a forum like PF in which to participate, but that was back before the internet.
  • #10
I was told MENSA was borderline NWO.
  • #11
I don't see why anyone would join that kind of group in the first place.
  • #12
animalcroc said:
I don't see why anyone would join that kind of group in the first place.

Neither do I. Wish I had someone to wave me away back then. But, no great loss. Was only $30 or so.
  • #13
Chi Meson said:
Neither do I. Wish I had someone to wave me away back then. But, no great loss. Was only $30 or so.
PF is a much better investment!
  • #14
I just went over to their website and took their sample test. It seemed rather easy to me for this sort of thing, what's next in the sequence, what item in the list is different from the others, etc. I spent 5 minutes on it when they gave me 30 and I got 21 right out of 30, not exactly Mensa quality, you would think. But the response I got was that if I took the real test, I would probably pass it. This leaves me with the impression that to Mensa, everyone with $30 is smart.
  • #15
jimmysnyder said:
This leaves me with the impression that to Mensa, everyone with $30 is smart.
You're catching on! You may be Mensa material afterall. :biggrin:
  • #16
Just for a laugh I joined many decades ago, thinking it would be a good place to meet girls. (Yeah, I guess I wasn't that smart.) I went to one of their testing centers in NYC, where they give you two IQ tests. One was so ancient (diagrams from the 1950s, I think) and so fuzzily printed that I couldn't even recognize some of the objects in the visual analogies portion. (Oh... that ball was supposed to be the moon!)

I recall that one of the tests was a joke, really easy if you know a bit of algebra. (If you didn't know algebra or basic math, you'd really have to be sharp to pass.) The other test was very strange, filled with odd verbal analogies like: VERY is to WAS as APPLE is to ? Somehow, I got the same score on both.

I went to a few meetings. Seems that the major topic of conservation was just how smart everyone was, and whether you qualified for an even smarter, more exclusive subgroup. A snorefest. I even went to a Mensa convention, where I was shocked at the number of members who apparently believed in nonsense such as astrology and ESP.

I didn't last long. My experience may not be typical, as NYC has a lot of nutballs.
  • #17
was a member. the whole family was in and they were very devoted to the circle of friends that were members in my growing up years. they were engineers, mathematicians and scientists. they were a fun crowd. not stuck on themselves at all. drunks perhaps, but not arrogant. didn't see anything wrong with it until I got older and found that the old mensa crowd had changed to a younger bunch of people stuck on themselves indeed.
It still meant a lot to me because my mother still believed the people were the same. just not the case. perhaps she will never find out.
  • #18
I decided to go to Mensa headquarters and find out the real skinny on this group. When I got the the door, they said I couldn't get in unless I got a puzzle right. They asked me "What's the next name in the sequence:"
Bush, Clinton, Bush, ...
I answered Clinton and slid right in. A fellow there motioned for me to sit down next to him. He asked me my name and when I told him, he said "That's right, you get 5 points". When I asked his name he posed me the following: What's found on a duck, a goose, and a platypus. I said Bill, and he said that's right, "Bill Webb". I asked him what his IQ was and he said: What's the next number in the sequence:

129, 130, 131, 132, ...
I said 133? and he said right. Then he asked me my IQ. I said $30 and left.

Here is my take on this. If you laid all the Mensa members end to end, you would never finish because there's another one born every minute.
  • #19
jimmysnyder said:
I decided to go to Mensa headquarters and find out the real skinny on this group. When I got the the door, they said I couldn't get in unless I got a puzzle right. They asked me "What's the next name in the sequence:"
Bush, Clinton, Bush, ...
I answered Clinton and slid right in. A fellow there motioned for me to sit down next to him. He asked me my name and when I told him, he said "That's right, you get 5 points". When I asked his name he posed me the following: What's found on a duck, a goose, and a platypus. I said Bill, and he said that's right, "Bill Webb". I asked him what his IQ was and he said: What's the next number in the sequence:

129, 130, 131, 132, ...
I said 133? and he said right. Then he asked me my IQ. I said $30 and left.

Here is my take on this. If you laid all the Mensa members end to end, you would never finish because there's another one born every minute.
Definitely a contender for Funniest PF Member! :smile:
  • #20
They have at least a few interesting members. In fact, some their members might debunk a few things said in the 'prettiest person' thread:

Geena Davis, actress (in fact, a good actress)
Dr. Julie Peterson, former Playboy "Playmate"
Deborah Yates, member of the Radio City Rockettes

Some, you'd think if they were so smart, they might be a little more concerned about preserving their smarts:

Bobby Czyz, former WBA Cruiserweight champion and now a boxing commentator (he had an excuse - his family was so poor they couldn't afford vowels).
Henry Milligan, 1983 National Amateur Heavyweight Champion (boxing)
Maurice Kanbar, owner of Skyy Vodka (although selling it doesn't necessarily mean he uses it to kill brain cells every night)

Most interesting has to be Bob Speca, Jr, professional domino toppler. (sad to say, but I'm not actually saying that with sarcasm - domino toppling is kind of cool, even if it is an awful lot work for a few seconds of pleasure).
  • #21
BobG said:
They have at least a few interesting members. In fact, some their members might debunk a few things said in the 'prettiest person' thread:

Geena Davis, actress (in fact, a good actress)
Dr. Julie Peterson, former Playboy "Playmate"
Deborah Yates, member of the Radio City Rockettes
They never showed up at any meeting I was at.

Some, you'd think if they were so smart, they might be a little more concerned about preserving their smarts:

Bobby Czyz, former WBA Cruiserweight champion and now a boxing commentator (he had an excuse - his family was so poor they couldn't afford vowels).
Henry Milligan, 1983 National Amateur Heavyweight Champion (boxing)
Maurice Kanbar, owner of Skyy Vodka (although selling it doesn't necessarily mean he uses it to kill brain cells every night)
I did kickboxing for a number of years. Those brain cells ain't coming back.

Most interesting has to be Bob Speca, Jr, professional domino toppler. (sad to say, but I'm not actually saying that with sarcasm - domino toppling is kind of cool, even if it is an awful lot work for a few seconds of pleasure).
I can think of better ways to pass the time than toppling dominos. :wink: :-p
  • #22
Doc Al said:
Just for a laugh I joined many decades ago, thinking it would be a good place to meet girls. (Yeah, I guess I wasn't that smart.)

lol lesson learned.
I'm guessing a date to them would consist of IQ tests
  • #23
jimmysnyder said:
I decided to go to Mensa headquarters and find out the real skinny on this group. When I got the the door, they said I couldn't get in unless I got a puzzle right. They asked me "What's the next name in the sequence:"
Bush, Clinton, Bush, ...
I answered Clinton and slid right in. A fellow there motioned for me to sit down next to him. He asked me my name and when I told him, he said "That's right, you get 5 points". When I asked his name he posed me the following: What's found on a duck, a goose, and a platypus. I said Bill, and he said that's right, "Bill Webb". I asked him what his IQ was and he said: What's the next number in the sequence:

129, 130, 131, 132, ...
I said 133? and he said right. Then he asked me my IQ. I said $30 and left.

Here is my take on this. If you laid all the Mensa members end to end, you would never finish because there's another one born every minute.

I just need to know if this is true.
  • #24
animalcroc said:
I just need to know if this is true.
Alright, every other minute.
  • #25
my friend's sister was in mensa- she dropped out, said it was completely pointless. i was invited to "the international high iq society" after taking an online test but id never heard of it before and it was like 50 bucks so i just typed and was off.
i don't see the point in paying for something that's nothing more than a title.
also, i find different online tests often give very different scores.
  • #26
I'm surprised the High IQ society would accept an online test. Its hardly a control situation.
  • #27
jimmysnyder said:
Alright, every other minute.

I admit, I'm kinda slow when it comes to wit.:rolleyes:
  • #28
Doc Al said:
Just for a laugh I joined many decades ago, thinking it would be a good place to meet girls. (Yeah, I guess I wasn't that smart.)

The idea isn't that dumb (assuming MENSA members actually do have superior intelligence). If a female has higher intelligence, then there's less of a chance that she's psychotic. The exception would be bipolar disorder, which doesn't have any correlation to intelligence. But at least you've narrowed the type of psychological disorders you're likely to have to deal with in a mate.

Unless all the smart girls without mental disorders always have something better to do than attend MENSA meetings, of course. That would kind of blow the whole theory all to hell.
  • #29
BobG said:
Unless all the smart girls without mental disorders always have something better to do than attend MENSA meetings, of course. That would kind of blow the whole theory all to hell.

  • #30
Evo said:
Do these people actually do anything constructive?

That's a good question. I've met a few people who are members of MENSA, actually, other people told me they were members, and I was like "ooook and?".
  • #31
I was encouraged to join by a teacher who apparently paid special attention to students who had very high test scores. I thought that she was pompous, self-important, and boring, and I didn't want to belong to any group that included her as a member. She thought of herself as a preserver of local history, and may well have done a good job in that respect, but The MENSA bumper sticker on her car and the pedantic attitude that she took toward people whose families had been responsible for shaping the history of this area turned me off. The oral history from old residents should have been given a LOT more importance than official accounts, artifacts, etc.
  • #32
Is MENSA an American Thing? I've never heard of it over here or in south africa...
  • #33
I take that back... we do have it just nobody has joined... and if they have they don't talk about it
  • #34
It was founded in England. The High IQ society is American to my knowledge.
  • #35
I'm like Groucho Marx - I wouldn't belong to any club/organization that would accept someone like me. :smile:

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