Efficient Computation of the Möbius Function

In summary, SquareFreeQ[n] checks to see if n has a square prime factor. This is done by computing MoebiusMu[n] and seeing if the result is zero; if it is, then n is not squarefree, otherwise it is. Computing MoebiusMu[n] involves finding the smallest prime factor q of n. If n has a small prime factor (less than or equal to 1223), this is very fast. Otherwise, FactorInteger is used to find q.
  • #1
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From the http://documents.wolfram.com/v5/Add-onsLinks/StandardPackages/NumberTheory/NumberTheoryFunctions.html :
SquareFreeQ[n] checks to see if n has a square prime factor. This is done by computing MoebiusMu[n] and seeing if the result is zero; if it is, then n is not squarefree, otherwise it is. Computing MoebiusMu[n] involves finding the smallest prime factor q of n. If n has a small prime factor (less than or equal to 1223), this is very fast. Otherwise, FactorInteger is used to find q.

How does this work? I can't think of a way to compute mu(n) faster than:
* finding a small p for which p^2 | n, or
* finding that n is prime, or
* checking that for all p < (n)^(1/3), p^2 does not divide n
* factoring n, which can be faster than the third option for large nEdit: I checked my copy of "Open problems in number theoretic complexity, II", which has O8: Is SQUAREFREES in P? Assuming that this is still open, any algorithm known would either be superpolynomial or of unproven complexity. But even an exponential-time improvement on the naive algorithm would be of interest.
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  • #2
The interesting line, to me, is this:
If n has a small prime factor (less than or equal to 1223), this is very fast.

This seems a fairly strong claim. In particular, it would mean that the "very fast" algorithm could distinguish between n = 2pq and n = 2pq^2 for large p and q.

I saw a reference to this at http://www.marmet.org/louis/sqfgap/ :
A faster algorithm is used by "Mathematica" to determine if a number is square-free. The method is quite interesting (see: http://documents.wolfram.com/v5/Add-onsLinks/StandardPackages/NumberTheory/NumberTheoryFunctions.html )
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  • #3
The implication cannot be true, because it would mean that if N doesn't have a small factor, that we could compute [itex]\mu(N) = -\mu(3N)[/itex], where the latter can be done rapidly.
  • #4
Yeah, I figured as much, thanks.

So factoring n is pretty much the fastest way to find mu(n), right? Except in the special cases I outlined above?

FAQ: Efficient Computation of the Möbius Function

1. What is the Möbius function?

The Möbius function, denoted as μ(n), is a mathematical function that is defined on the positive integers. It is used in number theory and combinatorics to study the properties of integers and their divisors.

2. How is the Möbius function computed?

The Möbius function can be computed using various methods, such as the inclusion-exclusion principle, the Möbius inversion formula, and the Dirichlet convolution. These methods involve manipulating sums or products of the prime factors of a given number.

3. What is the significance of computing the Möbius function?

The Möbius function has many applications in number theory and combinatorics. It is used to study the distribution of prime numbers, to solve problems involving arithmetic functions, and to prove important theorems such as the Prime Number Theorem.

4. Can the Möbius function be extended to other sets of numbers?

Yes, the Möbius function can be extended to other sets of numbers, such as the Gaussian integers and the Eisenstein integers. In these cases, the function is defined in a similar way, but with different properties and applications.

5. Are there any open problems related to the Möbius function?

Yes, there are several open problems and conjectures related to the Möbius function, such as the Riemann Hypothesis, the Goldbach Conjecture, and the Collatz Conjecture. These problems involve understanding the behavior of the Möbius function in different contexts and have been studied by mathematicians for many years.

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