Designing a Rocket Airframe with Carbon Fiber

In summary, Ali was asking for help with a Preliminary Design Review for a rocket project. She is a sophomore Aerospace major and is new to the rocket student group at her university. She is leaving town tomorrow morning and will have no access to internet until Monday (the paper is to be done by Tuesday). She asked if anyone had any good reads on Rocket Airframe, where she could save onto her laptop and read it while she's out of town. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to using carbon fiber for a rocket airframe, and she is interested in learning more.
  • #1
I'm a sophomore Aerospace major, and I'm also a new member to a rocket student group at my university. We are currently involved in a competition with NASA, and they have asked our group to write a Preliminary Design Review. Everything was split up, and I was left with the rocket's airframe design. I unfortunately have never taken a single Aerospace class and I have no idea where to start. I'm also leaving town tomorrow morning and will have no access to internet until Monday (the paper is to be done by Tuesday). So I was wondering if anyone had any good reads on Rocket Airframe, where I could save onto my laptop and read it while I'm out of town. We're using carbon fiber for the airframe, so if anyone has any reads on why it would be beneficial to use carbon fiber, please let me know. Again, I'm not too familiar with any of this, but I'm really interested in learning, so any help is HIGHLY appreciated. Thank you all in advance for your help!

- Ali
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  • #2
I can't really speak to shape, which I think depends upon the purpose of the rocket. Carbon fibre has the advantage of extreme strength and flexibility combined with low weight. Weight means an awful lot to anything that flies.
  • #3
I believe one of the goals is that the rocket is to exceed no more than 1 mile in altitude. It's a NASA competition, so there are a lot of restrictions. As far as my project lead said, all I have to do is write about the airframe, give some basic info, let them know what type of material we are using, talk about any advantages & disadvantages, and also a little about the risks involved. I personally have no idea about all this stuff, and they sprung this on me three hours ago, so I've had no time to plan for it as I'm on my way to leave tomorrow morning.
  • #4
Well, I think that with you being an Aerospace major and me being a high-school dropout, you probably should be able to handle this without my assistance. I mean, really... there's no way in the world that you could know less about this stuff than I do.
  • #5
Having worked on the delta iv rocket structure.
It is monolithic rings with which the sheeting is attached to.
It was extremely strong and light and required a lot of machining.

For the size of your rocket a 2024 tubular frame bolted together or
a 6061 tubular frame welded together by an extremely good welder
would give you an extremely strong and light frame.

Tubing dimensions would be defined by the amount of the G force the vehicle
is expected to see.

To give the vehicle more longitudinal bending strength the sheeting should
be bolted to the structure,preferably carbon fiber sheeting.

This is the same design we are currently using on our prototype
nanosat launch vehicle.


FAQ: Designing a Rocket Airframe with Carbon Fiber

What is carbon fiber and why is it used in rocket airframes?

Carbon fiber is a lightweight, strong, and durable material made of thin strands of carbon. It is used in rocket airframes because of its high strength-to-weight ratio, meaning it can withstand high amounts of stress while remaining lightweight, making it ideal for aerospace applications.

What factors should be considered when designing a rocket airframe with carbon fiber?

When designing a rocket airframe with carbon fiber, factors such as the desired strength and weight of the airframe, the type of rocket and its intended use, the manufacturing process, and the budget should be taken into consideration. Additionally, the aerodynamics and structural requirements of the airframe must also be carefully considered.

How is carbon fiber used in the construction of rocket airframes?

Carbon fiber is typically used in the form of sheets or fabric, which are layered and bonded together using resin to create a strong and rigid structure. The layers can be oriented in different directions to provide optimal strength and stiffness in specific areas of the airframe. Carbon fiber can also be molded into complex shapes, making it ideal for creating custom designs for rocket airframes.

What are the advantages of using carbon fiber for rocket airframes?

The use of carbon fiber in rocket airframes offers several advantages over traditional materials such as aluminum. These include its high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and ability to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures. Carbon fiber also allows for more efficient use of fuel, as it reduces the overall weight of the rocket.

Are there any drawbacks to using carbon fiber for rocket airframes?

While there are many advantages to using carbon fiber, there are also some drawbacks to consider. Carbon fiber can be expensive, and the manufacturing process can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Additionally, carbon fiber can be brittle and may not perform well under certain types of stress. It also requires specialized expertise and equipment for proper construction and maintenance.
