Understanding Magnetism: Why Are Some Substances Magnetic and Others Not?

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In summary, magnets are created when charged particles are in motion. They can be made out of any type of matter, as long as the field created by each atom aligns with the next one.
  • #1
Sorry for the un-informative question, but I am new here and am only 13 years of age. What causes magnetism, and why is it that only certail substances can be Magnetized, and others cannot.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi there,

I will try to put this concept simple. Let me know it I go to far.

To understand magnetism at its root, you must look deep into the matter. You must go as far as the atom.

The atom is the smallest entity of matter possible.

Now, if we look even deeper, you will find that the atom is composed of a core (nucleus) and tine particles spinning around the core (electrons). A bit like planets orbit around the sun.

In an atom, the components (electrons and so on) are electrically charged, just like the electricity that runs in your home.

If you have followed me, than we can start talking about magnetism.

A little bit of history to put things back into place. Magnetic effects have been noticed a long long time ago. But these effects were not very well understood. We needed to wait for a guy called Micheal Faraday to explain the basic of magnetism.

Faraday found out that magnetism is closely related to the electricity. He noticed, through a series of experiments, that if you run electricity in a wire, a magnetic field is developed from it, just like with permanent magnets. If you stop running the electricity, the magnetic field disappears.

This is important to understand the basic concept of it. In short (because I already wrote long enough), a magnetic field is produced when charged particles are in motion.

Now to come to what you probably had in mind at first. A magnet, being composed of atoms, which are composed of charges particles in motion, creates a magnetic field. In a permanent magnet, the magnetic field developed by each atom align itself with the others. Therefore, the magnetic field developed by the magnet is only the sum of the magnetic field created into each atom.

In reality, any type of matter can become a magnet, as long as the magnetic field created by each atom aligns to the next one.

I hope you followed my explanation. And don't hesitate to ask some more questions. This is a great place for you to learn. As a reminder, specifying your age is probably a good idea, since we know that we are not talking to a Dr. in physics.


FAQ: Understanding Magnetism: Why Are Some Substances Magnetic and Others Not?

1. What is magnetism?

Magnetism is a physical phenomenon that is caused by the movement of electrically charged particles. It is the force that attracts or repels objects made of certain materials, such as iron or steel, to a magnet.

2. How does magnetism work?

Magnetism is caused by the alignment of microscopic magnetic domains within a material. These domains are made up of tiny clusters of atoms that have their own magnetic fields. When these domains align in the same direction, they create a larger magnetic field that can attract or repel other magnetic objects.

3. What are magnetic fields?

Magnetic fields are the invisible areas that surround a magnet. They are created by the movement of electrically charged particles, such as electrons, within the magnet. These fields can exert a force on other magnetic objects, causing them to move or align in a certain direction.

4. What are the different types of magnetism?

There are three main types of magnetism: ferromagnetism, paramagnetism, and diamagnetism. Ferromagnetism is the strongest and most common type, seen in materials like iron and nickel. Paramagnetism is weaker and is seen in materials like aluminum and platinum. Diamagnetism is the weakest type and is seen in all materials, but is usually only noticeable in materials like copper and gold under certain conditions.

5. How is magnetism used in everyday life?

Magnetism has many practical applications in everyday life. It is used in electric motors, generators, and transformers, which are essential components of many electronic devices. Magnets are also used in compasses for navigation, and in MRI machines for medical imaging. Magnetic materials are also used in credit cards, computer hard drives, and speakers.

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