Where can I find authentic Trinitite from the original blast?

  • Thread starter Opus_723
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In summary, Rhody says that the only Trinitite on the market is old stock from before the 1950's ban. This material is safe to own (stored properly) because the most dangerous isotopes have a short-life and they have since degraded into less-harmful decay products. However, this material still has residual radioactivity and will set off a Geiger counter.
  • #1
Just out of curiosity, where could one get a hold of authentic Trinitite from the original blast? My university Geology department has one under a glass case, and for some reason I'm itching to own a piece. Seems like an awfully suitable trinket for a physics major to have.

I see them on ebay, but I'm way to skeptical for that. And most of the sites that appear to be selling it are right in that "are they frauds, or just bad at making websites?" zone that makes me uncomfortable. Or they offer so many certificates of authenticity that I feel like they're overcompensating.

Anyway, I didn't know where else to ask. Seemed like someone around might know more.
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  • #3

Did the first http://www.bonanza.com/listings/Limited-Edition-Trinitite-Display-Genuine-Atom-Bomb-Glass-in-Retro-Art-Display/9438498 that Mech_Engineer pointed to help ?
The only Trinitite on the market is old stock from before the 1950's ban. This material is safe to own (stored properly) because the most dangerous isotopes have a short-life and they have since degraded into less-harmful decay products. However, this material still has residual radioactivity and will set off a Geiger counter.

Just to be clear for everyone - it is legal to own this material and it is legal to sell this material. It is also legal to ship small quantities of trinitite inside the US. It is *not* legal to go to the Trinity site, hop the fence, and dig up more material. All of the Trinitite on the market was gathered before the prohibition.

CAUTION - Keep trinitite away from children, pets, or curious hands. This is considered a collectible for advanced mineral collectors of radioactive ores and related materials.


FAQ: Where can I find authentic Trinitite from the original blast?

What is Trinitite?

Trinitite is a type of glass that was formed during the first atomic bomb test in New Mexico in 1945. It is made up of melted sand and other materials that were present at the detonation site.

Where can Trinitite be found?

Trinitite can only be found at the site of the first atomic bomb test, also known as the Trinity test, in New Mexico. It cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Is it safe to handle Trinitite?

Trinitite is mildly radioactive, but it is not considered dangerous to handle in small quantities. However, it is still recommended to handle it with gloves and to wash your hands after handling it.

Can Trinitite be purchased?

No, Trinitite cannot be legally purchased. It is a protected material and it is illegal to remove it from the Trinity test site. Any Trinitite that is found outside of the test site is likely a fake or a replica.

What should I do if I find Trinitite?

If you happen to come across Trinitite at the Trinity test site, it is recommended to leave it where it is and not disturb it. Removing Trinitite from the site is illegal and can result in fines and possible legal action.

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