Crystal Structure: rc/ra = 1, <.23, >1

In summary, "rc/ra = 1" in crystal structure refers to the ratio of the radius of the central atom to the radius of the surrounding atoms. This ratio is used to determine the packing efficiency of a crystal lattice. The value of "<.23" indicates a hexagonal close-packed structure, while ">1" signifies a unit cell with more than one atom. The value of "rc/ra" can affect the density and strength of the crystal structure. Various factors, such as atom size and shape, temperature and pressure, and impurities, can influence the <.23 value in crystal structure.
  • #1
What would be the structure of the crystal if rc/ra=1? hexagonal closed packed or anything else?

What would be the structure of the crystal if rc/ra< .23 ?

What would be the structure of the crystal if rc/ra>1 ?
Physics news on
  • #2
PS: rc=radius of cation
ra=radius of anion

And I am not talking about crystal lattice... That is cubic here I think...
I am talking about co ordination of the crystal molecules,atoms,ions...
  • #3
no one seems interested?

FAQ: Crystal Structure: rc/ra = 1, <.23, >1

What is the meaning of "rc/ra = 1" in crystal structure?

In crystal structure, "rc/ra = 1" refers to the ratio of the radius of the central atom (rc) to the radius of the surrounding atoms (ra). This ratio is used to determine the packing efficiency of a crystal lattice.

What does "<.23" indicate in crystal structure?

The value of "<.23" in crystal structure indicates that the atoms in the lattice are arranged in a hexagonal close-packed (HCP) structure. This means that each atom is surrounded by six nearest neighbors, forming a close-packed layer.

What is the significance of ">1" in crystal structure?

In crystal structure, ">1" signifies that the unit cell of the crystal lattice contains more than one atom. This is common in many crystalline materials, where the unit cell may contain multiple atoms arranged in a specific pattern.

How does the value of "rc/ra" affect the properties of a crystal structure?

The value of "rc/ra" plays a crucial role in determining the density and strength of a crystal lattice. A higher value indicates a more tightly packed structure, which can result in greater strength and hardness of the material. A lower value may result in a less dense and weaker structure.

What factors can influence the <.23 value in crystal structure?

There are several factors that can influence the <.23 value in crystal structure, such as the size and shape of the atoms, the temperature and pressure conditions during crystal formation, and the presence of impurities or defects in the lattice. These factors can affect the arrangement and packing of atoms in the crystal structure, resulting in different values for <.23.

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