What is ideal: Definition and 1 Discussions

iDEAL is an e-commerce payment system used for online banking in the Netherlands. Previously controlled by the Dutch e-commerce organization Currence since 2006, the company became owned by the European Payments Initiative (EPI) from October 2023.
It is an online payment method that enables consumers to pay online through their own bank. In addition to online merchants, other organisations that are not part of the e-commerce market also offer iDEAL.

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  1. jojosg

    Chemistry Need help with Ideal Gas Question

    Need help solving this question. Can't seem to get the right answer using PV/T=constant P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2 Patm = 75.23cmHg T1+20+273=293K STP: P=1.01 x 10^5 N/m^2 Pabs=41cmOil P1 = density x g x h = (810 kg/m^3)(9.8 m/s^2)(75.23-41)x10^-2 mOil=2717.18 N/m^2...