Can a Supersonic Car Navigate Safely on Public Highways?

In summary, a car-sized device with powerful RCS and flaps is running unmanned along a light-traffic highway at slightly above the speed of sound. The jet engine is tilted upwards to prevent jet wash and counter any lift torque. The potential destructive magnitude of this disaster to cars and surrounding buildings is uncertain, but supersonic aircraft have been known to make low passes without causing harm. There are also ways to minimize the destructive effects, such as flying into shock waves without causing damage.
  • #1
A car-sized device is running along a light-traffic highway at slightly above the speed of sound.
It is unmanned and equipped with powerful RCS and flaps to make the tight turns around other cars and road curves, thus following the road. The jet engine is tilted slightly upwards and points above the COG, thus preventing jet wash on the surrounding, pushing the device to the ground and countering any lift torque.

The questions are:
1. What will be the destructive magnitude of this disaster to the cars on the road and surrounding scenery/countryside buildings? I suppose the shockwave should be the main problem, but have no idea how big it is.

2. And, is there any real or slightly handwaved way to counter the destructive effects to somewhat acceptable limits?
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  • #2
Supersonic aircraft make low passes without any harmful effects on most objects. If it was extremely close and large enough, some damage could occur. Example of a fly by between two navy boats (2nd half of video), note that the sound of a shock wave is like a crack. The boom doesn't occur until there's enough distance between super sonic object and listener that the shock wave dissapates into a normal but loud sound wave.

Also during experiements, jet aircraft are flown into the shock waves produced by other aircraft, again without damage.
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  • #3

I would first like to address the safety concerns of having a supersonic car on a highway. While the idea of a car-sized device traveling at supersonic speeds may seem exciting, it also raises serious safety concerns for both the occupants of the car and those around it.

Firstly, the shockwave produced by the car traveling at supersonic speeds could potentially cause damage to surrounding structures and vehicles. The exact magnitude of this disaster would depend on various factors such as the distance from the car, the strength of the shockwave, and the structural integrity of the surrounding buildings and cars. It is difficult to determine the exact destructive magnitude without specific details and calculations, but it is safe to say that it could be significant.

To address the second question, there are a few ways that could potentially counter the destructive effects of a supersonic car on a highway. One approach could be to limit the speed of the car to below the speed of sound, as this would eliminate the production of a shockwave. Another option could be to design the car with advanced aerodynamics and shockwave-reducing technology to minimize the impact of the shockwave.

However, it is important to note that even with these measures, there is still a risk of damage to surrounding structures and vehicles. It would require extensive research and testing to ensure that the car is safe for use on a public highway.

In conclusion, while the idea of a supersonic car on a highway may seem exciting, it raises significant safety concerns and would require extensive research and development to ensure its safety. As scientists, it is our responsibility to carefully consider the potential risks and consequences of such technology before implementing it on a large scale.

Related to Can a Supersonic Car Navigate Safely on Public Highways?

1. What is a supersonic car on a highway?

A supersonic car on a highway is a vehicle that is capable of reaching speeds faster than the speed of sound, which is approximately 768 miles per hour. It is designed to travel on highways or open roads, rather than on tracks like traditional race cars.

2. How fast can a supersonic car go on a highway?

The current land speed record for a supersonic car on a highway is 763 miles per hour, achieved by the ThrustSSC in 1997. However, there are plans for a new supersonic car, the Bloodhound SSC, which is expected to reach speeds of over 1000 miles per hour.

3. What makes a supersonic car different from a regular car?

Supersonic cars are typically designed with aerodynamics in mind, with a sleek and streamlined shape to reduce air resistance. They also use advanced propulsion systems, such as jet engines or rockets, to achieve high speeds. Regular cars, on the other hand, are designed for everyday use and have a much lower top speed.

4. Is it safe to drive a supersonic car on a highway?

Supersonic cars are built with safety in mind and undergo rigorous testing to ensure they can withstand high speeds. However, driving a supersonic car on a highway does come with risks and requires a highly skilled and trained driver. It is also important to have proper safety measures in place, such as a dedicated team of engineers and emergency protocols.

5. Will supersonic cars become a common mode of transportation in the future?

It is unlikely that supersonic cars will become a common mode of transportation in the near future. They are currently only used for record-breaking attempts and are not practical for everyday use. However, as technology advances, it is possible that supersonic cars could become more accessible and potentially be used for long-distance travel in the future.

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