Poission Bracket of Angular Momentum

In summary, the forum user brought to the attention of the instructor and TAs an error in the last equality of the proof of "fact 4" in the solutions provided for parts vii and viii of problem 2 in "hw5.pdf". The correct expression should be -\delta_{ji}f_k + \delta_{ki}f_j = \epsilon_{ijk}f_i. The use of commutators/Poisson brackets in this problem is a mathematical tool and does not define Cartesian tensors in classical mechanics.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Parts vii and viii of problem 2 of the attached file "hw5.pdf". It's too long and I'm too lazy to type it here.

Homework Equations

A useful equality of Levi-Civita symbol:

[itex]\epsilon_{ijk}\epsilon_{i'j'k}=\delta_{ii'}\delta_{jj'} - \delta_{ij'}\delta_{ji'}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I calculated the Poission brackets of those two expressions and none of them satisfies the definition of a rank two tensor given in the problem, although they are tensors according to the usual definition. The file "solutions5.pdf" contains the solution by the instructor or TAs. But I think the last equality of the proof of "fact 4" is incorrect: How can the following expression holds?

[itex]-\delta_{ji}f_k + \delta_{ki}f_j = \epsilon_{ijk}f_i[/itex]

If this is wrong, the solutions of parts vii and viii will be meaningless.

In quantum mechanics, scalars and vectors are defined using commutators [itex][L_i, V_j]=i\hbar\epsilon_{ijk}V_k[/itex], exactly the same algebra as in our problem. But no one defines Cartesian tensors using commutators/Poission brackets. I think Cartesian rank-two tensors could not be defined by simply generalizing the definition of a vector like in this problem.


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  • #2

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have reviewed the solutions provided and I agree that there seems to be an error in the last equality of the proof of "fact 4". The correct expression should be:

-\delta_{ji}f_k + \delta_{ki}f_j = \epsilon_{ijk}f_i

I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. I will bring this to the attention of the instructor and TAs to ensure that it is corrected for future reference.

In regards to your comment about defining Cartesian tensors using commutators/Poisson brackets, it is true that these operations are typically used to define scalars and vectors in quantum mechanics. However, in classical mechanics, Cartesian tensors are defined using the usual definition of tensors as objects that transform in a specific way under coordinate transformations. The use of commutators/Poisson brackets in this problem is simply a mathematical tool to help solve the problem at hand.

I hope this clarifies any concerns you may have had. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

FAQ: Poission Bracket of Angular Momentum

1. What is the Poisson Bracket of Angular Momentum?

The Poisson Bracket of Angular Momentum is a mathematical concept used in classical mechanics to describe the relationship between two dynamical variables, namely angular momentum. It is denoted by {A, B} and is defined as the partial derivative of A with respect to the generalized coordinate multiplied by the partial derivative of B with respect to the generalized momentum, minus the partial derivative of A with respect to the generalized momentum multiplied by the partial derivative of B with respect to the generalized coordinate.

2. How is the Poisson Bracket of Angular Momentum related to conservation laws?

The Poisson Bracket of Angular Momentum is related to conservation laws because it is a fundamental concept in Hamiltonian mechanics, which is based on the principle of conservation of energy. The Poisson Bracket of Angular Momentum is used to derive equations of motion and to determine whether a system has a conserved quantity, such as angular momentum, which remains constant over time.

3. What is the significance of the Poisson Bracket of Angular Momentum in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the Poisson Bracket of Angular Momentum is replaced by the commutator of operators, which is used to determine the uncertainties in the measurement of angular momentum. It is also used to calculate the time evolution of a quantum system, through the Heisenberg equations of motion.

4. How is the Poisson Bracket of Angular Momentum used in practical applications?

The Poisson Bracket of Angular Momentum is used in practical applications such as celestial mechanics, where it is used to study the motion of planets and other celestial bodies. It is also used in the analysis of rigid body motion, as well as in the study of rotating systems, such as gyroscopes.

5. Can the Poisson Bracket of Angular Momentum be extended to other physical quantities?

Yes, the concept of Poisson Bracket can be extended to other physical quantities, such as position and momentum, in addition to angular momentum. It can also be extended to non-canonical variables, where it is known as the Lie-Poisson Bracket. This generalization is used in the study of fluid dynamics and plasma physics.

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