Recent content by 635nm

  1. 6

    MS Physics Engineering or straight to PhD?

    You should be aware, that for most job openings at CERN you have to be a national of a member state. You can proberly find more information at their career center:
  2. 6

    Take the "Are You a Psychopath?" Quiz - Wisdom of Psychopaths

    22 out 33, which apperently means average :confused:
  3. 6

    Does an Orgonite Cloud Buster Really Improve Weather in Africa?

    What in the world is an ambient etheric field?
  4. 6

    Mathematics software/advanced calculators and the learning of mathematics.

    The problem with learning mathematics using software, is computers will always do what you ask, which may not always be what you want. If you don't understand the math, how can you be sure you are asking the computer the solve the right thing?
  5. 6

    Downgrade windows 8 to windows 7?

    Or even better, tell us the model of the network card in your laptop.
  6. 6

    Schools Falsifying signature in college. Consequence?

    As i said depends on the legal system where you live. I can only say how it works in denmark. Here he would be prosecuted if someone files charges against him, which would be either the univeristy or the students whose signature he falsified.
  7. 6

    Schools Falsifying signature in college. Consequence?

    Depending on the laws in your country, suspension might be the least of his troubles. Where i am from, falsifying a signature is fraud, and can be punished with prison.
  8. 6

    What to Consider When Buying a Laptop for an Engineering Student?

    to put things in perspective, i brought a new laptop this summer with an i5 (2.6 GHz) 6 Gb RAM and AMD 7600 graphics card for around 1400$. But this was in Denmark were the prices generally are around 15% higher than in America.
  9. 6

    Visible light wavelength discrepancy on the EM spectrum?

    Hi there. I'm not quite sure where you see this discrepancy. The picture you linked from wikipedia, clearly shows visible light is in the range of 0.5 μm, which is the same as 500nm.