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    Chernobyl How Will the New Chernobyl Containment Work?

    Arch impending NSC had a positive impact on the safety of "Shelter", reported the deputy director for technical "Shelter" Sergey Kondratenko. "Although the completion of construction of a new safe confinement and putting systems in design mode remains another year, thrusting Arch has affected...
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    Zaporizhya Nuclear Power Plant Issues

    difficult question. it is not in my competence. Some conclusions can get here and here if you have not forgotten the Russian language.My opinion (private, there is no...
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    Chernobyl Fate of Chernobyl's vehicle graveyard

    johnnyrevCs-137 at Chernobyl has about hit its half-life by now, if I'm not mistaken. However, Cs-137 is most dangerous due to its water solubility, and what do trees drink? ------------------------------------------------------- but dangerous strontium 90 and americium 241 easily dissolved...
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    Chernobyl Chernobyl Reactors 1-3: Fuel Removal After 2000 Shutdown

    build storage of spent nuclear fuel №2
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    Chernobyl Chernobyl Reactors 1-3: Fuel Removal After 2000 Shutdown

    Forest fire blazes in Chernobyl off-limits zone Information on radiation state of aerial environment at Chernobyl NPP site Created on 29 April 2015 At Chernobyl NPP industrial site routine monitoring of volumetric activity of 137Cs (Cesium-137) in air samples is...
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    South-Ukraine NPP: Info. on Operation, Radiological Situation
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    South-Ukraine NPP: Info. on Operation, Radiological Situation

    that's right. however, I want to warn the Russian slander in the future. :)
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    South-Ukraine NPP: Info. on Operation, Radiological Situation

    CEO of South-Ukrainian NPP gave the details on the fire station: the victims and the victims at the time of the message, the number of dead and injured is not. To extinguish the fire was drawn 16 units of special fire fighting equipment and 125 personnel of the PRNG 27 1 GPSO State in Mykolaiv...
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    South-Ukraine NPP: Info. on Operation, Radiological Situation

    INFORMATION NOTICE ON SOUTH-UKRAINE NPP OPERATION: On January 15, 2015, 22:03 Kyiv time, the South-Ukraine NPP (SU NPP) АТ-1 grid automatic transformer was tripped by the electrical protection system, with subsequent conflagration. The fire was extinguished at 23:42 Kyiv time, January 15...
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    Zaporizhya Nuclear Power Plant Issues

    it is a bit wrong. Fuel Westinghouse will (in the future) 3 units South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant , units №2,№3 Zaporizhzhya NPP unit №5 Here is a direct quote: it is the goal of diversification. TVEL as a major - but with a strong by backwater from Westinghouse...
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    Zaporizhya Nuclear Power Plant Issues

    Russians have become very common say lies We are tired of refuting. However, you are right. Information Service in our nuclear limping on both legs.:( and for his country and for foreign countries
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    Zaporizhya Nuclear Power Plant Issues

    Hello everyone. Russian lies goes beyond all limits. here's what happened. ------------------------------------- 03.12.2014 INFORMATION REGARDING DISCONNECTION OF ZAPORIZHZHYA UNIT 3 FROM THE GRID In relation to misinformation distributed by media as to disconnection of Zaporizhzhya Unit 3 the...
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    Chernobyl Chernobyl Reactors 1-3: Fuel Removal After 2000 Shutdown

    is the average budget last few years however, given the devaluation is approx 63 million dollars last year it was 91 million dollars
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    Chernobyl Chernobyl Reactors 1-3: Fuel Removal After 2000 Shutdown

    In the Chernobyl zone built storage of spent nuclear fuel "Cabinet has decided that will take another step toward energy independence. It is about building the Central repository for spent nuclear fuel. Today addressed the issue of allocation of land in the Chernobyl zone with a total area...
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    Chernobyl Chernobyl Reactors 1-3: Fuel Removal After 2000 Shutdown

    15.04.2014 Comprehensive “active” tests (commissioning stage) are in progress at Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant (LRTP) Comprehensive “active” tests (commissioning stage) are in progress at Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant (LRTP). Radioactive waste (evaporated...